Disclaimer: I own nothing that has any relation to the Pokemon anime and games.

This story was inspired by a heart wrenching story that I read. That story literally made me cry, and the part that effected me the most was the fact that the entire thing was real. The emotions in the story were the actual ones that the writer was experiencing. Stay strong Jedi Healer, stay strong.

A group of people stood watching as the coffin was lowered into the ground. It had traveled quickly through out the family. From father to son, to brother, to sister, and finally to Norman Maple.

The news of Dahlia Maple's death did not come as a major shock, but the fact that the eldest of the Maples was gone was still sad.

That's where the family is now, at the funeral. A sea of black, the symbol of people mourning. But in that sea of darkness, there are two small beacons of light.

One is May Maple, who wears a light pink dress. She is but six years old. Her mother had tried to make her wear the black dress that had been bought for the funeral, but May wouldn't hear it. Screaming and throwing a fit, she had refused to leave the house unless she was wearing her pink dress. Eventually, her mother had consented. What harm could it do, her mother thought.

The other beacon, a young boy who had just turned seven, was wearing light purple cotton shirt that was neatly tucked into his black dress pants. That boy was Drew Hayden.

The Maple and Hayden families had been friends for a long time and now both of them were assembled in the city cemetery.

Dahlia Maple had an influence not only on her family, but on the entire city. The citizens of the city knew her for her good advice on all kinds of matters. Marriage, financial, family, etc. She had been through it all. Although the children of the city knew her better for her amazing chocolate chip cookies.

She had been 98 when she died. The minister had started the Eulogy and now members of both families were reading the speeches, poems, and stuff that had been prepared.

The small girl broke away from her mothers hand and weaved her way in between numerous pairs of adult legs. She swerved around the legs of a heavy set man and ran into the little boy who was standing there. She hadn't seen him around the mans leg.

"Oomph! Oops sorry!" May said as she stepped backwards.

"Shh!" The heavy set man scolded them. "This is a funeral. You need to be quiet."

May stuck her tongue out at him, and Drew laughed silently behind his hand.

"Hi. I'm Drew." Drew held out his hand. May shook it vigorously.

"I'm May. It's nice to meet ya!" The man scolded her again.

"You know, you're kind of loud." Drew whispered. May smiled.

"My mom tells me that all the time. Come on let's go over there." She pointed towards the woods at the back of the cemetery. The two of them joined hands and wove their way back through the adults' legs. Running to a small stone bench by the forest line, they sat down.

"Sorry about your great-grandma." Drew said. May, who still didn't really understand death due to her being six years old, just smiled.

"It's okay! My mommy says that one day I'll be able to see her again. And then she can make me more cookies. Those were my favorite things in the whole wide world!" She said as she remembered the smell and taste of the delicious cookies.

The Hayden and Maple families had been friends, but due to Drew living in LaRousse, he and May had never met before.

"I bet they were good." Drew stared at the funeral procession. The diggers had just started to bury the coffin. A drop of water fell onto his hand. The two of them both looked at the sky.

"Rain?" They asked at the same time. This caused them to giggle.

"I love rain!" Drew said. May nodded, "Me too!" They both laughed again. Drew then turned his gaze towards May.

"We're going to be really good friends aren't we, May?" he asked.

"Yeah! I think we already are!" She said. The rain was falling steadily now, and the funeral processions were over. May heard her mother calling her name. Drew's mother was also calling him.

"There's my mom! My family's going to a fancy dinner thingy in honor of my grandma. Are you going?" She stared at him with large inquisitive eyes. Drew nodded.

"Yup! That means we can play then too!" May's mother had started walking towards them, where as Drew's had gotten involved in a conversation with someone.

"Well I got to go! See you later!" May hopped off the bench and ran towards her mother.

"Bye!" Drew called after her. He watched as May reached her mother.

May instantly started telling her mother about her new found friend. May's mother just smiled. But it was a weak smile. Drew's mother had just informed her that Mr. Hayden was needed back in LaRousse, and their time in Petalburg would be short lived. The Hayden family was moving at the end of the month, and May had just made friends with Drew. Not good, she thought.

Okay! Here's the first chapter. I don't know how long this is going to be and this first chapter was just to set the mood. Yeah the stories when May and Drew are younger and I meant for it to just happen as if they are not going to meet again when they're older, but they are. Maybe I'll write a one-shot on it or something…I don't know. Reviews are much appreciated!