"Seeking Your warmth"
by Miyo-chan02

I do not own D Gray-Man. Though I own this fanfiction account :3

All this time, she thought that everyone's smile is her only happiness. All this time, she thought that she was happy. But meeting him, made her want more. Meeting him made her seek for his warmth.

/Allen x Lenalee/ Alternate Universe/

Chapter II
Warmth Under the Rain

-Soon, circles of joyous laughters harmonized with the falling rain.




The Chinese girl felt weird as she felt Haruhi staring with a smile on her. She slowly glanced at her friend with a forced smile. "U-uhmm...is something wrong ...Haruhi-san..?"

The raven-haired giggled at the class president. "Really Kaichou... Sorry... I just... I just can't be not happy..!" she squealed. Squealed by means of... like a fangirl as Lenalee heard from a friend.

Lenalee's eyebrow rose. She had no idea what Haruhi was talking about. If she knew one thing. Its that, she started staring and smiling at her ever since the encounter with Lavi Bookman and... Allen Walker.

Could it be?

Yes it could be!

Lenalee took Haruhi's hands and held onto them tightly, with her violet eyes burning. "Haruhi-san!"

"Y-yes?" a hint of confusion on her tone.

"I'm telling you... Lavi isn't as innocent as you think he is. If you are interested in him, I'm telling you. Please be careful." a bit emphasis on the last word.

Soon after that, their room was filled with more of Haruhi's giggles.


"Oi. Really. Stop giving me that look." Lavi semi-laughed as he slouched on his seat infront of Allen in the cafeteria.

"You said they served dangos today." came the reply of his kouhai, starving for a bite of his favorite dish.

Lavi smiled. "Heh. Are you sure that's what your mad for?"

Allen straightened on his seat and faced his sempai. "Where are you getting at?"

"Well... what do you think of Lenalee-kaichou? Do I smell a teenage infatuation?" Lavi mocked, letting his palm support his chin and his eyebrows wiggle.

Upon the mention of her name, the white-haired's eyes twitched. "Really. Don't you mix Lenalee-san with your impure thoughts." he said, with his so-called gentlemanliness kicking in.

His response just added another curve to Lavi's lips. "-san? I'm quite sure kaichou wouldn't like that. I suggest you call her Lenalee-chan. Or Lenalee. That's one step closer to being her boyfriend."

"Whatever your thinking, I wish to be in no part of it." Allen said and stood from his seat, dragging his feet back to his classroom.

Before Lavi could do the same, he swore. Allen Walker's face was slightly flushed.


The school bell rang signing the classes off.

"See yah tomorrow Kaichou!" waved her other classmates as they exited the room. Lenalee waved back at them.

"Mou... where is it?" the class president heard her seatmate complain.

"Something wrong?" she approached.

"Anou... kaichou...did you by any chance see an umbrella colored white with small blue spots on it? I can't find it here in my bag." came Haruhi's worried tone.

Lenalee shook her head. "Uhmm...Are you sure you brought it here to school?"

"Yes. Mom gave it to me this morning. Oh gosh... and rain is starting too. Fate's so cruel!"

The Chinese reached out to her bag to get her own. "Here. You can use mine." she extended her hand, handing a neatly folded umbrella, decorated with red-colored flowers.

Haruhi looked back with a forced smile. "But my house is way too far from yours. We can't walk together."

Lenalee flashed her a smile. "Don't worry. I can take care of myself. My house is just around the corner remember?"

"But... kaichou...!"

"Now now. Run along. The rain may be a downpour."

"Th-thank you very much Kaichou! I'll pay you back! Promise!" she bowed and left the campus with Lenalee waving to her with a smile.

There was one single word that left his mouth. "Crap." And this was the second time he had said it.

He stood right by the building, as he watched the heavy downpour. Thanks to Lavi's "Let me borrow your umbrella" plus awesome stealing tactics, the poor fifteen-year old was left without his umbrella on a rainy day.

Allen sighed as he sat on the ground letting his head lean on the walls. "Great. Just great." He closed his eyes, letting the sound of the rain flood his ears.

The day was normal. Nothing much happened. But there was something different he couldn't explain. "Nice to meet you as well..." His eyes snapped open upon remembering that one statement. That one statement from Lenalee - a girl he met earlier.

He sighed and slouched down. "W-weird... I just thought I heard-"

"Is that you Allen-kun?"

Violet eyes met his grey ones.


Both of them were seated on the ground, waiting for the rain to stop. He in a casual 'Indian Seat'and she in a traditional 'Japanese seat', her bottom touching the back of her legs. "Did you forget your umbrella?" the girl started.

"Uhmm.. Not really. You could say Lavi borrowed it. How about you?" Allen turned to her, wishing to change the topic before he can't stop himself from killing Lavi.

"I lent it to a friend."

"I see."

Allen stayed frozen. What was he supposed to say? Should he narrate his side? Or should he sympathize? Silence has fallen upon both of them. "Uhmm.. Sorry.." and Lenalee broke it.

"Hmm?" Allen looked at the girl, wondering at the reason of her apology.

Lenalee straightened her gaze, watching each rain drop. "Well... I wasn't able to thank you properly a while ago..." she admitted. She was too preoccupied by her thoughts about him, unable to utter a word.

"It's alright Lenalee-san." once again he showed her his smile.

There it was again. She was staring at him as he laced his fingers around his bag strap and stared into space. She barely knew him. But... what was this feeling?

"Oi Allen! Here's yo-" both of them looked at the gates upon hearing a familiar red-head. "Ooh.. The moyashi's together with Lenalee-chan!" he said with a cheeky smile.

"Lavi!" Allen stood from his sitting position and ran to Lavi, ignoring the raindrops that hit him.

"Maybe I'll return this later... or tomorrow...yeah.. definitely tomorrow! Bye!" his statement was soon followed by a laugh as Lavi quickened on his foot steps.

"Hey! Give me ba-"

"A-allen-kun!" Lenalee covered her eyes as Allen found himself stumbling on the muddy ground.


"This is so embarrassing..." The white-haired thought as Lenalee helped him go back to the school's front. Tripping infront of a girl while chasing somebody? Ugh.

He once again sat on the ground, letting out a sigh. "Sorry. You got soaked too."

"No worries. The rain barely touched me anyway. Here." He glanced at his right side, seeing Lenalee lending him a blue handkerchief.

He waved his hands in front of him. "N-no its okay! Thank yo-"

Allen was cut off by the young woman kneeling beside him and wiping his face and hair with her handkerchief. "Let me. This is the least I could do for earlier." she was smiling at him as his agaped mouth curved up.

The sound of the rain continued enveloping both of them. And it was a moment of silence that they had enjoyed. Lenalee soon giggled as he gave the young man a good look.


Lenalee didn't want to be rude. But she couldn't help herself to think that the said man looked like a mop soaked with mud.

Soon, circles of joyous laughters harmonized with the falling rain. Both of them were laughing. Enjoying each other's company and presence.

"Done. Your hair's dry now." her smile became visible once again.


Lenalee sat back on the ground beside Allen. "You know... It's quite odd."

"What is?" Allen asked, glancing at his side.

"We've been... in the same school for two years and... I've never seen you here. But now... it's as if I knew you all this time..." her last phrase came out trailing off but enough for him to hear.

The white-haired glanced at her.

Deep inside him, he agreed to her more than any other. Just like she said. Two years. He just met her earlier this day. And it was on an unexpected circumstance. Not to mention, he felt as if he could tell her anything and she could tell him anything.

As Allen looked away, Lenalee took the time to look at him carefully and examine his features. She allowed her eyes to roam around him.

His hair reminded her of the snow. And its finely white strands fell just by the nape of his neck. He had a fine complexion and a red scar engraved itself right by his left eye all the way to his cheek. A glove covered his left hand while his right remained exposed.

How come she had never noticed them before?

"Will it be odd if I feel the same way too?" his voice rang on her.

"No it wouldn't." She smiled. "Let me start again. Nice to meet you I'm Lenalee Lee." she extended her hand out for a shake.

"Allen Walker. It's a pleasure to meet you Lenalee-san." He accepted.

Lenalee looked at him. "You can drop the -san off really."

"-san? I'm quite sure kaichou wouldn't like that. I suggest you call her Lenalee-chan. Or Lenalee. That's one step closer to being her boyfriend." Lavi's earlier teasing came back to him. Who knew some of Lavi's words have sense in them? That's what he thought.

"L-lenalee.." he almost choked at his own voice.

She stared at him as his silver eyes continued to roam around nothing in particular. He didn't know where to look exactly. Whether to continue gazing at the rain or to look at her.

He looked away in a flash, his face steaming up. Choosing the second option, made him regretful. He couldn't take it.

And so they stayed there, wondering how many droplets will still fall.


"Really you little girl. I gave this umbrella to you this morning and you left it on the table."

Haruhi forced a smile. "Ooops..."

Author's Notes

Woot~! Summer vacation is around the corner so I updated :"3

too bad I didn't really write much about Allen being a delinquent in this chap lol. but I do think a moment under the rain is really kawaii *w* I just had to write it down!

I'd like to thank the people who reviewed on chapter 1 : liliac gurl, Innocent's Sorrow, Gray Note, AnonymouseShadowReader1, EdwardElricAllenWalker, and andres15

Alrighty, I hope to see reviews for this chap too ^^ Criticisms are very appreciated. and I do think my writing became rusty x-x so I extremely need comments. Thanks in advance ^^
