Intimate Strangers

Chapter 2

Bobby finished cleaning the office. He removed the framed certificates and diplomas from the walls, stored the files, dusted the surfaces, and shampooed the rugs. It looked and smelled a lot better for his efforts.

He felt that he left a poor impression the last time he met with Anna so he dug up one of his old suits. After a few months of working out and watching his diet, he was able to fit into them again. He checked his reflection in the mirror and adjusted his tie. He approved his appearance. His hair was gray, never to be completely dark as it was just a decade ago. He sighed, time marched on.

About five minutes before she was to arrive he made his way into the office, leaving the door open for her.

Anna arrived right on time. She had a new handbag and wore a bright orange dress. "Hey, it looks really good in here. You weren't kidding about cleaning up were you?" She sat down on the sofa, recently cleaned to a light camel color.

"Hey, it's all about pleasing the customer," he replied affably.

"Well, it's nice that someone made an effort for me. I'm feeling positively ignored lately." She set down her purse and reached for her cigarettes. Bobby moved the newly purchased ashtray towards her. "My husband is away on 'business'. Monkey business most likely. "

"I'm sorry to hear it." Bobby sat in the chair opposite her. Why was this woman telling him about her private life?

"Well, it's inevitable. He's going to do what he's going to do. He's got to know that I know right? He can't be stupid enough to believe that I haven't noticed. You're a man, when you get involved with a woman, do you really just lose your mind like that?"

"Depends on the woman," Bobby said with a sly smile.

"Oh, you're a charmer. I like that. Not really what I expected. Aren't you supposed to just nod and mutter while I talk?" She waved the smoke away from her face.

"I could if you preferred, but I figured you were more in the mood for a dialog." He stood, "can I get you some coffee, tea, water?" He walked over to a table where a small fridge and coffee pot were stored. "I made fresh."

"Sure. Cream, no sugar." Her eyes followed him, "you're all dressed up."

"Wanted to look professional." He handed her the mug.

"Thanks." She said, making him wonder if it was for the suit, or the Sumatra.

"So, let's get down to business, what kind of time-frame were you thinking of?" He had a clip board with the application all set for her, he pulled it off the desk and let it sit in his lap.

"I don't know, until Michael stops being an asshole?" She shrugged, "you know, you make a nice cup of coffee."

"Years of experience. You'd like to keep it open-ended then?" He marked month-to-month on the application.

"I think that works best for me, I'll know when it's time to stop." She changed the subject, "What do you think of my new handbag?" She held it up for him to admire.

"Very nice. Prada?" Bobby wasn't all that interested in women's accessories.

"Badgley Mischka, actually. I've been on a little spree. It's not that big a deal actually, but I've been spending a lot of money lately. Do you think it's some underlying plea for attention?" She held up her high-heel, shod foot, "check out my pedicure, looks really nice in these Louboutins, don't you think?"

"You seem to put a lot of stock in designers." He observed her slender, elegant foot.

"Hard not to in New York. All the women I know do. Kind of shallow if you ask me. Sure, the things are really beautiful, but at the end of the day, Rolex or Timex, it's still the same time. Just to change it up, I bought the dress at Target."

Bobby quirked an eyebrow. "You like Target?"

"I LOVE Target. I have to go to Jersey City, but screw it; it gives me a reason to take the car out. I love driving on the expressway, especially when there's no traffic. Just open the windows and the moon-roof and let all that fresh air in, let it blow my hair all over, crank up the tunes. I forget everything if I can blast some stupid dance song. Lady Gaga fits perfectly into my rotation right now."

"Is that what it takes for you to feel free?" He regarded her differently, not the Desperate Housewife she appeared to be the previous week.

"No, I always feel free. I choose what I do, I choose how I respond, I choose how I feel. Driving is just driving. Fun." She smiled.

"So if you feel free, why…?"

"Why come see you? Everyone needs a sympathetic ear. You don't judge, you don't tell me what to do. I like that. Once a week, I come here, I talk to you, I give you some money and you don't think about me or my problems until I show up the next week. I could confide in my girlfriends or my family, but they actually care about me, and they'd want me to confront Michael, or leave him and frankly, I'm not in the mood for drama. This is much easier." She set her mug down, he noticed the lipstick imprint on it. Momentarily he wondered what her lipstick tasted like. He quickly dismissed the thought.

"So you're coming to see me?" Bobby became confused.

"Exactly," she ignored the question in his response, "I come see you, we talk for fifty minutes, I pay you, and then I go on with my life. It's perfect really."

Slowly the wheels turned: fifty minutes, weekly, pay. She thought he was Dr. Monnier. "Oh." He felt he should say something, but she was so interesting and he rather liked meeting with her to discuss her life. "If it works for you…I guess it's okay."

"Right, it works for me. I suppose there's nothing new under the sun for you, but it's refreshing for me. I get to vent, and then forget it."

"Ah." Bobby really didn't have an answer and he was struggling with the dilemma of whether or not to disabuse her of her mistake.

"At any rate, I think our time is nearly up." She handed him the money, "I'm meeting my cousin for lunch up-town. Same time next week?"

"Sure. Why not." Bobby pocketed the money.

Anna laughed, "Right, what else would you be doing?"

She let herself out. He watched her go up the short flight of stairs toward the corner to get a taxi. "Well," he said to himself, "Mrs. Rodriguez wants me to paint her foyer."