Dimitri's POV

"Your hair's in the way," I said at one point. "Not only are you blocking your peripheral vision, you're running the risk of letting your enemy get a hnadhold." I added, "If I'm actually in a fight, I'll wear it up." Rose said as she grunted, while neatly staking the dummies "ribs." "I'm just wearing it down today, that's all." she added. "Rose" I said "Rose stop," I said as she stepped away from the dummy. "Look at me," I ordered, "Dimitri-" she started to say but I cut her off. "Look at me" I said again. She turned towards me, shifting her head, so she could look at me. My hand started to move foward, when I saw her eye, but it stopped. "Does it hurt?" I asked, "No" she lied, "It's not that bad," I said looking at her. "It'll heal." I added.

"I hate her," Rose said, looking from me to the floor. "No, you don't." I said gently "I do." she said gazzing at me, "You need to make peace, with her." I said gently. "Can you make this stop, for once?" Rose asked, "What?" I asked confused. "The whole zen life lessons," Rose said, I just looked at her, astonished.

"I swear, sometimes it's just like you want to hear yourselk talk! And now I know you're not always this way. You were perfectly normal when you talked to Tasha. But with me? You're just going through the motions. You don't care about me. You're just stuck in your stupid mentor role." I stared at her shocked, "I don't care about you?" I asked pissed. "No" Rose replied, I noticed she was poking me so I pinned her hand against the wall. "Don't tell me what I'm feeling," I growled. Before I knew what was happening, Rose leant forward and kissed me, I responded wanting to go on forever. "Hmm! Dimitri!" Rose moaned, as she twined her fingers in my hair. Her legs wrapped around my waist only pulling us closer. "Roza..." I trailed off as I kissed her. Moving away from the wall, I went over to the door and locked it, and headed towards the plastic chair.

Rose's POV

"Roza..." Dimitri said as he moved away from the wall, to walk over to the door, and lock it. He headed over towards the plastic chair, with me kissing his jaw. He sat down, as I straddled his lap, "Dimit-" I started to say but he cutted me off by deepining the kiss. "'OMG! Damn, this should not be happening!'" I thought and said to myslef, Dimitir pulled back to look at me. "Rose! You're right, this should not be happening," Dimitri said as I came back down and kissed his neck, going from his neck to his collarbone. "NO! This should not be happening!" Yelled a very pissed off Janine and Alberta. Just as fast as we came at each other Dimitri and I came apart me flying all the way to the wall, Dimitir sat in the chair looking ashamed.

"Mom! A-Alberta, w-what are you doing here?" I asked stuttering. "Well the janitor tried to get into the gym, but the door was locked, and now I know why." Alberta said as she looked from me to Dimitri, 'Shit!' "I'm sorry...oh and don't fire Dimitri he didn't start this, it was me..." I said looking at him, then to my mom, then back to Alberta, and with that I ran...ran as fast I as I could. But before I made it out of the gym, I ran into someone..."I'm sorry," I started to say but I looked up at him, "Dad?" I growled as he looked at me. "Well hello, Miss Rose Hathaway...I'm Abe Mazur, and yes I'm your father!" and with that I ran back to my mom and Alberta. "Holy Shit, why the hell his my father here?" I screamed at my mom! "What?" Dimitri, Alberta, and Janine said all at once, and in an instance I was being protected by Alberta and Dimitri!