Ginny stared critically into the bathroom mirror and fixed an imaginary stray hair. She noticed with a frown that there was a small pimple forming along her jawline and ran her fingers through her hair with love-induced stress. She had waited so long for Harry to notice her and finally it was like he has realized she was a girl, not just Ron's younger sister. But of course he still had some anxiety over her being Ron's sister or else this meeting wouldn't have to be so secret.

Ginny pondered these thoughts as she made her way back to her dormitory to change into a pair of dark-washed jeans and a green tank top that was perhaps a bit too chilly for the nighttime. "Where are you off to?" Hermoine asked curiously as she laid strewn across her bed with books open.

"Just a walk." Ginny said as she slipped into a brown jacket and a pair of flats her parents had finally caved into buying for her this summer.

"Looks like more then just a walk" Hermoine said with a grin as she sat up, her books still wide open though her attention had focused on Ginny.

"What are you reading anyways?" Ginny asked in a fruitless attempt to redirect the conversation. "Classes haven't even started."

"I like to read ahead." Hermoine said simply, dismissing the pages with a wave of her hand. "Are you going out with Seamus again?" She asked nosily, something Hermoine wasn't known for. "I thought things ended badly last year."

"Yeah, its Seamus I'm meeting tonight." Ginny lied and her tongue suddenly started rattling off more lies to cover the real reason she was leaving tonight. "I just didn't thing we could handle the whole long distance thing but now that we're back together in school. I don't know." And she didn't. Ginny had no idea how she was going to weave lies like this to hide her relationship with Harry. Hopefully he'd get over the secret thing soon even if it was fun to have him all too herself.

"Good luck." Hermoine said, unswayed by Ginny's lies and turning back to her books for the night.

"Thanks." Ginny nodded before slipping out the door and through the nearly empty hallways of Hogwarts. With a quick pace it wasn't long before Ginny was darting across the lawn with her heart thumping in her ears.

Ginny finally reached the greenhouse and found with disappointment that she was alone at the meeting place. Was she on the wrong side of the building? As she carefully tiptoed towards the other side of the greenhouse, Ginny felt vine fingers curl around her ankles causing her to squeal before sealing her lips together, her eyes wide in panic

"Oh not now." She begged quietly to the plant as she maneuvered her wand from its place at her waist. A very unladylike curse escaped Ginny's mouth as she realized she hadn't the slightest idea what plant this was let alone the spell to wither it. "Please stop." Ginny begged foolishly at the plant, waving her useless wand in her hand.

"Wh-whose th-th-there?" Came a shaky voice from behind a nearby shrub. Ginny jumped backwards from the sound though the continuously tight vine held fast causing her to stumble onto her bottom just as Neville's form walked forward, wand at the ready. "Ginny?" He asked, his guard falling as he noticed the vine plant working its way up his friend's leg. "Hold still." He said and was answered with a nod from a still shocked Ginny. "Plumeima." He said with his wand pointed at the

"Neville, thank you!" Ginny smiled happily as she stood, a bit shakily, to her feet and wrapped her arms around Neville's shoulders.

"You're welcome." Neville said as a red blush worked its way across his face. "What are you doing out here this late anyways?" Neville asked as Ginny pulled back and tucked her wand away.

"I could ask you the same thing." Ginny said with a smile, not wanting to give her reasons for being here. Who knew how many lies a girl could tell before she cracked.

"I-I uhm, just like herbology. I come down here sometimes to see the plants." Neville admitted with an even brighter blush then before.

"I think you'd make a great herbologist but I have to go, Neville. Its dangerous down here." She teased.

"Do you want to walk back to Gryffindor together?" Neville offered, his face lighting up just a bit.

"Oh, no." Ginny said too quickly, Neville's face falling at the rejection. "I just, I have somewhere to go real quick but I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast." Ginny said lamely before spinning around and hurrying off in the opposite direction, leaving a very confused Neville behind her.

Carefully avoiding anymore vine plants, Ginny made her way to the other side of the building where she saw a hunched over form checking their watch. "Harry?" Ginny asked, the figured head snapping up so Ginny could make out the lightning shaped scar on his forehead. "Hey." Ginny said shyly as she walked closer to Harry, their arms finding their way around each others' waists.

"What took so long?" Harry asked as they pulled their lips away from each other though their arms remained entwined. "You're 20 minutes late."

"I'm sorry." Ginny smiled. "I had a run-in with one of the plants on the other side. Neville helped me out though." She explained before reaching up for another kiss though Harry's lips carefully dodged her own. "What?" She questioned as she pulled away again.

"Neville's out here?" Harry asked as he dropped his hands from her waist and gazed around.

"Harry are you serious?" Ginny asked, her voice rising as she folded her arms over her chest. "So what? He's probably gone by now."

"And what if he's not?" Harry countered though his voice remained calm. "Is this how you want Ron to find out? Through Neville?" He asked his red-haired girlfriend.

"No but I would like him to find out at some point. Not just fool around in gardens at night." Ginny said firmly to which Harry stepped forward to put his arms on her waist again though her figure didn't relax.

"Ginny I didn't invite you here to fight. I like being with you and if you want to tell Ron what's going on between us we will." Harry said as Ginny's shoulders relaxed.

"In a week, right?" Ginny said with an eye-roll, trying to keep up her tough demeanor tough all her body wanted to do was sink back into Harry's arms and kiss him for the rest of the night.

"If you want to do it sooner we can." Harry compromised with a smile as he gave her forehead a quick brush of his lips. "We can tell him right now if you want."

"No, not tonight." Ginny said as she finally cracked a smile, putting her arms back around him. "I have better plans for tonight." She said as she reached up to kiss him. The two settled onto the nearby bench, Harry pulling Ginny onto his lap, her legs dangling over the other side of the bench as his tongue found its way into her mouth.

With fingers curled in his messy, black hair, Ginny pushed her body closer to Harry's as the moon rose higher and higher into the sky, making room for the coming sun.