*Author's Notes: Uh, yeah, it's been a looooong while. Sorry for those who were waiting or felt the need to email me. Thanks to all who did email, inquiring (not in a pushy way) what was up with the next chapter. Well, I hate, absolute hate to write fighting scenes, and I was forced to write them in this chapter. They are so damn difficult to write and I suck at writing them. Anyway, I had meant to make Chapter Thirteen the end of all the fighting and the chapter before the conclusion, but all the little talking scenes I had in between the fighting took up more pages than I excepted, so the tournament will be concluded in the next chapter. I hope the next chapter won't be so short... Who knows, but I decided to get this chapter out before Christmas. I hope no one hates my bad fighting scenes, nor is annoyed by my pattern of adding talking in between the fights. I did that whenever I kinda got stuck in the fight... Yeah, so I cheated a little--whatever! Please enjoy, at any rate! ^_^

Chapter Thirteen

Bardaku wondered if Kakarotto was merely stupid or entirely fearless. He watched the fool from afar, noting how excited he seemed to be even with full knowledge of what awaited him. It wasn't as if others around him were excited--it was a tournament, after all, and there were few true Saiyajins that weren't excited about that. Still, in Bardaku's opinion, he would much rather die from some weak disease than know he might have to be killed by the strongest Vegita of all time. He could admit to having some fear of the young prince for sure.

"Oi, Bardaku, you haven't forgotten our deal, right?"

Bardaku shifted his gaze upon his closer and older son. "Deal?"

"We made a bet about this tournament, remember?" Radditsu reminded him.

"Hmph," Bardaku said. He closed his eyes and leaned further into the wall he was against.

"What's wrong?" Radditsu said. He looked in Gokuu's direction and grinned. "You worried about Kakarotto?"


"I heard that Vegita-Ouji changed his mind about wanting to kill Kakarotto himself," Radditsu added. "Any who competes against him has full permission to kill him, if they choose to do so."

Bardaku opened one eye, glancing at Gokuu again. "Sou ka na (Is that right)?" he said. "That's surprisingly merciful of His Highness."

Radditsu laughed and held up a fist. "If he isn't killed in his first round, I'd love to be the one to cut off his head," he said. He began walking away, keeping the grin on his face. "I'm going watch Kakarotto's first fight."

Gokuu soon left the room, heading for the fighting area, and Bardaku closed his eye again. "He's up against Toma," he recalled. Since it's Toma, he thought, Radditsu might not get the chance to compete against Kakarotto...


Bulma felt like someone was squeezing her heart when she saw Gokuu get into place for his first round. She had an almost perfect view from her seat, which she knew had been Vegita's objective. She could also perfectly see Vegita seated near the fighting area. From her view he was sitting so that his back was almost completely to her, but at the angle he was seated, she didn't miss the huge grin on his face. That bothered her more than even seeing Gokuu's opponent appear; even from the distance Bulma could note the conniving character of the Prince's expression and felt something was amiss. Bulma didn't know how the situation could get worse, but she knew if it could, Vegita would know how to make it so.

Bulma took in a few good breaths and glanced at King Vegita sitting beside her. She hadn't known what to think when she was finally allowed to meet the King of the Saiyajins. Of course, knowing that this was the man that raised Vegita, Bulma had few hopes that the meeting would go smoothly. However, Bulma was surprised that King Vegita had few things in common with his son. The older Vegita was probably the first polite Saiyajin she had ever met. Bulma didn't believe his manner at first; every Saiyajin she had met regarded her with a veiled smirk or a disdainful grimace. It truly blew Bulma's mind. The Saiyajin that actually ruled over the others was actually a civil person? Eventually, after talking to King Vegita about how she didn't mind the situation she was in as long as Gokuu survived, Bulma guessed that King Vegita had picked up a skill that he never passed onto his son--diplomacy. Though she had the sense that King Vegita didn't think she was as exalted as himself and his son, she did believe that he wasn't just feigning interest in what she had to say.

Bulma blinked as King Vegita began to chuckle and looked in her direction. "My son is a crafty person, I'll give him that," he said.

"What do you mean, Your Highness?" Bulma asked. She could almost never bring herself to address Vegita properly, but she was more cautious around Vegita-Ou since she wasn't sure what would happen if she insulted the King of the Saiyajins. Besides, Bulma knew that Vegita-Ou was someone that gave orders to Vegita, meaning that he had to be powerful enough to be able to do so. Bulma doubted that Vegita would obey anyone who was weak.

"This match should answer your question," King Vegita said. I know exactly what you're up to, Ouji, he thought. Hmph, I wonder if you're being compassionate or simply trying to cause the woman more anxiety...

Bulma raised a brow and turned her attention back to the area below where she could see Gokuu smiling as if no danger were coming his way. She wasn't surprised he looked that way, but she thought for once he would think of how much hot water he was in. He could easily die by Vegita's hands and leave his family fatherless. Bulma sighed, clasping her hands together and knew he wasn't even thinking of such things. These were the times she was aware that Gokuu was truly a Saiyajin at heart.


Gokuu was grateful that his first opponent was someone he recognized. Granted that he didn't know anything about the Saiyajin, Gokuu was sure he'd learn more about him during a match than he would talking. He was eager to fight with anyone, but he preferred to fight with someone who claimed to be a friend of his father's. If anything, fighting with Toma had the potential to give Gokuu an impression of his father's own style. He had the impression that his less-than-friendly father (even by Saiyajin terms) wouldn't have friends that weren't like him in some way. Toma was smiling back at Gokuu, so at the moment Gokuu wasn't sure what the two had in common.

"Kakarotto, it's gonna be shame you're gonna have to die," Toma said. He held his sword straight in front of him and seemed to get into a prepared stance.

"Well, I have hope that Vegita won't kill me," Gokuu said. The tip of his sword remained pointed to the floor.

Toma shook his head. "I wasn't talking about Vegita-Ouji," he said.


"Obviously the Prince doesn't want to leave the job of killing you to himself anymore," Toma said. He grinned. "I don't have anything against you, but if I were the same situation, I'd rather be killed by anyone but a Vegita. Think of it as doing you a favor."

Not even Gokuu could be stupid enough to not figure out what Toma was saying. Vegita... he thought, glancing at the one he thought of, he's trying to make sure I'm killed without him having to lift a finger. That's a little strange. I thought he really wanted to kill me himself… Hmm, I wonder what he's up to. Could the reason have something to do with Bulma?

"All right, our two competitors seem ready!" the announcer said, outside of the square. "Let the next match begin!"

Gokuu thoughts ceased of Vegita when Toma charged at him and their swords met. Considering that all my opponents are probably going to try to kill me, he thought, exchanging blows with Toma, I'll have to knock the person unconscious or kill them first. Since I don't really want to have to kill anyone, I guess I'm gonna have try to knock everyone out.

"Well, so far you're not a complete embarrassment to Bardaku," Toma said, trying to force back Gokuu's blade with his own.

"Thanks, I guess," Gokuu said, having practically no trouble keeping his blade protectively in front of him. He smiled and gradually began to turn the tables on his opponent. Little by little Toma became the one being forced back. At that point Gokuu knew he could end the fight any time he chose, but he hadn't had much fun while he was in Vegita, so he wanted to enjoy himself a little. Also, the crowd was distracting him a little with their constant shouts for his defeat.

"Don't go easy on him, Toma!" someone from the audience shouted. "Take off one of his arms!"

The Saiyajins sure don't like me, Gokuu thought, chuckling.

Toma gritted his teeth and dug his feet into the floor, yet he still continued to slide along the floor. "Kuso (Shit)..." he muttered. Deciding that he wasn't going to win the pushing contest with Gokuu, he allowed Gokuu's opposing force to back him up so that the two were now standing at a more favorable distance. Toma immediately prepared himself for an following attack from Gokuu, but the other Saiyajin was simply standing across from him with the same smile from before. The older Saiyajin understood a little more why he wasn't favored by the majority of the Saiyajins, if not all of them.

"Come on, Kakarotto!" Toma said. "Let's see what you can really do!"

Gokuu blinked, scratching his head with his free hand. "Hmm..." he said, thinking whether or not he should accept Toma's offer.

"Cut that lousy excuse for a Saiyajin to pieces!" Gokuu distinctly heard from the audience.

"Show him what a real Saiyajin is like!" another said.

Gokuu sighed and made himself look more serious. "Guess it's time for me to show my Saiyajin side," he said. He smirked and held his sword in a manner that appeared he was preparing to strike.


"What made you change your mind, Vegita-sama?" Nappa said, standing next to Vegita's chair. He snorted at Gokuu's now serious stance.

"I finally had the time to think about things," Vegita said, his eyes never moving from his view of Gokuu. "That woman will be more worried when she figures out I'm not the only one allowed to kill Kakarotto. Besides, this way I won't have to lower myself to kill that insignificant nuisance and the woman still gets what she deserves."

"Heh," Nappa said. He glanced up where King Vegita and Bulma sat. "You really are out to get that woman, aren't you?"

"Even if I wasn't, I want Kakarotto dead by any means," Vegita said. He lost the grin he had. "He's crossed my path far many times during his short stay here."

"Sou ka (I see)," Nappa said, dropping his eyes back on the Prince. "Still, Vegita-sama, what about the recent attacks on Vegita? Perhaps we should have pushed back the tournament to take the time to find out who did this."

"And let our enemy think he has us scared??" Vegita said. He smiled when he saw Gokuu move speedily past Toma, stop just behind him and swung his sword at Toma's back. "No need to worry about it yet, Nappa. I know who planted those bombs; we just need to decide what our retaliation will be."

"You know??" Nappa said, his attention on Vegita, so he missed the fact that Toma just managed to block Gokuu's attack from behind.

Vegita glanced at Nappa for a second, not wanting to miss Gokuu's next move. "Don't sound so surprised, Nappa," he said. "I am capable of figuring out such matters on my own."

"Of...Of course, Vegita-sama..." Nappa said. He swallowed and took the time to think about his next choice of words while he watched Gokuu force Toma's block backwards so that the other Saiyajin fell onto his back. "Who is responsible?"

Vegita was quiet until he saw Toma get back on his feet and attempt to pay Gokuu back for what he had done. "If I tell you now, you won't be able to concentrate on the tournament," he finally said. "When all of this is over, I will hold an official meeting to discuss the matter."

"Wa...Wakatta (I...I understand)," Nappa said. He didn't have a clue who the culprit was, but from the way Vegita had said it, Nappa was sure that the person responsible wasn't anyone to sneeze at.


Toma missed Gokuu for the fourth time. "Damnit!" he said when his sword cut through nothing but air. "How the hell can you move so fast??"

"I'm not moving that fast," Gokuu said, grinning. He was backed up by the Saiyajins in the audience who kept yelling about what Toma was doing missing so many times. Gokuu rubbed the back of his head, wishing that the other Saiyajins wouldn't think he was so easy to beat.

"Kuso...this time I'll--" Toma said. He raised his sword, just beginning to charge at Gokuu again.

Gokuu's brows lowered and he charged at Toma at the same time, yet with a greater speed and a different intention. At first glance, since most of the audience was amazed by Gokuu's quick movements, it seemed as if Gokuu had tried to slice off Toma's head, but had missed because he had moved so quickly he had only ended up behind him. However, Toma, who hadn't even gotten the opportunity to swing, had stopped short and was momentarily frozen. Gokuu too was still, waiting to hear a particular sound. The crowd had quieted down a little, making the sound of nearly the top half of Toma's sword falling to the floor to be quite audible. After hearing the metallic sound Gokuu had desired, he turned so that he was facing Toma's back and grinned.

"Ho...How..." Toma said, slowly turning to Gokuu with the half sword.

"It's all in the speed…and the fact my sword's a better one than yours," Gokuu said with the same grin. He let his face return to a serious expression once again as he sheathed his sword at his side, came quickly at Toma again, and delivered a blow upwards to his chin, knocking Toma high up into the air. Gokuu didn't look satisfied until he saw Toma fall back onto the floor, sliding a little on the surface, and remain motionless where he had landed. He had held back enough to prevent causing fatal damage to Toma's neck, so he had no worries when he was assured that his opponent was unconscious. Even after the silence of the audience had erupted into outrage, Gokuu's smile didn't fade. In fact he remembered the main reason he had to keep alive and looked up to Bulma and gave her a thumbs-up. That motion didn't go over well with the Saiyajins, but Gokuu was hardly discouraged by their discontent.


Bulma breathed in deeply as if she hadn't been breathing for hours. "Thank God..." she murmured. She smiled at Gokuu, though she wasn't sure he couldn't see it from the distance. "Son-kun will be living at least until his next round is over..."

"You haven't noticed it yet, have you?" King Vegita said, grinning not unlike Bulma had seen Vegita so many times. It reminded her of a grin one would have if one took pleasure in other's misfortunes (which of course Vegita certainly did).

"Noticed what?" Bulma said. She frowned when the King indicated he had no intention of answering and simply kept on grinning. Is there more trouble in store for Gokuu than I have noticed? she wondered. All those Saiyajins in the audience calling for Son-kun's opponent to kill him... Wait a minute--was that Saiyajin trying to kill him?? No...No way! Vegita would never let any take away the pleasure of doing it himself. He wants to make sure all my suffering is by his hands personally.

"I'm glad Kakarotto seems to be able to put up an interesting fight," King Vegita said. "He may even make it past a few more rounds with that speed of his. Too bad he's destined to die this day."

Bulma gripped the armrests of her chair tightly. "Son-kun won't let me down..." she said, though her voice was a little shaky. "He never has...he never will."

King Vegita laughed. "Amazing how people such as your kind can have such faith in people," he said, looking at her with great amusement. "That faith becomes so strong that it soon turns into denial of reality."

Bulma frowned, her doubt fading away after hearing the King's jeering of her confidence in Gokuu. "Son-kun won't even let Vegita beat him," she said, not caring that she hadn't referred to Vegita properly.

"We'll see, Capsule Princess," King Vegita said. Turning his attention back to the fighting area, he just caught sight of Gokuu exiting the area. Toma was being taken away off to somewhere where he could be examined for his injuries. "I just hope he'll be as entertaining in his next match."

Bulma leaned her head against her hand. Saiyajins... she thought, glad Gokuu wouldn't be fighting until the next round. They have to be the only people who enjoy watching someone fighting for their life.


"Oi, are you listening to me?" Radditsu said. His father hadn't even flinched when he told him of the news. "Oi, Bardaku!"

"Keep it down, you idiot," Bardaku said. His eyes were closed again. "I can hear the noise of the crowd from over here. If Kakarotto had been killed already I would have heard cheering."

"That son of yours must have nine lives," some Saiyajin entering the room said. He snorted. "Well, he'll never survive against the higher-ranked fighters. His death's gonna be real painful no matter what."

Radditsu grinned after the Saiyajin was finished laughing and had passed by. "I'm gonna win my first round for sure," he promised, "and then I'm gonna make sure I'm the next one to fight Kakarotto."

This was enough to get Bardaku to open his eyes. "Radditsu, do you still intend to win the bet we made?" he asked.

"What are you saying??" His grin had vanished.

"You just told me that Kakarotto beat Toma without getting a scratch on him. I thought Kakarotto was no better than any other soldier, but if he beat Toma so easily, he is at least above the level of the average soldier."

"You're trying to say that Kakarotto will beat me if I go against him??" Bardaku closed his eyes, giving Radditsu as clear an answer as if Bardaku had replied. "That would never happen! A Saiyajin like him is just lucky that he even knows how to use a sword!"

"I don't understand why my offspring turned out to be so foolish," Bardaku muttered. "Must be that woman's fault..."

"Grr!" Radditsu said. That was about the worst insult Radditsu could think of--being likened to his mother. "Just watch me! I'm going to send Kakarotto back to where he belongs--the grave!"

Bardaku was silent until he heard Radditsu's retreating steps (more like stomps) completely disappear. He sighed and settled himself to wait for his first round. "I don't who is stupider: Radditsu or Kakarotto," he muttered.


"Heh, I still can't believe Kakarotto was skilled enough to make it past his first round," Nappa commented once again. The first round of the tournament was nearly over and he still was amazed. "I thought at least he would have gotten cut."

"Hmph, Kakarotto..." Vegita said, brows lowering. "I know if he doesn't get killed today, I'll regret it. But I don't have any doubts he'll be killed."

"Sou, he's like an insect," Nappa said. His comment was based on the fact Gokuu continued to watch all the other fights from the sidelines, fluttering around like he was having the most fun ever seeing the others fight. "I feel sorry for any Saiyajin who loses to a weakling like him."

Vegita smiled a little. "Well, at least Kakarotto will put a good show before he dies," he said. He turned in his seat so he could look up at Bulma. "Most of Vegita despises him, so his next opponent should try to make his death painful and bloody."

The Vegita line never fails to be cruel, Nappa thought as he grinned at Vegita. They just seem to get crueler each generation...


Bulma pushed herself back against the chair, unwillingly meeting eyes with Vegita from afar. Even with the distance between them, she could feel his eyes burning into her and the chill that always went with one of his intense stares. She didn't know what the reason was for him to look up at her at this moment, but she had a feeling that it wasn't anything good. Vegita's eyes remained on her for well over a minute before he smirked (which was just as visible as his eyes) and turned back in his seat. When Bulma felt relaxed again, as if someone had stopped choking her, she frowned at herself for letting Vegita get to her like that. Obviously he was trying to shake her up even more than she already was, though Bulma suspected his gaze upon her was more than merely a mind game; Vegita's eyes seemed to say he knew something she didn't know. Bulma glanced at King Vegita, recalling earlier he had made similar look when Gokuu's match had begun. The Saiyajin King was watching the other matches with interest, his hand held to his bearded chin. He hadn't said much after practically telling Bulma she was a fool to put so much faith into Gokuu, but Bulma had preferred it that way. The King was a bit less vexing to talk to than his son, but he was a Saiyajin nonetheless and having conversations with him wasn't completely pleasant.

Son-kun looks like a kid that was given a plate of cookies, Bulma thought, turning her attention back upon the event below. She blinked as she noticed the Saiyajin stepping onto the white platform. That is--!

"If things go as I think they will, Bardaku shouldn't lose," King Vegita said, interrupting Bulma's thoughts. He chuckled as he saw the match begin. "This tournament may turn out to be better than I even expected."

Bulma was getting just a bit irritated at the King's vague comments. She was sure he was seeing something unfold that she didn't, but at the moment she didn't take too much time to contemplate his most recent words. The Capsule Princess drew most of her attention upon Bardaku, noticing the resemblance between him and Gokuu was incredible. Bulma had to make sure it wasn't Gokuu by observing the Capsule Knight intently watching the match from the side. Looking at them back and forth, Bulma realized the only striking distinction Bardaku had from his son was the scar and the scowl that never seemed to leave his face. Watching Bardaku fight in a manner that she had seen most of the Saiyajins fight (which seemed to be a determination to make one's opponent bleed), Bulma was slightly unnerved at the fact it made her feel as though she were watching Gokuu fight in his true manner. Gokuu did tend to become a different person when he seriously fought another person, but Bulma had never sensed Gokuu desiring to hurt someone unless he had no other choice. He certainly didn't take joy in it as Saiyajins did, though Bulma never saw Bardaku with an expression other than his scowl. Still, like the other matches, the fight progressed until one opponent became bloodier than the other.

Bulma put a hand to her mouth, wondering if she could survive the sight of the rest of the matches. Bardaku had stepped out of the area with little damage, while his opponent was lying on his side while his arm was leaking out a pool of blood beside him. Apparently Bardaku had cut him well enough that he could no longer hold a sword with that hand any more. Bulma wasn't sure, but she figured that the Saiyajin's other arm had been broken when Bardaku had bent it in an unnatural manner. She had learned from some of the other matches that Saiyajins weren't always beaten when their swords were out of their hands. A few of the fights had contained a great deal of hand-to-hand combat, which wasn't entirely less bloodier than when they fought with swords.

Gokuu's intense expression hadn't lifted even when his father was gone, Bulma noticed, and her friend continued to look where Bardaku had gone as if he expected the Saiyajin to return. Bulma wondered what was going on in Gokuu's mind, especially since she hadn't had the chance to talk to Gokuu about his father. Yes, Bulma had known that Gokuu had met his Saiyajin family, but the details of how the meeting went hadn't been discussed since Gokuu's propriety was staying alive at the moment. She could guess that it wasn't a joyous occasion, but that was to be expected when Saiyajins were concerned. Bulma wondered, however, how Gokuu felt about his brother and father. Caught up in all the misery she had been in, she hadn't taken the time to consider Gokuu's issues. She sighed, realizing she might never get the chance to find out, and decided to tune out the rest of the matches until it was Gokuu's turn again. For the moment, Bulma was powerless to do anything but sit and wait for the outcome of her friend's matches.


"The second round matches have been decided, so we are ready to begin!" the announcer said, after there had been a short break. "First up we have..."

"Ha!" Radditsu said, recently finding out who his next opponent was. "In about two matches, I get to fight Kakarotto!" Other Saiyajins in the room seemed amused by the turn of events and encouraged Radditsu to teach his little brother the true meaning of being a Saiyajin. Radditsu bragged to the others about how easy it was going to be to beat Gokuu, but planned to make sure that he suffered before he died. Bardaku was leaning against the same wall he had always been, save the time he had left it to compete in his first match, and snorted at his son's confidence. Even with some many Saiyajins talking around him and the noise from the present match flowing into the room, Radditsu still picked up on the distinct noise his father made and turned to glare at him. Bardaku looked back at him with little interest and little intention to say anything.

"You have something to say, Bardaku?" Radditsu asked.

"When I do, I'll say it," Bardaku replied. His expression didn't change when Radditsu approached him.

"Are you gonna watch me kill Kakarotto, or are you gonna stand back here and make me have to tell you about it later?" Bardaku was silent, and Radditsu anger rose. "Heh, either way is fine. I just thought this time you'd like to see Kakarotto's dead body. Don't want him rising from the grave a second time."

"That's certainly true," Bardaku muttered when he was sure that Radditsu had left.


"Nan da (What's this)?" Nappa laughed after the announcer introduced the next pair of fighters. "Kakarotto against Radditsu?" He grinned at his prince. "Vegita-sama, this can't be a coincidence."

"Of course not," Vegita said. He settled himself back for an interesting fight. "I happen to know that Radditsu is one of the least happiest to hear about Kakarotto's return. He probably wants Kakarotto dead more than I do, so I thought I'd give him a chance to get rid of the eyesore himself. He seems to be pleased about that."

"I had wondered why you had left your seat before," Nappa said. "This is gonna be the best tournament yet."

"Without a doubt," Vegita agreed. He watched Radditsu and Gokuu carefully, not wanting to miss a second of their fight.


"Looks like I predicted your intentions perfectly, Ouji," King Vegita mused. He laughed, as if the present match were a big joke.

"Oh, God..." Bulma said, unconsciously leaning forward in her chair. "That's Son-kun's brother, isn't it??"

"Aa, and he seems as though he can't wait to fight Kakarotto," King Vegita said.

Bulma eyes widened as she noticed that Radditsu seemed to be too pleased to fight Gokuu. Just from the way he stood apart from his sibling, Bulma could tell that he had been anticipating this for a long time. That worried her a bit more than if it had been some random Saiyajin; Bulma knew that Radditsu had specifically asked to bring Gokuu to Vegita, which made her think that Radditsu had little desire for his brother to live. It wasn't a secret that all the Saiyajins hated Gokuu, but Bulma hadn't really taken the time until that very second to realize that Radditsu wanted Gokuu dead. That meant to her that Radditsu would do everything in his power to harm Gokuu before he would have to face Vegita. It was bad enough her friend was going to have to face Vegita without him being battered up.

"At least Radditsu can't kill him..." Bulma said softly. Her attention was brought back upon Vegita-Ou laughing at what she had said. "What is so funny, Your Majesty?"

"You still haven't figured it out?" He smiled at her as if she were a child when she frowned at him. "You managed to outsmart Ouji well enough to escape from your room two times, but can't even figure out his objective in this tournament?"

Bulma knew she shouldn't have been surprised that the King had heard about her two escapes, but she still was surprised nonetheless. After all, the Saiyajin King had almost appeared as if he were merely a theoretical figure; Bulma had even began to think that the King was so exclusive that only the most important information reached his ears. Obviously there were few things that he didn't know about.

"If there is something I am ignorant about, please inform me," Bulma requested, still frowning.

"Kakarotto can be killed by whomever he competes against," King Vegita said just as the two below began to fight. He grinned at Bulma's grasp. "Hopefully Radditsu will succeed in killing the 'Lost Saiyajin.'"

"No!" Bulma said, though she noticed how intense the fight between the brothers was. It was certainly a step up from when Gokuu was fighting Toma. "Vegita wouldn't let anyone else take away the pleasure of doing it himself!"

When Bulma listened closely, the two Vegitas had very similar laughs. "I know Ouji very well, thus I am very aware of his intentions," he said. "He knows that you will dread each match Kakarotto competes in more since you were previously convinced the matches were simply only to prolong the time when Ouji would kill your little friend. In a way, my son is showing mercy. He would have torn Kakarotto to pieces."

"Demo!" Bulma said. She couldn't get over the shock. So this must be why Vegita looked up to me like he did, she thought. Damn him! I should have figured he would do something like this! I didn't want Son-kun to have to face Vegita, but I didn't want some other Saiyajin to kill him either! I'm sure there are plenty of Saiyajins who are capable of giving Son-kun a painful death like Vegita would have... Radditsu might even be one of them. He keeps attacking at Son-kun like he's trying to take his head off!

Bulma began to feel helpless, as if all she could do was watch Gokuu die, but then the cheering from the audience began to get to her. Mostly it was about how weak Gokuu was and how easy it would be for Radditsu to kill him. The Saiyajins also made comments about Gokuu being basically the same as a Capsule person whom were as weak as ants. Bulma was still frightened for her friend's life, but she would be damned if she sat back and let the Saiyajins bad-mouth her people, especially her best knight. She rose from her seat, drawing the attention of the Saiyajin King, and cupped her hands around her mouth.

"Come on, Son-kun!!" Bulma shouted, her voice carrying over most of the Saiyajins' voices not only because she was loud but because several of them silenced after hearing her voice pervade the jeering. "Show these Saiyajins how Capsule's best knight can fight!!"

King Vegita grinned while Bulma continue to cheer on her friend. I can see why Ouji is interested in this woman, he thought. She's a very intriguing little woman...


Gokuu finally was able to cause a break in the fight between him and Radditsu. Radditsu had been charging mercilessly, giving Gokuu few chances to counterattack. That hadn't been exactly terrible since it gave Gokuu a chance to preview Radditsu's strength. He would admit it was better than Toma's, but he also would admit that he seemed to be too aggressive with his attacks and took little care to guard himself. Gokuu might have taken the opportunity to take advantage of when his guard was down, but it was better he had decided to wait.

"Heh, don't think you're gonna do the same to me like you did to Toma," Radditsu said, noticing his brother catching his breath. "You look tired, Kakarotto."

Gokuu hadn't taken Radditsu lightly ever since he had stepped onto the platform with him. He had seen the desire to kill in his dark eyes, and thus Gokuu hadn't smiled once since he had seen his brother. He wasn't sure whether or not he liked Radditsu, but Gokuu knew whatever reason Radditsu wanted him dead wouldn't be one he would like.

"Why do you want me dead?" Gokuu asked. Unlike when he had been fighting Toma, Gokuu's sword was always positioned to strike or block at a second's notice.

"What are you a total idiot?" Radditsu said. He slowly approached Gokuu, while Gokuu carefully backed away each step he took forward. "Nearly every Saiyajin here wants you dead!"

Gokuu easily avoided Radditsu's sudden stab at him after his words and moved to the empty space behind Radditsu, holding himself in a guarded position again. "Iie, you're different from the others," he said. Radditsu faced him with slight annoyance at his miss and Gokuu's words. "The other Saiyajins hate me because I'm different and basically an alien Saiyajin. You...you hate me for something else."

"Shut the hell up, Kakarotto," Radditsu said. He prepared to strike again. "I didn't make sure I was your next opponent so I could talk to you!"

"Sou ka na (Is that right)?" Gokuu said, yet not with the usual friendliness he usually said that. His and Radditsu's blades met at Radditsu's following charge. Jaa (Well then), I guess I'll have to make him talk, he thought.

Radditsu was surprised when Gokuu's strength seemed to increase and his blade began to be forced in the opposite direction. Soon Radditsu arms were jerked back completely as if Gokuu's force was repelling his blade away. He barely had a second to be surprised or think about retaliating before Radditsu saw (and felt) Gokuu's elbow crashing into his face. The pain that caused was more surprising than how fast Gokuu had done it; from Radditsu's point of view, his brother looked weak (and pale in addition). He had heard something crack and he felt a little blood trickling from his nose as he tried to regain his balance from the hit.

"Kisama (Bastard)!" Radditsu said, lowering the hand on his face to his chin. His enraged expression quickly faded when Gokuu's hand gripped the wrist of his other hand. Radditsu tried to move his hand so that his lowered sword would cut Gokuu, but his attempt was in vain. "You little--!"

Radditsu used his free hand to punch Gokuu, but his little brother used flat of his sword to prevent such a strike. The older Saiyajin was less angry about not receiving contact and more furious about the fact Gokuu could have sliced off his hand or blocked with the edge of his sword. Seeing that his free hand was useless without his blade, Radditsu used his hand to help release the other instead. This too was a fruitless attempt which was only resulted in angry comments from the crowds. Gokuu, letting himself be distracted from the fight for a second, noticed that Bulma was cheering him on and smiled briefly.

"You can do it, Son-kun!!" Gokuu heard her say within all the noise of the crowd. "I know you're a great fighter!!"

Gokuu's short lack of concentration, nearly allowed Radditsu to get away with butting him in the head. At the last moment Gokuu pulled Radditsu back with him as his brother leaned forward to slam his skull into Gokuu's. That move put Gokuu back on his toes, but hadn't loosened his grip on his brother's wrist. Radditsu began growling at him to let go, but of course Gokuu was deaf to such requests. Instead, while Radditsu continued to try to pull away, Gokuu suddenly stopped standing still in resistance and jammed the hilt of his sword into Radditsu's stomach, still gripping his wrist tightly. Not meaning to knock Radditsu out Gokuu had held back, but his brother still coughed up quite a bit of spit from the strike. Gokuu finally released his brother when he sank to his knees and held his stomach with both hands. When Radditsu's blade was on the ground, Gokuu placed his foot over it, though Radditsu was too concerned with his abdominal pain to worry about his sword.

Radditsu coughed several more times before he was able to even say disconnected words. "Little...bas...tard... You...you..."

Gokuu pointed his blade at Radditsu's head, though even at his knees Radditsu was still quite tall. "I can end this fight any time I'd like," he said, "but I don't want to leave this square until I find out why you want me dead so badly."

"Heh," Radditsu said, though it soundly more as though he were breathing too heavily. "This is exactly why I have to kill you, you arrogant little shit."

"Nani?" Gokuu didn't care one bit how displeased the audience was that Gokuu was holding Radditsu in that position just to get some answers out of him.

"Our stupid mother bragged from the moment you were conceived that you would be a great fighter," Radditsu spat. He was getting his breath back and his eyes locked on Gokuu's foot over his sword. "Like I said before, I never cared for that woman, and I always wanted to defeat her, but she died before I had the chance to."

"Defeating me will give you a victory over her?" Gokuu asked. He was starting to understand Radditsu's reason for wanting him dead, though he didn't quite get why he disliked their mother so.

"Sou (Right)!" Radditsu said. He suddenly stretched out his right leg and swept it across the floor, knocking Gokuu off his feet.

"Shimatta (Crap)!" Gokuu said. He was able to get back on his feet just as Radditsu was standing with his sword in his hand again. Since Gokuu hadn't intended to start the fight up again, he wasn't pleased that his brother had surprised him like that.

"That woman said you would definitely be stronger than her," Radditsu said, smirking. He started approaching Gokuu. "That doesn't seem to be true, but when I kill you, I'll be killing her!"

What kind of relationship did these two have? Gokuu wondered as he continued to block Radditsu's next set of subsequent attacks. He was forced to jump back at one point, Radditsu's blade close to cutting his chest, but his movement had nearly been too late. Radditsu just missed cutting his skin and had made a short slash in his shirt. Kuso (Shit)! I'm getting careless!

Gokuu jumped back a couple more times just to distance himself from Radditsu. His bulky brother was more dangerous when he was in closer range. "I don't understand why you wanted our mother dead, but you're not going to kill me, Radditsu," Gokuu promised. "No matter how badly you want me dead, I won't let you do it."

"Heh, we'll see about that, Kakarotto!" Radditsu said, starting to remove their distance again.


"Will Radditsu be able to do it?" Nappa said. He watched Radditsu deliver attack after attack, but never breaking through Gokuu's defense. "Kakarotto still hasn't even counterattacked."

"Kakarotto seems like the type that needs to be angered to give a serious fight," Vegita said. He noticed that while Gokuu had been smiling less when Radditsu was his opponent, the Saiyajin had barely changed his method of combat. "I thought maybe Radditsu would be able to get a rise out of the fool, but it seems as though Kakarotto is much more level-headed than I thought."

Nappa turned away from the fight a moment to look in Bulma's direction, still hearing her shouts for Gokuu's victory. "That woman doesn't seem to think there's any reason to worry," he said.

Vegita smirked. "I guess I didn't give her enough credit," he said, though more to himself. "I thought she would have given up all hope, but it seems as though she won't give up until Kakarotto takes his last breath."

"Vegita-sama," Nappa said, moving his eyes on his prince, "have you reconsidered killing the woman?" He grinned when Vegita frowned for a second, but then the Saiyajin no Ouji was back to smirking again.

"I doubt she'll want to live about watching her little knight killed right before her eyes," Vegita said, though not truly answering the question.

Nappa nodded, though he was aware of King Vegita's intention. "Either way, the outcome will be the same," he muttered, low enough that enough Vegita's ears couldn't pick it up.


"Stop holding back, Kakarotto!" Radditsu said. He was getting tired of every movement of his sword being matched with Gokuu's. "What's wrong--you feeling sympathy for me just because I'm your brother??"

"Iie," Gokuu said. His frown faded into a smile which didn't pacify Radditsu any. "You'd like me to fight you seriously, wouldn't you? I won't give you the satisfaction of a real fight while you have the intention of defeating a dead woman. I think that's the silliest thing I've ever heard."

Radditsu growled through his clenched teeth. "I can't believe a damn Saiyajin from that weak little country has the nerve to be so arrogant!" he said. Radditsu lowered his sword a moment and smirked at his little brother. "Don't get so cocky yet. I know that you've been holding back, but you didn't realize that I was too!"

"Nani?" Gokuu's brows lowered as if he wasn't sure if that were true or not. Is he bluffing to get me off guard? he wondered. If he really wanted me dead, he wouldn't be holding back...

"I didn't want to fight at my best because I didn't think you were worthy, even as much I wanted you dead," Radditsu said. He raised his sword again and took one step back as if he would soon speed forward. "I changed my mind since you continue to prance around here like you're an Elite or something--I'll show you that you're no better than any of us other third-class soldiers!"

Gokuu hadn't only thought that Radditsu could move at a limited speed because of the way he had previously moved, but also because of how large his brother was. Apparently looks were deceiving because the next thing Gokuu knew, his brother was behind him. The shock of his bluff being true caused Gokuu to be delayed in reaction, and thus the Capsule knight once again became close to being cut when he turned and jumped back. Radditsu's blade swiping at his head managed to clip a few ends of his hair. No sooner had Gokuu jumped back the first time was he forced to retreat further; Radditsu's blade was already coming down on with the intent to chop Gokuu in half. Gokuu, not as surprised as the first attack, avoided this much easier.

"So there was some truth to your words," Gokuu said, having the opportunity to talk since Radditsu's last attack had sunk his blade into the white floor. He stood, planning to wait for his brother to get his weapon free. "Still, it's not going to change the outcome of this fight."

"Heh," Radditsu said as he yanked his sword out of the floor. He planted his feet firmly apart. "If you're still so cocky, then come at me then!"

Gokuu snorted, thinking that taking up Radditsu's offer was best. He supposed their fight had dragged on long enough, and Gokuu wasn't going to be able to get any more answers from his brother. The fact that Radditsu had been holding back didn't really concern Gokuu and didn't make Gokuu encouraged to fight him seriously. He still intended to finish the fight using as little energy as needed. When Gokuu began to charge at Radditsu, though not as fast as he had when he had went to break Toma's sword, he anticipated Radditsu to meet his blade once again. However, Gokuu was going to put more power behind his blade and cause Radditsu's blade to fly out of his hand when their two swords met. Yes, this had been his intent, but the last thing Gokuu expected Radditsu to do, since the older Saiyajin seemed ready to meet his attack with a block, was to suddenly slide to his right just before Gokuu made contact. Gokuu began to fall forward, unprepared for such a maneuver.

Shimatta… I didn't think he could have avoided that… Gokuu thought, thinking he shouldn't have been as slow. Gokuu's eyes widened as he realized that Radditsu was going to try to slash him from behind probably at the same moment he fell to the ground. He cursed, released his left hand from his sword, used his free hand to keep him balanced as he made a swift crouched turn, and stopped Radditsu's blade inches from slicing his face in half with his sword only gripped in his right hand. His quick movements had saved him for the moment, but Gokuu soon found that he needed the strength of both his hands to keep Radditsu's blade from advancing. Gokuu was leaning back on his other hand for support, so using both hands wasn't a safe option. If he attempted to do so and let himself fall back, Radditsu could succeed in forcing his own blade into Gokuu's neck before his hand could reach his sword. Radditsu grinned down at him, obviously aware of his struggle and his lack of options to improve his situation.

"Ha! Doesn't look like you can hold me back forever, Kakarotto!" Radditsu said. He added even more pressure to Gokuu's block, causing Gokuu's hand to shake terribly as he tried to prevent Radditsu's blade from getting any closer.

What's wrong with me--I shouldn't have this much trouble with him… Gokuu wondered, figuring that in about two minutes he would get cut. He blinked as he heard his stomach growled, noticing that he was hungry. Sou ka (I see)! I haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon. I'm surprised I was even able to beat Toma on an empty stomach.

Gokuu cracked a smile, feeling a little stupid that his excitement had made him forget to eat, though he hadn't been given an opportunity when he was woken up. "It would be a shame to lose at this point…" he noted.

"Hey, Kakarotto, I'll tell you something to make your death easier for ya," Radditsu said, eagerly waiting for Gokuu to end his resistance. The audience was just as eager, shouting for Gokuu to just end it all.

Gokuu raised a brow. "Nani?"

"After you're dead, I'll do you a favor and look over that mate of yours," Radditsu said. "I have to admit, she's not that bad looking for a non-Saiyajin woman."

"What did you say??" Gokuu's voice and well as his face was without amusement, though Radditsu had been laughing ever since he had finished his words. "O…no…re (Why…you)!"

Radditsu laughter was cut short when he noticed that he was no longer pushing Gokuu's blade forward, rather his own sword was being forced back upon him. Not matter how much of his strength he put into it, he couldn't stop his sword's retreat from Gokuu's face. Radditsu didn't know what was more frustrating: the fact his own victory didn't seem sealed or the fact Gokuu was pushing him back with a single hand while Radditsu couldn't stop him with both hands. Radditsu soon wasn't just frustrated but also shocked when Gokuu pushed himself up into a standing position, the movement knocking Radditsu backwards as if Gokuu had shoved him. Radditsu landed hard on his back, sliding against the white surface before he came to a stop. He cursed as he lifted his head, intending to sit up, but before Radditsu could get the chance, he felt Gokuu's foot slam into his stomach. The pain this caused was much greater than when Gokuu had jammed his hilt into his stomach; after coughing several times, Radditsu was sure that some blood had same up. To make matters worse Gokuu chose to stand where he had stomped on Radditsu, and his other foot was crushing his hand that held his sword. Radditsu weakly grasped Gokuu's ankle, though he didn't have the energy to remove his little brother's foot from his abdomen. Instead, he chose to glare up at Gokuu who was glaring at him with a much greater intensity that made a bead of sweat travel down the side of Radditsu's head.

When he's pissed off, he and Bardaku look way too much alike, Radditsu thought while he tried to get his breath back.

"The last person I would entrust my wife to is you!" Gokuu said, his voice with a deadly edge. He slowly stepped off Radditsu, his expression set as if he were going to plunge his sword into Radditsu where his foot had previously been. "Even if I'm killed by Vegita or some other Saiyajin in this tournament, I'll rise from the grave to kill you if you even think about going near my wife!"

"Don't…think you've…wo…won yet, Kaka--" Radditsu stopped when he felt Gokuu grip his ankle. "The…hell??"

Radditsu still didn't have his wind completely back to yell when his brother lifted him off the floor, swung him around a few times, and then threw him off the platform into a wall. It happened so quickly that Radditsu couldn't actually believe it occurred, especially when he didn't believe Gokuu had nearly enough strength to pick up someone as large as himself. When Radditsu felt himself crash into the wall, he had enough stamina to curse him before he completely passed out. Gokuu was breathing heavily after he had finished off his brother, his fatigue from his hunger already dissolving his sudden strength from his anger. The crowd was more shocked this time and a few Saiyajins were booing him as he stepped off the white area. It was given that he had won his second match, so Gokuu didn't wait for the announcer to proclaim his victory. Bulma's cheering was much more audible with the silent awe from about half of the audience, and Gokuu couldn't help but smile again. However, his stomach growled and thus Gokuu went on a search for food.

"I've gotta eat something!" Gokuu said, rubbing his stomach as went on a search for sustenance. He would search every room in the arena he could before his next match.


Nappa had expected his Prince to show some kind of displease or shock at Gokuu's victory, but the Saiyajin no Ouji simply grinned and eventually was laughing. The audience, now that Gokuu had gone and their initial awe was gone, were shouting profusely about their indignation of Gokuu's triumph. Radditsu was being carefully removed from the wall and was later pronounced to still be alive. Nappa snorted at the news, thinking that Radditsu probably would have been preferred to be killed than to be alive and face the embarrassment of losing to the "Lost Saiyajin." Vegita finally ended his chuckling and looked at his quizzical commander.

"This is exactly what I wanted to see," Vegita said, folding his hands together. "You saw it, didn't you? Had Radditsu not angered Kakarotto in some way, he might have won the match."

"What are you saying, Vegita-sama?" Nappa asked. He frowned, thinking that such a thing shouldn't entertain Vegita so much. "You can't be suggesting that angering Kakarotto is surefire way to lose against him."

"Hardly," Vegita said. He closed his eyes, still grinning, knowing that it would be a while until Gokuu's next match came up. "I'm simply saying that if you want that fool Kakarotto to fight seriously, you'll have to make him angry. However, for the average Saiyajin, it's not that easy because Kakarotto is too stupid to get offended by insults or other things we Saiyajins might get angry about. That's why I find it so amusing that Radditsu managed to make that idiot irritated. Before Kakarotto dies in one of his next matches, I hope I can see him frustrated again."

Nappa didn't quite understand Vegita's desire to see Gokuu lose his cool, having heard little of the recent interactions between the Prince and Gokuu. Had Nappa known that Gokuu had been Vegita's greatest bane the moment he entered their country, he might have noticed that Vegita was being vindictive. However, Nappa did begin to share Vegita's grin when he thought of the small possibility he could get to fight Kakarotto himself. Though he didn't think it was likely the two of them would fight, Nappa couldn't help but image taking pleasure as he slashed Kakarotto into pieces for all of the Saiyajins to witness.


"Kakarotto has done better than I expected," King Vegita commented. Bulma was taking her seat again, beaming as if she had personally achieved something. "He's managed to get to the finals in the third-ranked matches. If he wins his next match, he'll be able to fight with the higher-ranked soldiers."

"I know Son-kun will continue to win," Bulma said, though she only felt so confident because Gokuu had been winning easily ever since he defeated his brother. "He hasn't even gotten a scratch on him."

The Saiyajin King snorted. "I wonder about that."

"Why is that?" When Bulma saw him grin instead of giving a straight answer, she had a good feeling that this was one of Vegita-Ou's traits that Vegita didn't like. Vegita was the type that liked to be answered the moment he produced a question, so Bulma's assumption wasn't far off. Bulma couldn't blame him either because she was getting a bit sick of his roundabout manner. It was just as irritating to think that he knew something she didn't and wouldn't say anything as though he were belittling because she hadn't figured it out already.

"Haven't you seen who is next opponent is going to be?" King Vegita said. He only grinned further when Bulma frowned to suggest she hadn't noticed. "Well, you'll know soon enough."

"It doesn't matter who it is, or how much they want to kill Son-kun," Bulma said. "Son-kun's obviously just as strong as any other third-ranked soldier."

King Vegita shrugged. "Maybe the little fool is," he agreed. "However, I don't think Kakarotto will be able to escape the next match without a scratch… That is, if he isn't killed."

"Well, Your Majesty, I don't mind saying that I believe you are going to be surprised to see that 'Kakarotto' has beaten another 'real' Saiyajin once again," Bulma said, barely concealing her impudence.

"Heh," King Vegita said, regarding her as if she were a new species of animals he had just discovered. "I can see why Ouji has lost his temper with you a few times; you have quite a mouth on you."

"A few times?" Bulma muttered, glancing at the Prince they spoke of. At the time the Saiyajin no Ouji was speaking to his commander whom stood at his side.

"You may not believe this since my son threw you against a wall in a fit of rage," King Vegita said, shocking Bulma enough to return her attention to him, "but you have obviously charmed him. He has done far worse to others that have only irritated him slightly. And certainly he has never healed anyone before. Hopefully, that will be the only time he will be willingly so merciful, especially when he takes the throne."

Bulma didn't even take the time to consider Vegita-Ou's words concerning Vegita's affections for her. She was still surprised the King knew so much about what had happened between her and Vegita. As far as she knew, even Pikaru and Sukuwa didn't know what had truly happened to her. That made her wonder about all the other things King Vegita could possibly know that she nor Vegita were aware of.

"How do you know all these things?" Bulma finally asked.

"I make it one of my top priorities to know what the future Saiyajin King is up to," King Vegita said. He grinned and made himself more comfortable in his chair. "I believe that he is physically strong enough to take the role, but recently I have been doubting his mentality. We Vegita are not the type that care about anything other than ourselves and the Saiyajin Kingdom."

I wonder… Bulma thought, looking at Vegita again. If Vegita had been raised somewhere else, would he still be such a nasty person…

"A Saiyajin King that cares about anything else will not only lose the respect of all the Saiyajins, but also allow opportunities for our enemies to strike," King Vegita went on. He snorted. "That is why I want to see what Ouji will do once this tournament is over."

"If you know so much about what he's been up to, then that shouldn't be a mystery," Bulma said. "He's determined to kill me once this tournament is over." She raised a brow when King Vegita began to laugh, and she frowned in his direction. "I know that you Saiyajins think of death as a joke, but--"

"Iie, it's not that," Vegita-Ou said. He took a few moments to get over his amusement. "My son hasn't killed you yet because he is confused about whether or not he cares for you. His uncertainty is obvious by the way he has become more determined to kill Kakarotto. At the beginning I believed that my son wanted to kill him so that he could demonstrate his power; now I believe that his main purpose in killing Kakarotto is completely related to you."

"Yes, he wants to make me suffer."

"More likely is that he thinks Kakarotto is a threat to you and so he feels like he needs to get rid of him."

Bulma's frown deepened. "What, are you saying that he's trying to protect me?" she said. "The only reason he doesn't want anyone or anything else to hurt me is so that he can have the pleasure all to himself."

King Vegita smirked. "Well, I suppose we will just have to see how things play out," he said. "It is a shame that Ouji has chosen not to kill Kakarotto himself. If you could see the two of them fight, you would see Ouji's true intent."

Bulma tried to concern herself more with Gokuu's upcoming match, but King Vegita's words made her wonder about Vegita. He did seem worried that I had been poisoned after he met up with Son-kun yesterday, she thought. Whatever Son-kun told him yesterday has made Vegita paranoid that Son-kun is trying to kill me… But it can't be possible that Vegita was really worried about me! Then again, last night he did say that he was concerned about someone other than himself, which could have meant me…

Bulma shook her head, deeply perplexed about what was really going on in Vegita's head. She had wished King Vegita hadn't said anything that made her doubt her previous perception of the Saiyajin Prince, for now her mind was plagued with thoughts about Vegita. She desperately wanted to think about who Gokuu's next opponent would be and exactly how much of a chance he had of winning against the competitor. However, try as Bulma might, she couldn't wonder if Vegita's claim to kill her was just a denial of his true feelings. Worse than that, Bulma wasn't horrified by the possibility Vegita had affections for her. She had thought she would be repulsed by it, but she didn't know what to think about it now that Vegita-Ou had suggested it was true. Bulma forced her eyes on the arena, wishing that Gokuu would soon arrive and force her thoughts of Vegita away.


Radditsu slowly began to focus on a white ceiling and became conscious of the pain spread all over his body. His back and head hurt the most, which reminded him quickly of how he came to be in so much pain. He realized he was lying on a bed and sat up, ignoring how much it hurt to do so.


"Kakarotto beat you, just as I had predicted he would," a familiar voice beside him said.

Radditsu turned his attention to his left, noticing his father was standing beside his bed. "Bardaku!" he said. "How long have I been out??"

"Long enough," Bardaku said. He no longer faced his son, his movements as if he were intending to leave momentarily. "Kakarotto has made it to the third-ranked finals."

"No…No way!" Radditsu said. He cringed as his agitation caused his wounds to throb more violently.

"Hmph, you not only made a fool out of yourself, but you lost the bet as well," Bardaku said. "Hopefully, your wounds won't slow you down when you take my assignment in Section 0093."

"You made it to your third round?" Radditsu said, glaring at his father's back.

"Of course," Bardaku said. He began walking away, having wasted enough time informing his son of Gokuu's progress. "After you lost to Kakarotto, I made it my business to make sure I took care of him."

"Wa…Wait a moment, Bardaku!" Radditsu called after him. "Where the hell are you going??"

"Like I said--to take care of Kakarotto."

Radditsu stared in disbelief after his father had gone. "Bardaku can't be possibly…"


Gokuu was once again starving. After his fight with Radditsu he had managed to coax two people from the medical staff (none of the staff was Saiyajin, of course) to give him part of the lunch they were planning to eat later. Though it wasn't very much, Gokuu had taken whatever he could get. The little bit of food had gotten through the majority of the fights, but his energy was depleting once again by the time he got to the finals. His stomach was growling furiously when he stood across from his opponent, grabbing half of his attention. That was bit frustrating as Gokuu was aware that he would need his full attention and possibly would need to fight at his best ability. He didn't have too much trouble moving around at a speed faster than most Saiyajins, but he certainly didn't have the strength to throw a Saiyajin into a wall again. Of course, Gokuu was aware that if he were angry enough, he could exceed his current limitations because of his hungry. However, Gokuu didn't think he would find himself too annoyed with his next opponent. This time Gokuu was sure that his hunger was going to cause him considerable problems.

"Bardaku," Gokuu said. He had a feeling that the unfriendly expression on his father's face was exactly the one he was displaying. Gokuu didn't know what it was, but he always felt like scowling when he saw his father. He supposed it could be partly because Bardaku had refused at first to tell him anything about his mother.

"Kakarotto, this was probably fated to happen the moment you disappeared," Bardaku said. Gokuu recognized his stance from his previous matches, alerting him to that fact that he wouldn't get a long conversation with his father, but Gokuu had expected as much.

"Aa, I think so too," Gokuu said. Unlike the other fights he had been in, Gokuu readied himself. He had seen the way Bardaku fought, and the last thing Gokuu would call his fighting style was careless. "But I can't afford to lose. Who knows what may happen to Bulma if I do, my family's waiting for me at home, and of course, you promised to tell me about my mother if I lived through this tournament."

"Hmph, even if you did beat me, the only way you could possibly live is if you defeated the Prince," Bardaku said. "I'll admit that you have done a decent job so far, but you have no chance of defeating Vegita-Ouji."

Gokuu smirked. "Maybe not, but I'll just have to find out when the time comes," he said.

"The only way you'll make it to your next round is over my dead body," Bardaku said. Gokuu didn't need to have known Bardaku for a long time; he knew just by the sound of his voice that his father was completely serious.

Gokuu knew that he had been progressively slowing since his last three fights, yet he still decided that he would rely on his speed to defeat Bardaku. From what Gokuu had observed from his other fights, Bardaku wouldn't match him in speed, so Gokuu had hopes he had enough energy to effectively fight his father. Gokuu made the first strike, not only trying to see how much his hunger was affecting him at the moment, but also how powerful Bardaku was. Gokuu doubted that Bardaku would hold back, as Radditsu had done, and he soon saw that he was right. At the last moment, where Bardaku could have simply raised his sword to meet Gokuu's, Bardaku made a swift counterattack that nearly made Gokuu fall off his feet. He certainly was repelled back by Bardaku's move, his feet sliding against the floor before he managed to stop himself. Bardaku, on the other hand, had barely moved a inch from his starting point. Gokuu immediately went on the offense again, though he was a little disoriented from Bardaku's counterattack. Gokuu had a feeling if he idled too much in this match, he could easily end up losing a limb.

--Hehe, I don't have a clue when I'll have the next chapter, though I have already started on it. I kinda feel like finishing it up, but it doesn't seem like I'm going to have the leisure to soon... Sorry five thousand times! Just don't think I never will end this fic cuz I will...in time... ^_^