It didn't take Alan long to realize that he was being given half truths about leaving the hospital, a week slowly became a month and each time he asked when he'd be allowed home he was told he'd be reviewed the following week. He soon came to understand that the reviews were about his progress and recovery, and it would be a while until anyone really thought about his readiness to return home.

It was one of those moments in his life where Alan realized that he was growing up, his childish idea of having full health care back home with Virgil left for his twenty four seven care seemed somewhat selfish and an impossible dream. Broken limbs and torn flesh required scans, blood tests, x-rays and specialist surgical opinions. Virgil was good but he was only one man and although clever there was no way he'd have specialty knowledge in each area which affected Alan's health.

The island had to wait six weeks before Alan was finally given a clean enough bill of health to return to his sunshine slice of paradise, strict orders and a list of exercises longer than he was tall.

"We'll be expecting video calls every few days for the first couple of weeks to discuss Alan's progress." One of the doctors told Virgil as Alan sat on the edge of the hospital bed he'd spent the last month and a half in, struggling to pull socks on whilst trying to look blasé and easy with the simple task. It earned him an eye roll from his older brother but thankfully they hadn't gone back on the promise. "He'll be expected to return in two weeks time for a review and if things go well he'll need to return in a further two weeks for a physiotherapy review and some scans."

The doctor wore the typical white coat, stethoscope over his neck and clipboard in hand as he signed papers and handed them to Virgil for counter signing.

"What about medication?" The older Tracy asked, scanning through the documents casually and nodding as he took in the contact numbers and instructions. "Specifically pain meds, if he's not coping should I bring him back in or up the dose?"

The doctor smiled at Alan who had raised an eyebrow, wanting to argue that he'd be fine but thinking better of it. He'd tried that game before when blatantly all around him knew he wasn't coping.

"Alan. If you're having any problems with the pain give me a call, though at this stage you've been coping well and should be beginning to reduce the amount you're on. I'd be surprised if any pain you're feeling increased though of course it can happen, if in doubt call me or Doctor Richards. You've made great progress in these last weeks and our main focus now if getting you that clean bill of health."

"I take it I won't be running track this year?" Ignoring his shoes he hopped gently off the bed, mindful of the recovering broken ankle. He'd lost the cast a week ago but the movement in the joint was so far limited and had a habit of building up pins and needles and catching him off guard.

"Not this year, though I hear you've got a pool? Some gentle swimming exercises could help muscle building and movement."

Virgil handed the clipboard of forms back and quickly ducked under the bed to retrieve Alan's track shoes, pushing his younger brother back onto the bed and proceeding to help him get them on, easily ignoring the 'tut' of disdain from the blonde. He didn't care if Alan could do it, since everything with Taio they'd all become a lot more protective and would be helpful whether or not Alan wanted them to be.

Half an hour later Virgil had persuaded Alan to keep the wheel chair they'd been given on loan and was pushing the young teenage along a corridor towards the elevator, bag slung over his shoulder. Scott and Gordon had grudgingly returned to the island a few weeks prior, swapping with John and Virgil who had been sent back even earlier. International Rescue had people relying on them and could not shut down for the whole of Alan's recovery, not only was it suspicious but it was putting lives at risk. Something the youngest Tracy had pointed out very clearly, stating that his care was in the doctor's hands and until he was back on Tracy Island, they had little to do with it other than visiting.

His father was in New York, the aftershock of Taio's death in the financial world had caused Zucco's stocks to plummet and many were out of jobs. Confusion still hung over whatever exactly had happened and many of the lower grade papers would creating their own stories over the man's fall from grace.

Jeff felt somewhat guilty for poaching his old friend's staff and management team but if he hadn't there'd be families without a pay packet and bills going unpaid, he figured that if Tess took control of the company then she could bring them back but until the ifs and when's of that possibility, Tracy Enterprises would offer job security and paid hours.

Tess's recovery was longer than Alan's, internal damage had caused problems leading to the loss of a kidney, part of her left lung had been removed and there'd been a few close calls on the operating table. She didn't seem to be grieving for her father as much as the situation that had led to where they were, it had taken a couple of long weeks for Tess to get herself pieced together psychologically.

Virgil was going to take Alan out to the car which would drive them to the small private airport, but first they were heading up to see Tess once more before they left. Her medical reviews were still placed a week apart so Alan was fairly sure she'd remain in the hospital for some time.

A few days prior Tess had been moved to a room which she shared with an older woman, victim in a car crash and in the same state of recovering as Tess. It seemed a clever move on the doctor's part as both were fairly grumpy patients, but together they had perked up somewhat. 'United in grumbles' as Jeff had so subtly put it.

The door was propped open by a chair, allowing light into the room from both the wide window and the busy corridor which looked straight out onto the nurses station. The woman who shared the room with Tess was absent, no doubt taken for tests, maybe it was an escape attempt no one had yet noticed.

Tess sat propped up in bed by a wad of pillows, a magazine spread across her lap as she lazily flicked a page before looking up and nodding a simple greeting.

"The nurses tell me you're making a getaway today, any chance you can smuggle me onto that island of yours?"

Virgil wheeled Alan up to the bed, seating himself on the edge of the mattress.

"You'll be out in no time." The young blonde smiled ruefully, mindful of how many times he'd been told the exact same thing and how irritated it had made him. "You have to serve your time like everyone else."

Virgil rolled his eyes. "You make it sound like a prison."

"Says the guy who actually choose hanging out in hospitals as a profession." Tess shuffled, irritated by the pillows behind her but lacking the necessary movement to sort them out. "If you're not going to help in the prison break then you can at least sort these out for me, you have no idea how irritating it is not to be able to reach backwards."

"You should have seen Alan trying to put on his socks earlier, good thing Gordon wasn't about or it would be on Youtube by now, dialing up the hits."

"Thanks Virg." Alan kicked out with his good leg landing a playful hit to his older brothers shin, playful but just hard enough to show his true irritation and embarrassment. "You'd better make good use of this time Tess, anything you need doing just ask Virgil. He has to do it because he's too polite to say no."

She gave Virgil a long look which broke into a sly smile. "Pillows first, then you can track down some chocolate, which before you say anything I am allowed, I checked. Whilst you're doing that I can think of some more requests, what do you think Alan?"

"You heard the women, fluff those pillows."

After Virgil had muttered his way out of the room on the hunt for chocolate (milk chocolate, and nothing strong or involving any type of fruit), Tess turned back to Alan letting out a long held sigh.

Alan scooted the wheelchair back slightly so he wasn't having to look straight up to Tess, his neck was getting stiff and since learning of her father's death he didn't feel too comfortable with whatever private conversation she brought up regarding the man.

John had explained what had happened, though Alan had been highly medicated at the time and had since forgotten half of what he'd said. Scott had told him the second time he'd asked, though he highly suspected that Scott's version of the story may have been highly edited. It was all very PG.

Alan had been aware that there'd been a scuffle and that Taio Zucco had subsequently died, but he had been unaware of how close Virgil had been to losing his life. The guy was like a cat, though if he continued to lose his nine lives so quickly they'd have to sit him down for a serious talk. Ironic that neither of the near misses had involved international rescue, the biggest health risk concern any of them had faced up to that point. Not counting the avalanche which had killed their mother ofcourse.

"I'm sorry about your dad Tess."

"What do you mean you're sorry? He tried to kill you." She frowned, unsure how to take the statement. "You don't have to say that."

"I know I don't have to, but I mean it." Running a hand through his hair he gazed back out into the corridor. "He did some awful things, and yeah he tried to kill me… and Virg. But I don't believe anyone is born like that. If that's what bad decisions and experiences in life make you, then whose to say that good decisions and experiences can't set you right? Dying didn't make things better, it just left a Taio Zucco hole with no answers."

"You're sounding very Buddhist right now, we should probably light a candle or some incense."

"Seriously Tess, you can hate him for what he did but there were reasons." Looking back at her they met eyes, Tess's still weighing up Alan's words and the seriousness behind them.

"I wish I could think like that Alan, it might make things easier. I just feel so guilty all the time, for what he did before he died and for not feeling anything now that he'd gone. And then of course your dad's telling me that I need to take control of the company, people are out of jobs and the stocks are crashing and I haven't yet done a thing about it." Resting her head back against the pillows she stared at the ceiling, teary eyed and looking much younger than her years. "How am I supposed to take over? I have no experience and no interest in it, just people reliant on my choices to secure their jobs and futures. What if I make the wrong choices?"

"What if you do? Who has ever gone through life without making bad choices? I've messed up too many times to count but my family and friends are always there to back me up, it's taken me forever to realize it but I'm the person I am because of them." He pulled his wallet out of his jacket pocket and pulled out a small family photo, grinning faces staring up at Tess as she took it and joined the smiles.

"You have such a great family, how many knocks to the head did it take for you to see that?"

"Thanks." He smirked, taking the photo back and re-pocketing his wallet. "And far too many!"

They sat in a relaxed silence for a few minutes, the sunlight warming the air created a sleepy tone which found Tess and Alan stuck in their own thoughts, broken only when Virgil strolled back in carrying a handful of chocolate bars.

"Ok, so I couldn't decide, I figured if you're anything like Al you'd be picky and not like what ever I brought. So I bought one of each." Laying the bars on the small bedside table he sank into the chair and looked between them hopefully. "Anything else? Cause I had to go down two floors to find those, and then I got lost on the way back up."

Tess and Alan laughed, genuine laughter that hadn't been heard in a long time from either of them. Virgil promised to stay ten more minutes which turned into an hour, but eventually Tess became tired and nodded off and Alan was wheeled from the room and out of the hospital to the car. It was a good thing they owned their own planes else they'd have missed their planned flight hours ago.

"She seems to be coping better." Virgil mused, loading Alan's suitcase into the trunk of the black vehicle before coming round to the front passenger side to help Alan in, his hands were slapped away as the teenager easily maneuvered himself inside.

"She's freaked out about the business."

Virgil went back to the drivers side, buckling his own seatbelt and starting the engine. "I think I would be to, although she's got a support network ready to help and a temperament which will get her what she wants."

As Virgil paid the parking fee at the exit gates Alan gazed out of the window, happy to finally be returning to the island and leaving hospital behind.

"What's she doing with her car?"

"No idea, you'll have to ask Scott. I bet you ten bucks that was the first thing he asked." They pulled out into moving traffic, away from the hospital and towards the private airport on the outskirts of the city.

Scott had seen Tess the week before, he'd flown over with the pretext of visiting his brother but it was clear that he had worries which weren't addressed until he'd visited her. Alan wasn't fully aware of what had happened concerning Taio's death until later that same day, he knew Scott had been somewhat pleased with the death up until he'd heard of the extent of Tess's injuries and Virgil's side of the story. After that he'd seemed somewhat lost, vying between different emotions.

Scott had chosen a grey skied day to visit Tess, he'd spent the morning skulking in Alan's room whilst he worked up the courage to get it over with. Part of him still felt angry with her, maybe for the fact that Taio was her father, or that she hadn't stopped him herself, he didn't quite know why but the anger still resided.

Her room had been lit with overhead fluorescent lights which flickered intermittently, making the nauseous feeling he carried so much worse. Scott hadn't seen Tess since he'd been dragged from the hospital room where Taio had died. The new room was larger, two beds - one with a middle aged woman reading a book, and then Tess, laid back against a pile of pillows, eyes gazing out of the window.

"I wondered if you were going to visit." She broke the silence, the woman opposite raised her eyes from the book but after a short glare she went back to reading. "Though you don't appear to have brought the customary grapes or flowers, I'm disappointed." Her eyes flicked up to him, a hint of a smirk on her lips.

Gripping the rail that ran along the side of the bed Scott watched his knuckles turn white, wondering why he had come, why he'd needed to.

"I want to feel bad about your father, but I don't."

She sighed. "I want to feel bad about him dying, but I don't. I just feel let down, a bit lost, and angry."

"That's exactly how I feel." He pulled a chair over and sat, hands lacing together as he tried to wring out his thoughts. "I don't want your forgiveness, I just want you to know why I did what I did."

Tess let out an exasperated sigh and rolled her eyes. "I won't forgive you Scott because there's nothing to forgive, and besides, you didn't mean to kill him so you should really stop taking all the credit for it. Technically he stabbed himself."

Scott glared up at her. "Thanks. I feel so much better."

She shrugged lightly. "No worries, that's what you came here for. Self assurance."

"I was being sarcastic."

"Then what do you want to hear?"

"I don't know…" He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and trying to recollect his thoughts. "I think I want you to be mad about it, it would make feeling angry towards you easier."

She looked surprised, an eyebrow raised as she scoffed. "You're angry with me? Still?"

"I can't help it, I think you're just one of those irritating people."

"Wow." She stared up at the ceiling and laughed softly. "You'll probably find it even more irritating that I actually find you amusing, you're like the idiot older brother I never had."

"Hmm." He considered the statement before smirking. "That is irritating. Though I am glad you didn't die."

"Yep, I'm sure that would have been really annoying for you. You wouldn't have been able to not apologize so directly."

"I didn't quite realize how much I wanted to see your reaction, I'd give you a six out of ten, maybe a five." He stood and put the chair back against the wall.

"I give you a three out of ten for your rubbish 'I don't want forgiveness' spiel. It was uninspiring and I think I dozed off for a minute whilst you figured out how to form a sentence."

"Shut up Tess."

"Go away Scott."

They looked at one another for a few long seconds, the woman on the bed opposite loudly turning a page of her book as she grumbled under her breath. Deciding it was time to go Scott leaned in and kissed Tess on the cheek, a genuine smile on his lips.

"We'll see you when you get out, so don't vanish or turn evil. Oh, and I've been told to tell you that you're invited to the island when you're not wrapped in gauze and looking like an old piñata."

She smiled back. "Now I'm not sure if those are Gordon's words or your own."

"I also have your car, so consider it a hostage in the deal. Take that as you will Miss Zucco."

"See you later Scooter."

"In the sunshine Tess."

Three weeks later Alan was found lounging besides the pool, sun raining down on his warm skin as he soaked up being finally rid of the wheelchair and the crutches which followed. He still had physiotherapy exercises and Virgil insisted on checking up on him every few days, but the pain medication was gone and he was able to move around without issue. His biggest worry was that his family wouldn't let him out of their sight again, a mother hen virus had swept the island.

The Thunderbirds were back up to their usual number of operatives, John had returned to replace Brains in Thunderbird Five and their father had resumed his role at command and control. There'd only been one call in the last few weeks but it had been a particularly stressful one; an earthquake in South America isolating a number of small villages and damaging larger building structures in a few larger towns.

Tess had recently been discharged from the hospital and had flown back to Italy to recharge and fully recover before returning to her father's business, she had been in close contact with Jeff regarding organization and keeping jobs open and salaries paid. He'd seemed to have taken the role of mentor, creating a support network around her and getting measures put in place to help her settle in when she returned.

She still hadn't visited the island and Jeff was unsure whether she ever would, but as Scott pointed out they did still have her car at Tracy Enterprises. She had to reclaim it at some point.

Jeff felt somewhat responsible for Taio's mistakes and the effect that had on the company and the criminal elements which had attached themselves to it, but he didn't regret his actions towards the man who had nearly cost him the lives not just one, but two of his sons. He felt responsible for not finding out about Tess sooner, for not making sure she was being looked after and for forgetting those family picnics where Lucille, Jeff and the boys had met Taio Zucco and his wife and shared happier times.

He could think of countless 'what ifs' and 'if only" s, but they came with the job, as the leader of International Rescue and of Tracy Enterprises, and with raising five boys for that matter!

Sitting back in his office chair and staring out across miles of tropical forest to the sparkling blue ocean beyond, Jeff allowed himself to feel content with his life. He raised a glass to Taio Zucco and his wife, wishing the fates had been kinder to them, but he had to live the life he had and enjoy it. Thinking of Taio brought back how close he himself had been to losing his family and turning into that man.

Right then and there, staring out into the horizon with the soft sounds of waves on the shoreline, Jeff Tracy was eternally thankful for his lot in life. He knew how important his family was, and he knew how much they needed one another.

The death of Lucille had created Jeff's desire to help prevent other families from having to deal with that kind of loss, and thus the Thunderbirds had been born. But to truly appreciate the importance of the lives of those they've saved, the one greatest achievement was appreciating the importance of the lives of their own.

Things weren't ending, they were only just beginning.


Le Fin.
I stirred some cheese in.

Thank you for the reviews throughout this fic, they've brought it from start to finish and without them there would be no story. The reviews from the last chapter helped shape this one, I spent a while considering how to play Alan's response to Taio's death but in the end decided that he probably wouldn't be too upset (after all, the guy did try to kill him). In lieu of that I added the Scott/Tess interaction as a replacement, the relationship between the two wasn't planned but it did amuse me.

Before you all rush off to leave one last review (for the sake of saving pandas... or Team Perry the Platypus if CC has her way), I have one last question.

Do you want another Alan fic? And if so, would you like to wait a few months (possibly winter/next spring) for a complete fic uploaded in one go, or would you like it uploaded as and when it's written, chapter by chapter?
I have one which I've started but I'm still juggling things around, the idea is there but the composition still needs work. It doesn't connect to this fic in any way.

Thank you for the fantastic support, and for making sure this was completed. It is such a good feeling to know people have enjoyed it, this is by far the longest thing I've written. I will one day strive to go through the whole story, clean up mistakes, polish and sparkle the rough edges, and present it as truly finished.

ThunderbirdMom, JoTracy123, Hedgi, Overkalix, Bubzchoc, EmilyJaden101, Thunderbird5, Joanne Brandon, Jo1966, Criminally Charmed, Shawty92x, Mimzy and mj star, MJ2901, Lady Lemons, Rosa241, Brittany1989, Thera-Rocklynn, Tarya Ni awtu, GateMadness, HellsGate969, hbruce, LiGi, chocolatelover1, Silver Bee, Ginny Star, Loopstagirl, Skoellya Seyth, peacelovegreen, Em1508, Susan M. M, Megz McGizzle, TangledPencils, FunkyWeeMonkey, Athena's Owl, MistyToryRabiyah, Karmine, Uzumaki Fenix, Faith Bonksie, Life Addict, Procrastination Is My Game, Thunderincrimson, shadowfox8, godsdaughter77, Silverbeard, babygirl09, wyld stallion, guerrero, High Queen Susan the Gentle, Iniysa, Jaguarsolaris, Pixie P, the-artist-19

My love to all of you.

Gotyu x