Frog Prince Chapter 31: Conversation with Blood and Fists

There was little left of the library or the adjacent garden within a matter of minutes. The Inu no Taisho seemed to be baiting the pissed off hanyou. Evading blows at the last moment, issuing comments on form and technique, and insulting the boy's pride with light taps or pokes when he decided to show him where the weaknesses in his defenses were.

Takeo had seen the group that followed his youngest son take in the situation as InuYasha launched himself at the seasoned warrior with looks of worried exasperation, but then they looked at each other, nodded and turned away – it was InuYasha's fight and they would let him have it. Instead they turned to keep others away from the fight. The Inu no Taisho had demanded that the guards that rushed into the room stay back but tension was too high, in-fighting too recent, an enemy army too near – add to that the leader of the enemy force starting a fight inside their territory and it was no surprise that they were jumping the gun… sword. So InuYasha's group was busy making sure that the peanut gallery was entertained, with mouths working desperately to waylay the interference but with the more than the occasional physical reminder to listen up.

For the first minute InuYasha was attacking with passion, just slashing out in anger. He grunted and screamed and yelled, but nothing of consequence, just noises to express the same rage his fists and claws seemed unable to convey (no contact seemed to negate the message he was trying to send the apparition). He listened to the taunts and his attacks grew more wild, he drew more of himself out in the battle. He had left Tetsuaiga behind on purpose, wanting to fight this ghost all by himself, and he felt the tickle in his soul as he accessed more and more youki without success, it was a challenge just to stand. He hadn't touched the old dog and he was already starting to feel the minor damage building up, not that the arrogant apparition had deigned to hurt him but hurling oneself about leads to a fair share of accidental collisions with inanimate (and very frequently hard) objects.

To those who live by the sword, a battle is like a deep conversation. The fighting, the swings, faints, evasions and few words translated to whole dialogue to the old and the old dog alike. The first few minutes where introductions, but now that they had the feel for the other they could get down to the nitty gritty.

"Shut the hell up, old man. I got my style and it's kept me alive."

Takeo heard his son refuse to acknowledge him. He heard him accuse him of abandoning him, of leaving him unprotected in a world that hated him just for what he was. He heard the ache of loneliness and isolation of being a taboo outcast. He heard his son's pride and what it had cost him earn and keep it. He saw his son's desperation to prove that he did not need a father. He saw the fear of rejection and desperation to protect the life the dog-eared boy had carved out for himself.

"Silly pup, you got more than just your fangs from your father." He evaded the blows and stepped into the room that was on the far side of the garden that had just gotten a new entrance in what had been a wall thanks to InuYahsa's mid-range youki-claw attack. InuYasha followed, jumping over the splintered remains of the lacquered bridge.

He said that the boy was being young and naïve, denying the truth they both knew. He had left what he could, his fang was only a part of it, if the most obvious. He had left the boy strength - of genes and personality. He acknowledged his son's life, his struggle, his achievements. He said that he would have given more if there had been more that he could have given. But he refused to apologize for his life, or his death. He carefully sidestepped calling the boy his son, letting him know that he wouldn't force the issue but he was asking him to accept the opportunity that they had.

"Keh! Like hell, bastard, I'm my own strength now. Not you. Never that asshole! Not the old geezers. Nonna ya damn high 'n mighty lot did squat for me. Nobody… I got my own pack now. I don't need your sh-" InuYahsa charged the tall figure who gracefully, and quite forcefully, redirected the red clad missile using his attacker's momentum to send him flying into, and through, the wall of the room they had just entered via the garden, which seemed to be some kind of office.

InuYasha said that he had more than made up for whatever boost Tetsusaiga (in its original state) had given him. He accused Takeo of leaving him with a brother who hated him and who only ever screwed him over. He scoffed at the 'retainers' that were supposed to be of some help. He told a million tales of abuse, torment and suffering at the hands of his father's people. He whispered of the rejection of his mother's people who, not being capable of the same physical abuse, more than made up for it with even longer term emotional damage. He declared himself separate and complete without either group. He had found his own place in the mix of in-between being that he had met and who stood by him now. He told stories of their adventures and hard-won trusts and friendships. He spoke volumes of each of their characters, loyalties, and abilities. He denied his heart that wanted desperately to be accepted by the people that had continually rejected him for something he had no control over, something that was his (Takeo's) fault.

"I can see that, but you are still a pup in need of a father's strong hand." He stalked after the figure that was retreating down the hall he had been thrown into, trying to get some space to maneuver. There were soldiers at both ends of the hall in moments, spears, swords and bows all drawn. InuYasha made a quick dash through a screen wall, shoulder first, rolling as he hit the ground and coming up in what seemed to be a show room for ancient weapons and armor. The Inu no Taisho let out a deafening roar along with a massive billow of youki and grinned a malicious little grin while cracking his knuckles as he stepped through the hole. "Why are pups always like this?"

He told his son that he did see his point but that he was still so green he was an embarrassment. He told his son that while he had suffered he still didn't get crap about the way the world worked. He said the age-old line, 'this is going to hurt me more than it does you', with the addition of 'but you aren't likely to be walking away without a world of hurt, too, you cocky little SOB'. He expressed his own frustrations over not being there for his son, and his anger at the world for having so mistreated him, his determination to see that this opportunity was used to do what he could for him – which seemed to translate loosely to beating the living crap out of him. He denied the intruders the right to attack his prey – this was his son, his hunt, his style of tough love. He was punishing and protecting his pup at the same time. He had done it before and he would do it again, and a little part of him enjoyed it because: it was part of the responsibility of being a father (and this was the one opportunity he would probably ever have to do anything for, or be anything real to, this son), it showed the similarities in his boys, whom he wanted desperately to connect, and it was fun to have someone challenging because they were so few and far between for bloodlines like his.

"Freaking psycho." InuYasha scanned the room and tipped over a row or armor as he went to duck out the doorway on the far side, shaking his head.

He refused to give in. And the psycho comment was for both his father and his brother. He refused the help of his ancestors, still relying only on his own strength. He accused and acknowledged that his father enjoyed beating his children, and said that he knew it was the inu-youkai way – brutal and effective if nothing else. He said no one, Sesshomaru or him, would stand around and enjoy this father-son bonding process. He wasn't running, he was just making a strategic retreat. He was jealous that Sesshomaru had had the opportunity to have their father as a real father, to teach him all the lessons and give him this psychotic lesson. He didn't want to say it (but he did very subtly), but he felt good knowing that Sesshomaru had done this, too, that it was normal and his father was doing it with him now. He secretly felt great joy at being like his brother and hoped that someday he could be as strong – no stronger – than him, so that he could be the one running away with a whole in his gut. He said clearly, but under his breath that He did feel bad the whole arm thing, but he would not regret protecting his friend. He'd do it in a heartbeat – to anyone who tried to kill his Kagome.

"Yeah." Takeo put on a burst of youki-enhanced speed and was behind the boy, grabbing him by the collar and throwing him through the solid wall and into far wall in the next room before he could run too far. He picked up a bo staff from the wall, one of his great-grand sire's favorites, and walked causally towards the crumpled figure, sending wave after wave of youki to press down on his target. As the pup was just about on his feet he twirled the staff and brought it up under his chin, barely a love tap for a youkai, but it snapped his head back and sent a stream of blood down his neck and chest, oozing from a split in his chin. With another twirl the imposing dai brought the staff down across his back, hearing a tiny crack of a rib breaking with his hypersensitive ears. He took a step back and twirled the staff lazily as he looked around.

He told his son what his problem was: no respect. He needed to respect his father, his heritage and the help that others offered. He needed to stop and listen to those who were older and wiser had to say, doing otherwise would end up being quite painful. He made it very clear that he was much bigger and badder than the pup could dream of. The pup wasn't a threat and he was offering a cease fire in favor of talking it out.

"Grrr!" InuYasha growled and launched himself at the figure. The figure dodged, several times, and the growling became louder and InuYasha's eyes began to bleed red and stripes began to fill in on his cheeks.

Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never!

Suddenly their conversation/fight was interrupted. A fire cat, which was vaguely familiar to Takeo appeared with the female slayer riding it. She got off the cat and took one look at her alpha and a grim look settled on her face. "InuYasha, we've got some problems. We need you to pull it together."

When she got a growl in response she turned to the Inu no Taisho and began addressing him. "Sir, I am sorry to interrupt. Could you-"

Takeo's beast growled in warning before Takeo's mind could register the problem. Thankfully his instincts were on the ball even if he was being distracted by his son's dozen decades worth of emotional baggage. What his beast knew was that in the current agitated state, with his having called on more youki than most hanyous even have just to be able to stand under the pressure of the Great Dog General's oppressive youki, and thus more of his inner bestial nature, his instincts would flare at a female from his pack turning her back on him and going to his enemy and begging for something, anything – it was bad.

Thankfully InuYasha did not seem to be the type of alpha that would let his temper out by reprimanding the errant packmember, rather he was the one that seemed to feel the need to prove himself better than the one she had turned to. Now there's probably a lot of psychology that could be read into that ~ Takeo thought sardonically to himself.

The blows started to come faster and faster as more red began to color InuYahsa's eye and the pupils, event he irises, seemed to dilate and change colors and bursts of angry youki pulsed from his body. Takeo was being forced to use more youki and cause more damage, serious damage, as InuYasha seemed to be losing it.

With one particularly devastating blow that left InuYasha left arm dangling loosely from the shoulder socket and kinked at a weird angle just above the wrist he seemed to pause to take in his surroundings, which had by this time changed a great deal.

Takeo, too, was taking in the scenery. They were now standing in the large, open area by the gates where guests were usually greeted. There was rubble everywhere and the air was smell smokey from a fire that had been started in one of the rooms accidently as they fought, though how it happened Takeo couldn't quite remember clearly. If he could kill, or even fight full-out, it would have been a simple enough task; but holding back, trying not to hurt his son too badly, to keep it within the realm of a family squabble and not a for-real battle – that took a whole lot more concentration. Then the details of the scene around him started to sink in. There were beings all around them – youkai, human and in-between – and they all looked pissed and ready to kill each other.

Takeo shifted slightly to look at the gate of the castle – Takeo had destroyed it with his own personal energy attack (Sesshomaru had his whip, InuYasha used the image of slashing claws, Takeo used spiked chain – there's probably some weird psychology there, too, if one were to stop and examine it), he was trying to remember if they had ever crossed out and then back into the compound when he realized that it didn't matter – what mattered was that the enemy army had decided a fallen gate meant they could wander into the castle. However, they were not attacking because of the slayer and monk who had already been in the castle were working desperately to calm everyone down. The younger monk, Miroku, seemed to be focusing on the group of wolves and bats that seemed very antsy to get to the good stuff, and the slayer focused on the human and collected hanyou.

The tension was high and the pause in their own battle seemed to draw most everyone's attention, even the slayer and monk quieted. Someone on the Western side decided it was a good opportunity to try a sneak attack. One of the younger wolves that had snuck close to the enemies in anticipation of the fight suddenly was gushing blood from a nearly severed arm.

Instantly InuYasha was by the fallen youkai and then diving into the midst of the Western soldiers. The attack had been a beautiful; quick, effective and covert; the perfect thing to light the powder keg of a situation if given a second to settle - but InuYasha apparently felt very protective of his allies and had traced the scent of the offender and dealt a quick death before most registered that there had been one attack, little own a counterattack.

But the now deceased opportunity-grabber's companions did not take kindly to his untimely demise, or the marauding hanyou that still held pulp that was once the youkai's heart in his hand. Suddenly there was fighting everywhere and Takeo had to rush in to save his son from terrible odds. He was in the thick of at least 20 soldiers all intent on killing him, and while in the two seconds they had been attacking he'd managed to not die it probably wouldn't last another two.

Things had digressed once again to a worse-case scenario.

Then salvation came in the form of a tsunami of youki – Sesshomaru's youki – that flowed over the entire compound, forcing most youkai to their knees, sweat popping out on their foreheads as they fought to maintain consciousness, and the spiritually blessed humans to the ground, clutching their heads with tears running down their faces. It was not just the impressive youki of an truly infuriated daiyoukai, it was also the magic and power of the Lord of the West within his own stronghold. Ancient magic magnified the sheer awesomeness that was Sesshomaru.

"Cease." The only one not already complying was the far-gone hanyou and those he was engaged with. He appeared, pulsing and glowing with visible power shimmering off of him high in the sky on one of the wild dragons, with the fearsome matriarch at his back. "Father."

With all the pain of a parent forced to take extreme action with their child for that child's own good, Takeo used all of his power to knock out his son. It was almost instantaneous, he was the Inu no Taisho after all. But Takeo knew he would regret hurting, really hurting InuYahsa. He already regretted starting the whole thing, (he wanted to bond with his son, inu-to-inu, he did not want to start a war, son-vs-son).

"Kyo, Jaken, begin repairs – fix everything."

"Yes, m'lord," the two said in unison as they descended from beside their lord on the back of Ah-Un.

"Come, Father. Bring that along as well." Takeo, who was completely capable of flying on his own, mounted the twin-headed dragon and gently cradled his profusely bleeding son in his lap and gentle coaxed the dragon into the air with just some slight pressure from his knees.

"No." Sesshomaru commanded as Miroku and Sango began to follow of the fire cat. They paused and Kyo rushed to their side and began to whisper furtively in the monk's ear – not even the closest youkai could hear the words but the monk's shoulders relaxed and he pulled the slayer into his side and laid a chaste kiss on the top of her head. She might not know what was going on but the monk's behavior sure as anything told her, and everyone who backed them, to be calm.

And with that the House of the West left their ancestral home on the back of untamable dragon mounts.


Sango looked up at Miroku who was rubbing her arm soothingly and asked in her best breathy so-as-not-to-carry whisper, "What in the world is going on?"

Miroku squeezed her arm with his hand and her body with his arm in a sideways hug. "I don't know but it's a doozy for sure…"

"Oh, you can say that again," said a strange voice from behind the couple. "I was sitting there trying to figure out who someone like me can pray to for a miracle. Seriously – if I wanted unpredictable I chose the right freaking family! I got it in spades – might as well try to shoot the moon at this point…"

"You are trouble." Kouga was suddenly there, between the humans and the strange being, more aggressively defensive than either of the humans had ever seen him. He was slowly trying to force the humans to back up away from the seemed-to-be man, throwing crackling demon energy at him and signaling for his pack to come to him.

"Most certainly; the worst kind, too. The kind that could hand you your head, and that of your entire tribe, on a silver platter if I wanted to, whelp," the strangely dressed man said, responding in kind to the hostile welcome, "but right now I want you three to play it cool, make everyone think we are all simpatico. Then we'll ditch this hotdog stand (get it hotdog) and have a nice long heart-to-heart about this whole FUBARed mess."

"Are you a friend of Kagome's, from the you-know-where? Your clothes kind look like you-know… different, nice but different and you sound just like her. (mumbled, but heard: can't understand half of that nonsense Japanese…)," Sango asked curiously over the wolf's shoulder.

He looked away from the angry wolf to the stunning young woman and smiled sweetly, his good mood restored at the sight of such beautiful human vitality (the bright, short candle and all that) and the humorous sizing-up he was getting from the monk at her side. "Let's just say that I don't even need the you-know-what to get to the you-know-where like you-know-who… whos - there are two you-kno-whos that can do you-know-what." (*wink,wink*)

"Huh?" Kouga grunted uncomprehending.

XXX Author's Note XXX

AutumnApple, thank you so much for the super positive review. It's really nice when somebody says something so nice about what I do. Thank you.

MiladyPrincess (and anyone else who is wondering) - that's what they are trying to figure out, whether they know it or not. At this point I don't know whether they are 'going to end up together' or what that might even mean. At this point I'm trying to figure out if Sesshomaru's going to be restored. I would like to think that this is a happy story with a happy ending, but I'm with the god on this one - these are completely unpredictable characters! As soon as I think I've got a good idea for a chapter and sit down to write they hijack my fingers to go and do something I wasn't expecting and have no idea how they are going to get out of. The whole Kagome's kinda-sorta dead and the Inu no Taisho isn't anymore - COMPLETE SURPRISE! InuYasha attacking his father - did NOT see that one coming. Heck, I didn't even know Sesshomaru was in this chapter until he appeared on the page - for which I am extremely grateful because I did not like where things were headed! (Although... it does make one wonder how he managed to do that all things considered...) I'm actually looking forward to each new chapter as much as you are because I don't know what will happen next.