First off!
I am sorry to disappoint, but this is not an update. This is a notice. I know we aren't supposed to post chapter's with just A/N, but I feel this needs to be said. This story is now, officially, on hiatus. I supposed must of you already guessed this, but now it's official.

I want your guys opinions - I'm considering rewriting this, to try and make it better and focus less on so many pairings. However, instead of focusing on Akuroku, I will probably focus on MarVex, because I just have more ideas for that. If you really want a high school Akuroku story, go read Sex Ed 101 by kokoro77, it's what inspired me to try my hand at writing in the first place.

Reading back on this story, I don't like it at all. So, basically the same as Secondly!, I want you guys to post a vote in a review or something (because I don't feel like making a poll) as to whether you want the main pairing to be Akuroku or MarVex. Either way, it will get a major revision. Like, major. As in, story changing major. The entire direction of the story will probably change. But, the concept will remain the same. I hope.

I want to thank all of you who reviewed, especially you guys, favourited, alerted, or even just gave this story a look. You guys are great!

I'm sorry this isn't a real update! Please don't throw old yoghurt at me!