I'm back with more! I know it has been a while. But I'm back with internet and I have more of the story. Much more!

Thanks for all the reviews, favourites, and alerts!

Edited: I'm sorry! I wanted to post a brief summary of what happened before but I forgot. Thanks Poppy Salvatore-Ozera for reminding me.

So, like I did in chapter ten. If you remember, just skip to where it says chapter twelve.

Brief summary

Damon and Elena shared a kiss and Elena told Stefan. She said that it had just been a mistake, which hurt Damon. Elena didn't know what to do, her feelings were being contradictory. But Stefan realizes that she has feelings for his brother and doesn't want her to choose him only because he was there first, but because he is the one she loves. He leaves her space and Elena sleeps with Damon, tells him that she loves her and realizes her true feelings.

The next morning she's going to choose, but before she does, they inform her that Katherine is back. Katherine kidnaps Elena and Stefan and Damon goes to look for help to Bonnie. But they fall in a trap and Katherine has all of them. She has injected vervain in Stefan and Damon and has three other vampires with her. She wants Elena to choose.

At the end she lets them go but takes Bonnie with her.

Elena chooses Damon.

Stefan is really depressed but accepts her choice and goes to Bonnie's who's back. Bonnie had to do a spell for Katherine and now Katherine is not affected by vervain anymore. She tells Bonnie her plans: she'll get the brother Elena's not choosing, she's willing to give her that because she's her family.

Caroline goes to Elena and asks her about everything, she knows her friend is lying to her but Elena decides it is best not to tell her.

Chapter twelve

Stefan frowned to what Bonnie had just told him. So that meant that Katherine now wanted him…? Well, that was what she had said but he knew her better than that.

"What are we going to do about her?" Bonnie asked, afraid. Then, she looked at him and swallowed. "Or maybe you do want her…"

"No. I don't." Stefan had obviously thought about it. Now that Elena had chose, the wiser thing would be to get out of there, to step out of her way, to go to Katherine? But he knew Katherine, he knew she loved to play with everyone and that he was merely a toy in her hands. And after everything that had happened, he didn't feel anything for Katherine anymore, he couldn't possibly, could he? "But if I know Katherine well enough, then I'm pretty sure she's interested in me."

Bonnie frowned. "I've already told you what she said. And I didn't understand it very well but I'm quite sure that she's ready to let Elena have her choice and take the other one."

"Maybe you're right," Stefan accepted "but that's only until she changes her mind. Damon is what she cannot have and I'm pretty sure that's exactly what she'll want."

Elena and Damon got out of Elena's room, but before she closed the door behind her, he disappeared. She blinked a couple of times. She knew Damon had never been the kind of guy who stays the morning after a night of passion, but it had been that way the other time… well, the other time Katherine had pissed them all off. Elena narrowed her eyes remembering that Katherine was still there and that she had Bonnie. She would have to call to Bonnie's when she was downstairs to check if she was back and if she was alright.

She heard the door bell and then Jenna opening the door as she got downstairs.

"Is Elena home?" She heard Damon's voice ask and she smiled. Of course he couldn't just get out of her bedroom with her and let everyone in the house figure out what had happened.

"Yes, come in." Jenna replied. "I think she has spent most of the morning sleeping, but Caroline was just here so I suppose she's awake now."

"Really?" Damon asked and Elena shook her head smiling and taking her last step. He looked up at her and Jenna turned around to face her too.

"Well, here she is." Jenna sentenced and looked at her in a weird way. Then she simply moved away from the door and went to the living room. Elena frowned looking at Damon.

"Do you think she knows?" Elena asked and Damon shook his head, looking at where Jenna had left, he was probably thinking the same.

"I don't know." He admitted, it was possible. Elena wondered what her aunt might think about her. She had been with Stefan and now she went for his brother. How could anyone look at her with good eyes after that? How could she?

Damon grabbed her hand getting her out of her thoughts, probably realizing what she was thinking about.

"Let's go somewhere." He said and Elena smiled, nodding. She took her jacket and got out of the house with him.

They were getting out of the porch when they heard a voice that made them look up.

"Elena." Bonnie was standing right in front of them and Elena hugged her.

"Bonnie, I was so worried about you."

"Yeah, I see that." Bonnie replied disgusted and moving away from her friend. Elena frowned, she knew that recently she hadn't been acting like the best friend possible, but so many things had happened… "I've talked to Stefan." She added and Elena knew what that meant, she knew. Damon was staring at both of them without a word. "I can see you've chosen."

"Not now, Bonnie, please. Are you alright? What did Katherine do?"

"How could you choose him?" Bonnie asked, staring at him right now. Elena knew that would be her reaction and that was the reason why she didn't want to discuss it in front of him. "He's evil."

"I'm glad you're back, too." Damon smirked a brief smirk and Bonnie looked at him, threatening.

"You've lost your sense, Elena."

"Bonnie, I know I haven't behaved like the best friend and I'm sorry, but don't involve him. Listen, I've made my choice and I don't think I owe you any explanation about it. However, I do owe you about everything else, because you've seen yourself involved in all of it." She sighed and turned to Damon who understood immediately.

"I'll leave you two alone." He said. "Elena." He smiled and turned to Bonnie to face her with a threatening look. "Witch."

He left without looking back directing his steps to the Salvatore boarding house. He knew that he had to leave her with the witch even though that was surely not what he wanted to do. It was not like if Bonnie's words had hurt him, fortunately during too many years he had spent his life not caring at all about what people thought or said about him. But those didn't concern only him, but Elena. He surely didn't expect Bonnie to be glad at her friend's choice because they had never got along well…

When he got inside the house, he found Stefan with a glass of scotch on his hand.

"What are you doing here?" Stefan asked.

"It's my house, too, remember?" Damon replied and when he saw his brother's devastated expression he realized that he shouldn't be hard on him, that he should even probably try to talk to him, as difficult and awkward as it could be. "You had a bad night?"

Stefan's eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched.

"Not what I meant." Damon raised his hands like if he was asking for peace, showing his innocence when he realized his mistake.

"You couldn't simply take her and leave me alone but you also had to come here to throw it at me?" Stefan asked, hurt.

"Listen, I'm not throwing anything at you, alright?"

"She chose. I can take that. You were her choice, I guess I can take that too. But you trying to prove she did the right choice? I cannot take that."

"I'm not trying to prove anything, Stefan. I know it didn't go out the way you planned but we've always known that one of us would be at one of those positions at some point."

"It just shouldn't be that way." Stefan replied, almost shouting, leaving his glass of scotch on the table.

"And what did you want?" Damon replied in the same tone. "That she did like Katherine? You would have liked that? No, of course not. Of course you simply were sure she would choose you because you're the good one, because you loved her. And you simply expected me to be left out, like always, because I'm the bad brother."

"You have her, so just leave me alone." Damon felt that this conversation was too similar to the one they had had when Elena had confessed Stefan and she and Damon had kissed, just that the roles were switched this time. He knew his brother was thinking about it, too and he felt a hint of sympathy towards him, because he knew how he could feel. But he wasn't going to say that aloud.

"I swear by God, Damon, if you hurt her…" Stefan said, slowly, getting closer to his brother probably to try to sound more threatening.

"I won't." Damon said, with sincerity in his voice. If he hurt her, he himself would never forgive himself. But Stefan didn't catch his sincerity, or simply didn't believe it.

"Of course you will. I don't doubt it. Because you lost your capacity to love long ago and what now you think is love, it's simply…"

"What? What is it?" Damon asked, shouting and frowning.

"You only know how to hate, Damon. And she was my girlfriend, it was an easy revenge against me, was it not?"

"Do you really think…?" Damon laughed but there was nothing funny in that laughter, it almost sounded threatening. "Is it easier for you that way? You, yourself accepted that I loved her."

"But you're afraid to be tied, you're afraid to get too close to anything."

"It's already too late for that." He meant that it had already happened, he was already tied to Elena and he was happy with it, he wasn't going to let her down and he knew it, he just didn't know how to make Stefan understand that. But why should he, anyway?

"You always screw it all up, Damon. And I'm sure it won't be different this time. You hate the world and you hate yourself. Maybe you do love her, and that will be your downfall."

"Who do you think you are? My psychoanalyst? A destiny-reader or something? You know what? I've already heard enough." He turned around but with vampire speed Stefan got in front of him. "Get out of my way." Damon threatened him.

"I've already done that, don't you think?" He asked, getting closer to him and pushing him. That was enough. Damon pushed his brother back, the only difference was that he was much stronger and Stefan was projected against the wall at the other side of the room.

"She doesn't love you anymore. Maybe she considers you a friend, but that is it. I don't care if you can accept it or not, but that's the way it is." Damon shut up realizing what he had just said. When he had arrived to the house, he had been sure he wanted to be alright with his brother, that he wanted to avoid Elena's theme as much as possible, but it was just inevitable. He knew he had done what Stefan had accused him of, he had thrown it at him, but it was Stefan's fault. He was the one who had started to bug him…

"That was tough." A voice behind him said and he turned around to find Bonnie.

"You've learnt a spell to be everywhere?" Damon asked.

"Damon, don't you think he's gone through too much already?" Bonnie asked, pity all over her face. "And he still has many things to deal with." Damon tilted his head to one side, wondering what she meant. "Katherine wants the one Elena's not choosing." She explained, moving towards Stefan and kneeling next to him to help him up again.

Damon blinked, hearing the news. He hadn't expected Katherine to take the leftovers… he realized she probably wasn't going to do that. He knew Katherine would maybe be satisfied… for a while.

"And" Bonnie added "she's not affected by vervain." Damon looked at her, in disbelief. That wasn't possible… "I might have something to do with that." Bonnie confessed and he understood it had been her spell.

Without a word, he moved towards the door. He would go to Elena's… and then he would stop Katherine. Bonnie's last words had been just what he needed to make up his mind. Katherine represented a potential danger for the only thing he loved. He would have to be aware of Katherine's next steps to prevent her from being harmful to Elena.

She needed to be stopped.

I hope you liked it!

Next chapter will be up soon!

Please review!