I decided to add a little explenation on this reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally old fic, because people keep pointing out its terrible grammar.
See, this was one of my fics I was translatiing from Polish to English. Back then I wasn't very good in it and some of weird sentance constructions come from the fact that this is how they are in Polish (and they sound natural that way in Polish, but not necesserily in English). A lot changed since then, including my writing English and so a lot of my fics are far superior - both in story and grammar - to this one (in fact, just today I've posted a fic to Team Fortress 2).
I'm honestly deliberating whenever I should remove some of my weaker, early fics (like this one), because as much as they are part of the history of my activity on this side, they also remind me of my cringy beginnings. Not to mention that from time to time I get PMs from people assuming my English is really bad because of my earlier stories.
So yeah, I might remove Things, I hadn't known in the near future.