Paybacks a Bitch

Rachel and Finn walked into Glee a little late, Finn's eyes darted towards Jesse sitting on a seat in the back of the classroom. Finn and Rachel sitting in the front row, overhearing the gleeks talking about them finally being together making Finn smile knowing Jesse would also be hearing it.

"Good Afternoon guys" Will said walking into the room late as usual.
"Morning Mr. Shue" All the kids said at different time and out of tune, but still.
"Alright so, first up I think we should..." Will started "Mr Shue may I?" Jesse said standing up slightly; Will nodded softly and allowed him to sing a song.

"This song is for Rachel" Jesse said looking towards Rachel, Finn's eyes were like arrows darting into him.

The stars lean down to kiss you And I lie awake and miss you Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere

'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly But I'll miss your arms around me I'd send a postcard to you, dear 'Cause I wish you were here

I'll watch the night turn light-blue But it's not the same without you Because it takes two to whisper quietly

The silence isn't so bad 'Til I look at my hands and feel sad 'Cause the spaces between my fingers Are right where yours fit perfectly

I'll find repose in new ways Though I haven't slept in two days 'Cause cold nostalgia Chills me to the bone

But drenched in vanilla twilight I'll sit on the front porch all night Waist-deep in thought because When I think of you I don't feel so alone

I don't feel so alone, I don't feel so alone

As many times as I blink I'll think of you tonight I'll think of you tonight

When violet eyes get brighter And heavy wings grow lighter I'll taste the sky and feel alive again

And I'll forget the world that I knew But I swear I won't forget you Oh, if my voice could reach Back through the past I'd whisper in your ear Oh darling, I wish you were here

"Rachel I know I made mistakes, but so have you and all I m looking for is forgiveness" Jesse said showing all emotion, stepping closer to Rachel.
"No" was all Rachel said before storming out of the room, everyone watching including a Jealous, angry Finn, who soon followed her.

"Rach" Finn said walking into the girl s bathroom.
"I m sorry" Rachel said crying, sitting on the bench in the bathroom.
"Don't be sorry, it wasn't your fault" Finn said sitting next to her on the sinks

"I m still sorry" Rachel said wiping her eyes

Without anything further Finn pulled Rachel up and onto his lap hugging her tightly kissing her softly on the head.

"It s not your fault and you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for, Babe I love you and I know you re a strong girl. You re going to walk into that room with your head held high and you re going to sing like you always do right?" Finn finished making Rachel smile slightly.

"Right" Rachel said smiling and kissing her loving boyfriend softly on the lips

"Good, because I think I sat on some water and really if you wanted to stay in here for another hour or so it wouldn't bother me.." Finn said chuckling

Rachel just laughed with him, and they stood up after Rachel telling Finn over and over again that you couldn't see anything they headed back to Glee.

"Sorry everyone" Rachel said walking into the room and re-taking her seat next to Finn who was glad Rachel was smiling again.
"Alright back to what I was saying.." Mr Shue started

"Actually Mr. Shue I wanted to perform something, and I already asked you about it before Glee and you said it was alright" Finn explained.
"Right, Go ahead Finn" Mr Shue finished.

'These kids never let me finish what I m going to talk about' Mr Shue thought to himself.

Finn braced himself in front of everyone and began singing

'Paybacks a Bitch Jesse' He thought to him after listening to the music, waiting for his cue.

She steps to the groove her body in tune She stops the whole room she got to everybody The red of her lips so hard to resist The curve to her hips I gotta tell somebody

I'm helplessly falling into your eyes like whoa I'm hopelessly in love for the first time like whoa Gotta make ya my baby wanna make ya my baby Gotta make ya my baby wanna make ya my baby Gotta make ya my baby wanna make ya my baby Gotta make ya my baby My baby

She throws me a sign a wink and a smile I stopped on a dime could she be lookin' at me With nothin' to prove she's makin' a move And as she walked through leaned in to tell me somethin'

I'm helplessly falling into your eyes like whoa I'm hopelessly in love for the first time like whoa Gotta make ya my baby wanna make ya my baby Gotta make ya my baby wanna make ya my baby Gotta make ya my baby wanna make ya my baby Gotta make ya my baby wanna make ya my baby

She took my hand and led me 'cross the dance floor Everybody's watchin' like oh no The kinda girl you could only ever pray for All the cameras flashin' like oh no no no no And as we left together She whispered somethin' soft and sweet so right She said I'd love to love you all through the night

I'm helplessly falling into your eyes like whoa I'm hopelessly in love for the first time like whoa Gotta make ya my baby wanna make ya my baby Gotta make ya my baby wanna make ya my baby Gotta make ya my baby wanna make ya my baby Gotta make ya my baby wanna make ya my baby Gotta make ya my baby wanna make ya my baby Gotta make ya my baby wanna make ya my baby Gotta make ya my baby wanna make ya my baby Gotta make ya my baby My baby

The whole time looking at Rachel whose face lit up during the whole song, smiling brightly. Rachel smiled as the music finished running up to Finn and kissing and hugging him tightly.

"I love you" Rachel whispered to him softly "I love you too" Finn said softly smiling.

And there you have it. Rachel chose Finn over Jesse, Finn and Puck changed the locks on Rachel s entire house just in case. The gleeks never made fun of Rachel again after they all got to know her fun side, The Glee Girls all preformed songs to Britney Spears after the week for Love as some..Aka Kurt...called it. Finn sung duets with her every now and then, but mostly sung solo's to/for her. Rachel never thought she could be this happy ever.

The End For now.

I hope you enjoyed the last chapter of this story. I m sorry for any Spelling errors, Punctuation etc...
I wasn't sure if ending this story here was a good idea or not.
But I sort of ran out of idea's for this story, might make a sequel To this story featuring Rachel and Finn in the Future
But not for a little while, so keep an eye out ;)

Disclaimer: I don't Own Glee, Ryan Murphy Does! Otherwise Finn would be mine ;)

I m very proud of the Finchel Date Chapter in this story 3 Thank you to everyone Who was reading/is reading this story. And all the reviews just thank you sooo much!