Testing, one, two, three, Testing.

Chapter 1

Shadows prevailed about the room making it seem exceedingly dim and murky, only by a single diminutive lamp dangled low enough to almost touch the surface of a central table. Upon the very heart of this boring circular wooden slab was a harsh glare but elsewhere the expanse was mired in shade. Figures surrounded the table at even intervals but of their faces nothing could be seen; only the barest of silhouette could be determined. That they were all male and slightly older was the most obvious, but if one looked closely enough through the brilliance of the innermost glow it was noticeable that each was a man of means.

Expensive dark suits adorned there somewhat elderly bodies and on those excited occasions a brightly coloured tie would flash into view. Other times a classy watch would poke out from beneath a well turned shirt, or upon thick fingers one or more golden rings would glint fiercely off the radiance. It would seem that each wished to keep as much of themselves secret as possible, hence the darkened meeting place and the multiple entrances hidden in the gloom.

It remained ominously quiet for some time as if most were waiting for something to happen. All those waited patiently in the gloom doing nothing more constructive that drumming fingers against the furniture of twisting about a ring of other piece of jewellery. None preoccupied themselves with things such as amusement with little electronic devises, each had some little toy but none removed them from their pockets. In fact only the lowly utilized the toys constantly, those who were important, and these men were, only took them out when needed.

Finally one leaned ever so slightly forward, his fingers on one hand crashing impatiently upon the polished surface. A slight well trimmed beard tinged with grey could just be seen upon his chiselled face. "I don't believe any more will show up, so lets get this thing started." He stated in a gruff voice.

"Yes, I think others as well as myself have things to do." This stated from almost directly across the room from another gentleman with a slightly higher pitched more feminine voice.

"Fine. The subject we've had our eyes upon for a while has done something a little more interesting of late."

"You mean the boy?"

"Yes." The reply came in a sarcastic tone.

"We all know he defeated some super powered energy like creature." A new voice entered into the conversation "What of it."

The first pursed his lips trying to keep his patience. "It's the fact that he was more than willing to sacrifice an entire section of Global Justice officials as well as local law enforcement to give him extra time to carry out his plain."

"Yes you have a point, it does show a higher level of leadership, a willingness to sacrifice others if the objective is something highly profitable." The newest entrance to the melee leaned his elbows upon the table top with his arms raised upward ending in a point where his fingers met.

"Do you think he would have sacrificed her?" It was an honest question.

"Her…Never! He would let himself be destroyed before that happened." The majority were in agreement to that.

"So how do you think we should proceed? We don't wish to waste too much time on something that we will not be able to profit from." Others about the table were in agreement with that statement.

"Excellent point…why don't we have him brought in for a little testing?" this was from the first voice as he leaned back into his expansive chair.

"I believe we have enough clout to pull something off." Others about the table chuckled at that comment.

"Superb if he succeeds than we proceed with our long term plans, if he doesn't then we let it drop; or reconvene on the subject if he shows some promise."

There was a general mumbling about the table but all seemed to be in agreement "Now the next bit of business…"


It was an absolutely stunning afternoon; the sun was being its usual glorious self, shinning down with all its might and pleasantly warming the cool fall air. Large puffy white clouds of all shapes and description drifted slowly past on a slight zephyr of wind. For some it might mean a lazy walk in the park to view the leaves as they did their annual changed from green to red or gold. For others it might mean getting those last minute chores done outside the home before old man winter struck. Finally for a separate group it might mean a leisurely sit down meal at their favourite fast food restaurant.

Bueno Nacho was a quirky little eatery shaped with a circular base and a large sombrero for a roof, it decoration consisting of mostly rich earthy tones. Outside a low brick wall blocked off the patio from the outside world. Earlier in the season festive planters were set out with colourful flowers combined with the occasional plastic cactus provided south of the border atmosphere. Each of the numerous obnoxiously coloured sphere-shaped tables had held a large yellow umbrella to keep the hot sun from the customer's backs. But all those things had been packed up and placed in storage awaiting a new season.

On the outside wall two large glass double doors opened wide allowing the exit of two youthful teens. The first was female, short in stature but large in looks. Excitedly she dragged behind her what could only be described as her boyfriend. As mentioned she was not a tall girl but very obviously attractive with long flowing dark red hair that fell to the small of her back. Glowing sea green eyes seemed to radiate from her face and her grin traveled from ear to ear. Her body was thin and lean but perky in ways only a teenage girl could be. Dressed for the cool fall day in a tight fitting long sleeved sweater complete with a plunging v-necked, the colour a cool aqua, matching closely to her dark emerald eyes. The pants were denim and the very latest style from her favourite store, Club Banana, where she spent a great deal of time as a sales clerk. The trousers held tightly enough to her firm little bottom that something held in the rear pocked would be easily noticeable. From the knee the fabric spread out and belled as it neared the ankle but not enough to look like a throw back to the seventies. Upon her feet was the standard dark running shoes worn by the majority of teens, these she kept clean and neat tying the laces neatly whenever in use. She walked backwards through the one door letting it swished shut as she ceased leaning against it; both her hands were occupied as pulled her lover along.

The poor boy seemed beyond tired, almost as if the weight of the world rested upon his shoulders. Stumbling awkwardly along as the love of his life dragged him about town. On top an oval head was a mess of blonde hair that seemed to posses a mind of its own as to which direction it should go at any given time. Upon his thin but surprisingly well muscled body he wore his standard look of a large baggy red jersey. Underneath this lose fitting shirt was a black turtle neck and below a pair of light brown cargo pants, the contents of the pockets were the majority of the time a small wrinkly creature with the scientific classification of naked mole rat, Rufus if you wished to call him by name. The young man's deep brown eyes fallowed his ladies every movement for truly he did enjoy watching her every passing, it was just now after returning from his apparent death she'd been incredibly clingy and her desire never to release his hand was wearing him down.

When ever she was nearby she had to have his hand in hers or worse still to be snuggled close. On more than one night he had been awakened to her sneaking into his room and embracing him as close as humanly possible, holding on to him so tight that he figured his body would snap in two. Many times during her sleep he would be forced to grasp her like a child when she began to shake badly racked by some horrible nightmare. At some point he she would recover from the trauma and things would, more or less get back to normal. He had no idea on how long that might take, since she was a strong girl he hoped it wouldn't take long.

Pulled along at a hurried pace his short tired legs stumbled several times as he tried to keep tempo with his mate. Turning about to watch in which direction she was going Kim Possible now used only one hand to pull her poor Ron along. Truth be know she had been overjoyed by his return to the land of the living and back into her life, she had been thoroughly lost without him and her body still showed signs of the neglect. Being quite the stalwart girl the next few weeks would were away the horrid strain she'd inflicted upon herself.

Kim knew full well that on this particular day of the week her man's parents would be out with the newest edition to the Stoppable family leaving the house empty; just enough time for the pair to have a more intimate encounter. Hence the boy being dragged along and the sprint through their after school snack.

Practically skipping from one bit of pavement to the next Kim intended to make the most of their time alone, not that, that wasn't her desire all the time. But on this day of the week it was a gift where the two of them could be alone to burn off that excess teenage energy and tension, all the while strengthening the boundaries of their relationship.

Kim had turned around to watch were she was going, releasing one of her hands but still in firm contact to her lover with the other. A familiar girlish cry came from behind and the slack between their arms suddenly went taunt. Not quite ready to let go she was bodily hauled the wrong way round, stumbling as her feet suddenly found themselves searching for solid ground. Falling she struck her hip and elbow hard against the concrete. With pain lancing through those areas that had been smacked she turned about expecting to see that Ron had tripped and fallen over his own feet, which was surprisingly not uncommon, pulling her down with him. Instead she watched his blonde hair disappear into an inky black hole in the cement. Before she could cry out the cavity sealed itself blending in perfectly with the surrounding sidewalk.

With a bellow of fury an enraged Kim Possible pulled forth her small hand held Kimmunicator, striking the power button she bellowed forth "WADE!" and impatiently waited for a reply.

"Hey Kim." Came a friendly reply from the inside the tiny screen. The view of the young coloured boy was not good, the image emanating from such a diminutive viewing space. But what could be seen of the adolescence was that he was a little round about the middle, not a surprise since he very rarely left his parents basement, preferring to do all his intelligence gathering from the near windowless cavern. His dark curly hair was cropped close to his round head. A lightly blue shirt was the only garment he seemed to have in his wardrobe for that was all Kim ever saw him wear. Not that she ever really saw him as mentioned he hardly ever left his room. Anything below his middle was hidden by a mass of computer equipment heaped about his desk; the vast majority Kim had no idea what it was for.

"Wade Ron's been kidnapped!"

"What again…by who this time?" the young boy replied leaning way back into his chair taking a sip from a soda can that had been positioned nearby.

"Global Justice."

"What would they want him for?" What had not been mentioned was that the lad was about thirteen years of age and was a genius, acing both high school and college before he had reached his teen years. It was also his job as a member of team Possible to keep the field operatives equipped with the latest spy wear, gadgets and intelligence to maintain the group in peek fighting form.

"I don't know? But it's the same hole they sucked me into several years ago. See if you can open it." Kim stated pounding the ground with her fist both in frustration and in a futile attempt to smash through the asphalt.

Wade leaned over one of his many keyboards and began quickly pounding away; firing the data in as fast as his chubby little fingers could type. His eyes would flicker from the screen to his fingers and back again until suddenly his cheeks contorted in a sneer. "Sorry Kim I can't get you in here but…" he began punching the keyboard once more. "Yep I can. You'll have to go back to the entrance where you had that little problem with Ron."

"You mean when they thought he was the secret to my success? I don't remember where that was." Letting out a groan Kim was reminded of the annoying portion of time when Ron's head swelled to unbelievable levels as he believed that he was the most important part of her success. Fortunately it had been proven wrong and he was deflated in stature.

"Don't worry by the time you get changed and into your car I'll have the address you'll need."

"Thanks Wade." Kim struck the button shutting down her little device and took off at a run towards her home.


It had been dark then, the rain not long ended when she last was here and really hadn't bothered to linger all that long. Presently things didn't seem all that familiar. She had to admit that it had been almost a year since that faithful chase and things could change, plus after a while one dark dingy alley did kind of look the same as any other. But as she wondered alone down the eerie laneway she could only contemplate angrily about why she was here. Nobody kidnapped her Ron, not the villains and especially not the good guys.

It looked a lot different in the daylight. Large darkly painted warehouses lined the roadway as Kim walked from where she had parked her little purple Sloth. The majority of said structures were in half decent shape, being used on a day to day basis by people whose job it was to maintain their work area. High fences lined the sections between the buildings, sharp barbed wire coiled maliciously about the top. Occasionally a thick metal pipe or walkway would connect one building to the next. The majority had loading docks with steps leading up towards them and massive rolling metal doors that would open whenever a truck would latch on. High above a single water tower hovered upon thin metal legs waiting to discharge its contents when called upon.

As she wondered about the area, her Kimmunicator was held at arms length, the display turned upwards so our hero could fallow the little glowing blip that would lead her towards the hidden entrance to Global Justice and presumably her boyfriend. Rounding a corner and heading down a passage darkened by constructions of cinderblock, ignoring the fact that more than once she had trodden in some form of disgusting filth, she fallowed the blip until it dead ended in a solid block wall.

Letting forth an annoyed sneer Kim looked at the familiar wall and knew this was the place. Running the fingers of one hand over the cool cement she traced along the seams looking for the crack that would mark an opening. She had known it wouldn't be as easy as walking up and saying open says me but she had hoped. So the crusade continued with her punching away at her diminutive keypad first picking the right menu then the action which would allow her to open the hidden portal.

Last time it had been opened by a robotic ninja with a device similar to a garage door opener and now for her it was just a matter of matching the correct frequency. She could hear the little computer toy hum as it worked, zipping through frequencies with an extremely hurried pace until with a rumble a portion of the barrier shifted and rose upwards allowing access to the innards of the structure.

The innards of the building were well lit as she took several paces inside and knelt onto the floor. Gently rubbing her hand about; leaving long thin trails where her fingertips brushed through dirt. She knew the divider was here somewhere and had no desire to be directly over the hole when it opened. Once again she told the little processor to do its thing, happily sending it humming away to its assigned task. "Come on up hurry up." She muttered to the little contraption.

Suddenly Kim had the strangest sensation she was being watched. Looking up she was confronted by two men who were sitting at their workstations just staring at her. Letting out a nervous giggle and pointing one thin digit to the ground beneath where she knelt "I'm looking for my boyfriend." Kim explained.

Almost the instant she had spoken the floor zipped open revealing a deep chasm. Leaping into the air she spun about grasping the ladder she already knew to be there and disappeared onto the darkness.


The pair of workers stared down as the hole disappeared and the wall resealed itself. Looking deep into each others eyes imploring the other that what the one had just seen had in fact actually happened. Finally they simultaneously rose from place and slowly sauntered around to the now empty floor. There was barely a crack where the pretty young girl had disappeared and before they stepped forward one daintily extended a toe and gently pushed down upon the ground.

"What are you two doing." Came a commanding voice from behind.

"There's a hole in the floor." One commented but both pointed to the nonexistent hole "And one in the wall too."

The foreman gave the pair that look, clearly not believing them. "Ya there's one in the wall. A little red hair girl disappeared into the one in the floor."

Glaring at the duo "Just get back to work!" grumbling he turned abruptly and stalked off.

The twosome ignored the command instead remaining fixated upon the events of the past few moments. They hadn't realized that large holes resided unseen in their work area, they had never seen nor met that red haired girl and they certainly hadn't seen any guy who might have been a suitable candidate for her boyfriend. What they did know was that it would be a long while before they built up the confidence to walk upon the place where that hole had originated.


Kim hadn't bothered using the ladder as a normal person might but instead chose to ride the rails, sliding down the outside bars at break neck speed. The concrete walls zipped by rapidly as she plummeted the several hundred meters into the dark realms of Global Justice. Occasionally she would feel her fingers rap up against one of the central handrails or her toes would catch alongside a support but for the most part she made the trip almost as swiftly as the last time she entered through this portal. The previous time she'd leapt after the plunging boyfriend or soon to be boyfriend as was the case at that time, catching him before the each went splat upon the decking.

Hitting the ground hard Kim felt a jarring in her knees that rippled up her entire body stressing her joints to the max. Now that she had firmly entered the dragon's layer her blood began to boil and a seething rage took control. Somebody would pay for this insult and it wasn't going to be her.

Abruptly turning she set a path down the only passage way, storming furiously into what she knew to be command central. Although still several dozen meters away the faint glow of computer screens could be seen and the quiet hum of multitudes of personnel as they did whatever monitoring needed to be done.

Thundering down the passageway, teeth clenched and fists balled in furry Kim was not surprised nor was she impressed when a figure stepped out to greet her. He was a tall impressive looking man dressing in his dark blue uniform. A bright red sash rode directly across his chest and gold trim strips decorated his wrists. Slung over his right shoulder was a closed leather purse the contents one could only assume to be a weapon of some sorts. Numerous pouches ringed the black belt holding whatever somebody thought necessary for his policeman's job.

His body that was long and lean with a skin colour that was slightly darker in tone giving away his Asiatic heritage. His head was shaped like an egg with dark jet black hair neatly cropped and plastered with jell. Massive bushy eyebrows were overpowering and almost hid his small eyes. He had the attitude of one who is tops in his field and a tone that was almost condescending.

"Hello Kimberly Ann." He spoke softly in hushed tones.