Disclaimer: I do not own POTC! I only own my OCs (Annaliese and Nikko)!

Enjoy chapter nine!

She was lost, yet everything was strangely familiar… She was alone, where was everyone? Had the sky always been that dark? This wasn't right… Something or someone was missing…

But wait, where was Nikko? Wasn't he just beside her a moment ago? She dashed through the dark, empty streets, frantically calling the goat's name. She barely even noticed how far-off her voice sounded and how it had a slight echo to it…

She turned a random corner and immediately collided into a muscular chest. Startled, she looked up into the man's face apologetically, but only recoiled in horror. It was the man from the night in Tortuga…and he held a knife in his hand…and had a familiar, maniacal look in his eyes…

She instinctively took off in the opposite direction, hysterically shouting for her beloved goat. Not far behind, she could hear the man as he chased after her. Tears of terror streamed endlessly from her eyes as she continued to run, desperate for safety…

Suddenly, she was sprawled on the ground, panting wildly. As she struggled to get back up, she saw the man rushing towards her, the knife raised.

"No! Please, no! Please! Help! Help!" she could only scream hopelessly as everything began to repeat itself from the other night.

The man ruthlessly forced her back onto the ground and mercilessly held her down with his knees once again.

"Please!" she screamed as the knife came down…

"HELP ME!" Annaliese heard her own shrill voice in a blood-curdling scream. She gasped and bolted upright, panting frenziedly. Her eyes darted around frantically before she realized it was morning and she was in the cabin on the bed.

"Bloody hell, what's wrong, luv? Are you okay?" Jack's startled, gruff voice asked, causing Annaliese to scream again in fright.

Upon seeing him, she only sighed in relief and lay back down, still trying to catch her breath. She felt Jack lie back down, as well, and snuggle close to her. The pair laid in silence for a few moments.

Annaliese let the panic of the dream fade out before rolling over and facing Jack. His face was solemn and there was definite concern in his eyes. He was only wearing his white linen shirt and his breeches. Over his shoulder, she could see his coat and waistcoat draped over the desk chair and his hat, pistol, belt, sword, and compass all sat among the other clutter on the desk.

Jack reached up, lightly stroked her hair, and coiled a curl around his finger.

"'Ad a nightmare, luv?" he asked her softly. Annaliese nodded in reply and sighed.

"Want ta tell me 'bout it?" Jack asked in a receptive tone.

"It was him…" she confessed, "that man who attacked me in Tortuga. He came at me again." Her voice broke and she paused, trying to regain her composure. "I'm scared, Jack… What if we run into him today and he recognizes me?"

Still playing with her hair, Jack looked her straight in the eye. "Don't worry, luv… It was jus' a dream. Ye're safe here…" He released the lock of hair, but reached down and grasped her hand. "And even if we do cross paths with 'im and even if he does come ta recognize ya, I'll be there to protect ya…just like the last time."

As he talked, Annaliese's fear and anxiety was completely swept away as she noticed that he kept glancing down at the neckline of her shirt, which was revealing quite a bit of cleavage, many thanks to her position on the mattress.

"Enjoying the view, captain?" she asked him with a raised eyebrow and a smirk playing at the corner of her lip.

Jack's blank expression was quickly replaced with a perky grin and she watched with glee as his face tinged slightly.

"Now then, we have a big day ahead of us! Best get to it." He hastily sat up again and started to pull his boots on.

Smiling slyly, Annaliese attempted to push herself up into a sitting position, but ended up gasping sharply in pain and collapsing back on the bed.

"Liecy, what's wrong?" Jack looked over at her anxiously.

"Nothing, I just forgot about my arm…" she sighed heavily, allowing the pain to fade out.

"That reminds me, I should take a look at said wound," Jack stood and faced her on the bed.

"Are you sure that's the only thing you want to look at, Jack?" Annaliese teased him playfully, delightfully watching as he fought back a smile and awkwardly cleared his throat.

"Lay down flat, luv," he instructed her, once again gesturing with his hands.

She obediently did so as he knelt down next to the bed. She rolled her sleeve up above the injury and offered him the injured arm, which he gently took hold of and began unwrapping the gauze around the stitched area. He quickly reached the end of it, removed it from her skin, and examined the stitched wound. It had not bled at all during the night and the swelling and redness had both decreased ever so slightly.

"Looks good," he finally remarked with a smile, "Healing well an' I don't even have ta change the gauze out yet." Annaliese returned his smile as he rewrapped the stitched wound. The moment he tied it off, there was a knock at the door. Jack got up and opened it, allowing Gibbs to bring in a tray of breakfast. The moment he entered the cabin, Nikko stood up excitedly and approached him, staring at the tray with hungry eyes.

"Mornin', Cap'n!" Gibbs greeted his captain warmly, "And good mornin' to you, lass!" he politely called to Annaliese, setting the tray on the table and laying a plate of hay on the floor for Nikko, who immediately began chomping away at it. "Will ye be joining us in Tortuga today?"

"Yes, I believe I will," she replied with a smile. Gibbs then turned to Jack.

"Cap'n, Tortuga is now on the horizon and we shall be arriving soon."

"Thank you, Mr. Gibbs, I will join you on deck shortly," Jack answered. Gibbs then left the cabin and Jack went and sat at the table.

"Ye should eat some breakfast, luv," he advised her, biting into an apple, "it'll do ya good and you'll need yer strength for today." Annaliese obediently got up off the bed and approached the table, giving Nikko a tender scratch before seating herself across from Jack. The tray in front of her was laden with fruit, biscuits, and two cups of tea. She placed a cup of tea in front of her and then proceeded to munch on a biscuit.

"Now, you and I both know that I can't just allow yer pretty little self go traipsing about Tortuga all by yer onesie…not that you'd want to after yer little adventure. Ye're to stay close to me at all times…or with Gibbs when I'm not around. As ye've unfortunately experienced, dangerous people congregate here; dangerous men who would do unspeakable things to an unescorted woman…" Annaliese swallowed nervously, remembering her nightmare, "You must stay safe, promise me you will." The grave look on his face told her that he was very serious.

"I promise I'll stay safe," she assured him before taking a sip of tea, which had a sweet and delectable taste to it. She then attempted to cross her legs, but the breeches she was wearing restricted her leg from rising above the other.

"I really wish I had a dress or a skirt to wear," she remarked, assisting her leg in getting over the other, "I'm not accustomed to these breeches at all."

"Well, we'll be sure ta remedy that today an' do a little clothes shopping," Jack replied, "Besides, I don't think my clothes look near as flatterin' on you as any other feminine attire would." Annaliese ignored his flirting and merely rolled her eyes as she ate a few green grapes.

Silence fell upon the pair and Annaliese straightened her back to realize that it was quite stiff from sleeping in the same position all night long. She got up from her seat and went to stand in the middle of the room.

"Not hungry, luv?" Jack asked, clearly confused by her actions. She did not reply, but raised her arms straight above her head and began bending backward, all the while her back popping and cracking as she neared the floor. Finally, her hands met the wood floor and she was in a perfect, bridged position.

"Bloody hell, was that yer back?" Jack asked in an astonished tone, staring at her with wide eyes.

"Yep…" Annaliese replied in a strained voice, feeling the blood rushing to her head.

"Sounded like rapid gunfire!" Jack stated. Annaliese giggled before thrusting her legs up into the air so that she was doing a handstand. Her back popped a few more times as she lowered them back down to the ground and stood up.

"Impressive, luv," he uttered as she approached the table once again, "but for a so-called Gypsy dancer, ye're quite stiff and…noisy…"

"Well, when I don't dance for a long period of time, I do tend to stiffen up," Annaliese retorted, plucking a few more grapes from the tray and eating them one by one. By this time, Nikko finished eating his hay and now stood in front of the door, patiently waiting for it to be opened. Annaliese noticed this and opened it, allowing him to venture out onto the deck.

As she walked back to the table, Jack stood abruptly, a questioning look on his face.

"I know this is a rather pointless question, as I probably already know the answer, but how are you at defending yourself?" he asked her.

"I've never really had to up until just recently," Annaliese shrugged, "But when I feel threatened, I instinctively run in the opposite direction and keep running until I'm out of the threat's reach."

"But what if you are unable to run?" Jack inquired, circling around behind her. "Suppose someone grabbed you thusly…" He suddenly wrapped his arm around her neck, holding her firmly against his body. "What would you do?"

Annaliese thought for a moment.

"You mustn't ever hesitate," Jack prompted her, "If you hesitate, you die, luv."

She then tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but to no avail.

"Now ye're jus' being alluring," he said teasingly, close to her ear.

Annaliese fought back a smirk and continued to struggle more forcefully against him, but his grip wouldn't loosen.

"As much fun as this is for me, luv, ye're unfortunately learning nothing."

"That's not true, Jack; I've learned that it's disappointingly easy to arouse you just by simple proximity," Annaliese taunted, trying to buy herself a little time to devise a plan.

"Ye're good with words, I'll give ya that," the tone of his voice immediately gave away that he was smiling, "Perhaps if ye jab me hard in the gut with one of these dainty elbows of yers, I could be persuaded to relinquish you to yer freedom…" he suggested, fondling her elbow.

"I don't want to hurt you, Jack," Annaliese confessed.

"At this point, my dear, I'm thoroughly convinced that would be an impossibility. In fact, it's probably for the best if I just lock yer delicate, shrinking violet, little feminine self in my cabin until we leave Tortuga," Jack baited.

Annaliese's eyes widened in alarm: the very thought of being contained against her will in a single room for even an hour or two was like a living hell for her. No matter how dangerous the environment, she longed for a little time to stretch her legs and walk around for a while.

"The hell you say!" she retorted, and hit him as hard as she could with her elbow. With a grunt, Jack instantly withdrew his arm from her neck and held his midsection, doubled over.

"Much…better," he groaned before straightening up. He then walked over to the trunk on the right of the desk. The hinges of the trunk gave a mighty squeal as he pried it open and started rummaging through its contents in search for something.

"Aha! There you are…" Annaliese heard him mutter to himself once obtaining the object. He then stood up and handed her a dagger, which was contained in a nice holster.

"Keep this with you, jus' in case," he told her, "Conceal it in yer boot."

"Jack, you know I don't wear shoes," Annaliese reminded him. "I'm a Gypsy, remember? I prefer being barefoot at all times."

"Luv, you've yet ta prove yer talents as a graceful Gypsy dancer," Jack declared, now putting his waistcoat on.

"Well, it'd be a lot easier to do so if I had a skirt or dress and a tambourine…" Annaliese retorted.

"Speaking of which, you never informed me of the significance of yer old tambourine," Jack stated. "Ye seemed quite disgruntled upon loosin' it yesterday."

"Well, my parents gave it to me as a birthday present the year before they passed away," she explained as she watched him attire himself with his weapons and accessories, "They knew that I was fascinated by the Gypsies and their lifestyle, so you can imagine how special it was for me. After they passed, it was the only thing I had left of them…"

"I'm sorry to hear that, luv, 'tis a shame," Jack replied, pulling his coat on. Afterward, he crossed the room to the dresser and pulled a worn, blue sash from the top drawer.

"Here," he handed her the sash. "Attach the dagger to that and wear it as a belt…and make sure to keep it out of sight on the inside of your breeches."

Annaliese obediently thread the sash through the loops on the back of the holster and then tied the sash around her waist, ensuring that the dagger was concealed inside her breeches. Meanwhile, Jack picked up his hat and put it on before striding up to the doors of the cabin.

"Shall we, darlin'?" he asked her, opening one of the doors. Annaliese only smiled in reply and followed him out of the cabin.

Thank you SO much for all of the feedback so far! You guys are fabulous and it means so much to me to receive your thoughts, comments, and even criticism!

I really hope you guys enjoyed the "fluffiness" of this chapter! And believe me, it's only going to get fluffier! ;)

TO ALL OF THOSE WHO REVIEW: I will send you a preview for the upcoming chapter (once it's available) to show you how much I appreciate it!

Thanks for reading and reviewing!