I would just like to say I do not own Naruto or any of the other things I pay homage too. If you like one of my ideas please, feel free to use them in your own stories, though I would appreciate a PM so I can read them.



"Demon speech"

'Demon thought'


Swirling Blood Chapter 19

"Naruto-kun!" rang out a shout as the real Naruto stood talking to the exhausted Sasuke at the end of the third days training having just returned from protecting Tazuna.

He turned just in time to have something soft and yet hard slam into him knocking him to the ground. He quickly found that the softness was a pair of c-cup breasts pressed directly to his face while the hardness was the muscles underneath the flesh of the unknown girl who had landed upon him. She was perhaps his own age with short silver hair and slitted blood red eyes. Her skin was smooth and a beautiful pale almost porcelain white color and she had the curves to die for matching if not improving upon those of his Orioki no jutsu while having the lethalness of a skilled kunoichi. Not to mention that her finger nails extended into sharp points and her canine teeth were pronounced and excessively sharp looking.

"Um sorry, who are you?" said the confused blond.

"Oh it's me, Uchinaru Sakura, which of course means Inner but I love the fact that it sounds like a combination of Sasuke-kun's family name and your name. Though if you want something simpler to call me, you can just call me Izzy. We finally figured out how to switch so I can have control. We were working on the seal less henge but we kept having trouble cause hers was strong yin and very accurate to what to what we wanted but there was almost no solidarity while mine was solid but we looked like a wreck. That's when we got the idea to mix our chakras to give it shape with hers and body with mine. So we just tried it and the moment our chakras blended we instantly switched and the henge came out great far better than expected even. The chakra used in the henge even seems to automatically be enhancing us with mine enhancing our strength and speed unconsciously and hers enhancing our senses. I can see so much clearer as if no distance exists between me and the house from here, sounds are so much clearer I can even determine what Tsunami is talking about with her son, touch is enhanced so much every movement of the air is like a lover's caress, and smell…" the girl on top of Naruto excitedly spewed out seemingly in one breath before suddenly coming to a halt as she took a deep breath through her nose.

"Oh… you smell positively…," she said in a very seductive manner as her face drifted closer to Naruto's who had stiffened at the tone in her voice. As her lips passed his ear she almost moaned out, "delectable," before suddenly sinking her fangs into the junction of his neck and shoulder.

Naruto sat frozen from the sensations going through him. He had expected the bite to hurt but apparently her saliva was more than a coagulant that promoted healing as the moment her mouth touched his skin a sort of pleasurable burning sensation spread from the contact. Not to mention having this goddess of a girl's body pressed so intimately against him.

Finally she drew away, her eyes fluttering in apparent pleasure. "That was so much better than those pills of yours. The taste of flesh under my tongue followed by the warm flow as the blood pours out into my mouth… It was positively… orgasmic. Thanks for being my first Naruto-kun," she said with a wink as she sat up from him.

Then her eyes snapped up to Sasuke who was looking on with a look of shock. Getting up she strutted towards him causing him to take a step back in slight fear at the somewhat predatory look in her eyes. His mouth was opening to say something when suddenly she blurred from sight for a moment before appearing directly in front of him, reaching out, and pulling him into an open mouth soul searing kiss her tongue darting into his mouth to explore and easily dominating his own.

After a couple moments of that she finally pulled away with a sigh saying, "I hope your blood tastes better when you have your own cause that was kinda disappointing. Well I better let Sakura have control back now."

She stepped away and suddenly with a poof of smoke Sakura stood there. She took a look at Sasuke who stood there with a glazed look in his eyes then to Naruto who was similarly dazed. "Eep," she wailed as her face flushed bright red and she dashed off through the trees back to Tazuna's house to hide.

Perhaps twenty minutes later Naruto in a stunned tone said, "Wow, Izzy has a lot fewer inhibitions than Sakura."

"I-I-I… what?" replied an equally stunned Sasuke before he fainted.

He had managed to drag Sasuke back to the house just before dinner was served and get him awakened. Things were noticeably strained that night as Sasuke and Sakura refused to look at each other or Naruto. Sakura because of what Izzy had done and Sasuke because Naruto saw him faint from what Izzy had done though he was very confused about what kind of bloodline could have such a drastic effect on a person as the shift between Sakura and Izzy had.

Shortly after dinner Naruto said, "Sakura I think we should tell Sasuke since Izzy was so blatant about her feeding and we might as well tell Kakashi-sensei as well."

Blushing again she said, "Yeah I guess."

So gesturing Sasuke over they moved over to Kakashi's pallet where he had returned to resting after the meal.

"Kakashi-sensei, Sasuke we have determined that Sakura does not in fact have a new Kekkei genkai but instead has an old one that came from Uzu like mine. In fact her clan was allied with mine as we helped them to hide their existence," Naruto explained.

"Hmm and what is this Kekkei genkai?" Kakashi asked.

"Well, have you ever heard the legends of the thieves of blood?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke's eyes opened wide at that and he started backing away from Sakura, "You stay away from me. You're not going to eat my soul for the sharingan,"

"Man your clan must have been paranoid to change the legends like that," Naruto said with a snort. "All she needs is a little blood which she converts into a special chakra that allows her to use the bloodline of the donor. She couldn't get the sharingan now if she wanted since all the blood in your body is mine."

"So what all can this bloodline do other than steal other bloodlines?" asked Kakashi.

He calmly started explaining as it was apparent that Sakura was highly embarrassed about the whole situation. "Well she has to drink blood to fill her second persona's chakra reserves since it doesn't fill itself like her normal one, save for a small gain when she is enraged. Her normal chakra is high yin aligned while Izzy's reserves are high yang. If the legends are correct when tested she will not have a focus element unless you test the second chakra which will be aligned the same as the stolen blood. Her saliva has healing properties as well as I just found out some form of pleasure stimulus."

"So that's why that kiss felt so good?" Sasuke mumbled to himself.

"Something you want to tell me Sasuke?" Kakashi said with a touch of humor getting him to blanch while Sakura's blush went three shades brighter.

"Ah well sensei Izzy which is the nickname Uchinaru Sakura gave us was far less reserved about her actions than Sakura herself. She straddled me talking seductively to me before she bit and drank from me, which is how I found out about the stimulus effect, and then she kissed Sasuke into submission," Naruto said with a grin at their discomfort.

"Just finish with the explanation dobe," Sasuke growled out with a huff.

"Well the only thing else we know is that she was able to switch which persona was in control of her body by mixing their chakra and performing a henge which in and of itself granted her enhanced physical abilities and senses. You might want to eventually train Sakura in tracking techniques to go with the enhancements, but with your permission I was thinking to give her enough blood tomorrow that I could teach Izzy the kagebushin since her chakra isn't tied to Sakura's life force like her normal chakra is. Izzy effectively can't experience the negative effects of chakra depletion and it would allow the two of them to train separately at the same time instead of having to go back and forth," Naruto said looking to Kakashi for his thoughts.

"Hmm, well as long as you only teach her the kagebushin and not taiju kagebushin and as long as Sakura herself promises to never use the technique till I believe she is ready I suppose that I don't have a problem with that," Kakashi responded after a few moments thinking about it.

"Sure sensei I can do that," Sakura quietly responded.

"Hmm I do have one question though," Naruto then said.

"Yeah?" Sakura responded.

"I can understand why she adjusted your body as it would make for a good distraction much like the orioki no jutsu I invented when I was younger and the red slitted eyes are very intimidating, but why the silver hair?" he asked with a hint of curiosity.

"Ah, well she felt with the name Uchinaru Sakura she had a sorta link to both you and Sasuke-kun but none to sensei so she decided on silver hair as a connection to him," she explained.

"Well tell her I'm proud of her as that sounds like she is very interested in teamwork and from Naruto's previous descriptions it sounds like she might be just perverted enough to be like the daughter I never had," Kakashi said with his unique smile that closed his one visible eye.

Sakura promptly went a shade of red bordering on purple not even Hinata had ever managed as she would have passed out long before that point.

The next day Sasuke went back to control training to get to the point where he could boost his speed while the Naruto clone took Sakura aside. It had taken five hours of explanations and practice and nearly drained the clone of chakra in order to produce blood to recharge Izzy but finally they had managed to create a stable Izzy clone. It was then that they found out an interesting side effect.

"Oh wow this technique may be even better than advertised," said the clone.

"Why's that?" Naruto asked.

"Well you said it's supposed to split my chakra evenly and most of the unused chakra is returned right?" Izzy asked.

"Oh now that you mentioned it that took a lot more of Izzy's chakra than it should have," Sakura said in contemplation.

"Yeah that's because it also copied you and converted a portion of my chakra to yours which would mean when I dispel I will get back some of my chakra and so will you," Izzy responded.

"Which gives me a quick way to refill my somewhat lacking reserves from yours with a quick clone and dispel as long as we have a source of blood like Naruto-kun," Sakura said distractedly while contemplating the new tactical information not even noticing the addition of the honorific.

"Yeah Naruto-kun's Kekkei genkai is really amazing and helpful to me," Izzy said with a slight emphasis on the kun along with a wink to the Naruto clone.

"Oh that reminds me I was working on this personal technique and was wandering if you would be willing to teach Izzy your Chiton: Nagereru Chi," Sakura requested.

"I suppose I could do that but what is this technique?" he asked while trying to keep his composure from Izzy's teasing.

"Well I already knew that when you put several exploding tags together it produces a lot more force than the total combined force that would have been caused by each tag exploding separately from a book I had read and had thought up a technique to use this magnified explosive force. Then I saw how effective the idea could be when you exploded that tree since it produced such power even the Anbu requested your services in producing more logs that did the same. My idea was to produce tiny confetti sized exploding tags that I could easily keep together in a bundle along with a large number of sakura petals I have collected to disguise them and release over an area then set them off with a single normal tag to produce the wanted magnified explosion. I decided to name the technique Sakura Fubuki no jutsu since if done properly it would look like a blizzard of Sakura petals. My only problem was drawing each of the tiny exploding tags out by hand takes a lot of time. It would have been several months before I would have been able to make enough to deploy the technique. Heck with your technique I could just turn the sakura petals into the required tags instead," she explained.

"You know if that works the way you want it too you might have your own product to sell to the village. As long as I get a small cut of the profit for supplying you with my bloodline of course," the Naruto clone said with a smirk.

Sasuke had mastered the tree climbing technique by the time lunch had rolled around thanks to the help from Naruto. He and Sakura then began the water walking training together while Izzy produced two clones with Naruto's help. One was training in the tree climbing to get her own chakra control up while the other was learning the Suiton: Nagareru Inku technique from a Naruto clone, which was the basis for the one she wanted to learn.

On the ocean's shore just a short distance from the house Sakura and Sasuke were listening as a clone explained their next chakra control exercise. "Okay water walking is similar to tree climbing except that the surface of the water is constantly moving and changing. Thus the chakra used must be constantly adjusted to maintain the required surface tension that will support your weight upon the water's surface."

"Are there practical applications to this exercise as well?" Sasuke asked.

"There are some though the amount of chakra expended may make it not really practical for regular use. First and most obvious is that being able to walk and or run on water gives you a terrain advantage against those who can't as you can move faster than most swimmers and have the advantage of striking from higher ground, though striking those who are experienced in water combat may be difficult as they can use the water itself as cover against many techniques. Second of course is if you can use your chakra to stand on water you can certainly use it to keep yourself dry in a downpour by creating a light film of chakra across the entire surface of your body. This technique can be easily practiced in the shower and using it to quickly dry yourself stepping out could be a form of daily chakra control exercise," he explained to them.

"I can see how that could be useful when you're in a hurry and need a shower badly," Sakura commented.

"Yes well, the final use is the most advanced and even I haven't mastered it yet. When you have truly mastered water walking you will be able to quickly skate along on a cushion of chakra. If you have ever seen kids using Ice skates you probably know that when skating you can move a lot faster than you would be able to while running. Also one of the fastest methods of skating involves taking tilting your body back and forth with your movements as if you were taking steps possibly even lifting your feet from the surface. Doing this allows you to combine the boosting technique with the skating one while conserving chakra by not having both feet constantly expending chakra to stand on the water. Truly mastering the technique will allow you to even skate on land as if it were made of ice," he said finally finishing his explanation.

"So if you haven't mastered this why aren't you working on it as well?" Sasuke asked.

"Because unlike you I haven't spent years working on elemental composition so I need to work on that. Plus combining skating with boosting is really advanced and burns chakra like a fire jutsu burns oil. I would be very surprised if you managed to complete it in the next couple days before Kakashi sensei is back up and we start being more wary of Zabuza's return. Now why don't you two get to work? Oh and you might want to strip down to a bare minimum until you master drying yourself otherwise you are going to be cold wet and miserable by the end of today and each day we continue training," the clone advised before thinking to himself, 'Not to mention it will provide a perfect method of training Sakura to work while distracted as she was able to get past my attempts to distract her earlier unlike Sasuke.'

AN: Well another chapter in the can so to speak. I hope you enjoyed it and reviews are appreciated. I would also like to wish everyone a happy holidays.

Chiton: Nagereru Chi – Blood style: Flowing blood = The blood style version of Suiton: Nagareru Inku (Water style: flowing ink) this jutsu allows the user to create several small spheres of blood or ink in the original and have them follow the motions of a single one that the user manually commands. This jutsu can also be used to cause these spheres to follow the motions of a flow not controlled by the user allowing a ninja to copy text as it's being written by another. This usage was originally designed as a spying technique.

Sakura Fubuki no Jutsu – Cherry Blossom Blizzard Technique = Sakura throws numerous kunai attached with bags of small explosive tags and cherry blossom petals to help camouflage the tags. She then throws an additional kunai with an explosive tag to ignite the tags and catch the enemy in a large explosion. This jutsu came from 'Naruto Movie 1: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow'. Thanks to Naruto's technique she will be able utilize the technique far sooner and make it more powerful by making the petals explode as well.