Summary: The school perfectionist, Ayuzawa Misaki, has a lot of secrets. Masquerading as a guy in the all-boys Seika High School is one of them.

Okay, I know my first fanfic (FMA) was just uploaded yesterday and now, here I am with another fic. I just itched for a Maid-sama fic while waiting for the subbed episode seven. Then the idea just popped out when I remembered the butler arc in the manga. Plus, I love gender-bender. I just hope I could pull this off without too much cliché and all.

I really really pray that you could at least like this story. Constructive criticism is always welcome.


Chapter 1


"Wait, Ayuzawa! No!"


Mornings were always like this. It's hard for a straight-A student to be able to stand such a class, but I knew better. Being surrounded by idiots was never my first choice when looking for a decent high school. Decent is an exaggeration when it comes to Seika High School. Brawling, reading porn, walking around the hallways half naked, body odor,every classroom was a male paradise. If seen a guy not doing any of the mentioned, he would automatically be labeled as a whimp, much worse, gay. I was sure no girl could survive a minute just by stepping in the gates of Seika High without being harassed.

But a girl disguised as a boy could.

I, Ayuzawa Misaki, had been attending this all-boys school for a semester now, and nobody had uncovered this secret yet. My reasons was not that go-to-an-all-boys-school-for-my-crush reason or prove-that-I'm-better-than-any-guy-out-there thing. Okay, maybe some of the latter because I had hated guys ever since. Men are idiots, in my opinion. Anyway, I came here because the matriculation fees were the cheapest I could find; my family wasn't really blessed with wealth. But every time I walk into the hellish gates of this school, it made me somehow think everything was a bad idea.

"Yomohiro-kun, you should have asked when you tried to copy my homework." I smiled in false sweetness. That always got the nerves of these imbeciles.

"I-I'm sorry Ayuzawa! It'll n-never happen again!" He lowly bowed hastily in front of me after regaining some of his posture. I was even surprised when he did. I threw him across the room, hit the locker containing the cleaning materials, got all the brooms hit him in the head and could still stand up and talk? This guy sure was impressive.

"You better be sure about that!" I shouted before picking up the abused notebook and shrugged off the gawking boys behind me. They sure were not energetic that morning.

I sat in my seat, waiting for our first period teacher to arrive. This was what I hated when going to school early, especially when there was an assignment from math class. The students' answers to an assignment would sometimes be mostly the same. Basically, a source would provide the answers or they could just get a nerd's notebook. Perhaps they were out of sources. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and the boys were all panicking from the failed last resort.

A sigh escaped my lips when thinking about this stressful high school life. I closed my eyes, hoping that losing the vision of the chaotic classroom would soothe me at least a little.

The classroom door suddenly opened, making all the running-around-like-idiots-on-fire boys halt in anxiety. I wished it was our teacher, but simple wishes didn't always come true. The person stepped in, revealing our student council president, Usui Takumi.

Man, I hate him.

He was my rival when it came to academics, as expected to a student council president. Even though his grades were better than my aces, I never ever saw him study. At all. That just made me more pissed off.

Despite his position and brains, he was also a girls magnet. As a guy, one would be jealous, but not me. A lot of girls would sneak in the school just to catch a glimpse of him. Being the president and all, he never thought of forbidding it. He once said during the first-day-of-school assembly, "It's also for the sexually deprived men." Of course all of the dumb population, minus a handful of good guys and a girl/me, cheered and loved him more. Fortunately, there hadn't been a sexual harassment or rape case reported around the school area yet.

The student body loved him, and yet, the students feared him. I never knew why, but they just did. Maybe it was his perverseness? Yeah, that was it. The level of his hentai mind was beyond all of the school guys' combined. His whole being practically oozed with perverted pheromones. Sometimes, I questioned why a guy like that would be the school's student council president. Yes, being an over-achiever was one of the pre-requisites of being chosen as president, but a popular pretty boy and a slacker? This school proved how messed up it was.

"Good morning, Misaki-kun. I heard you're causing trouble again." He told me in amusement, ignoring the surprised class.

This crazy guy always had his eye on me, ever since I came here this semester. Sure, I had beaten up a couple of guys [for causing me and some students trouble] ever since I came here. But he took it as if I was the worst student in the entire school! One hundred percent of all the cases the students caused were a lot worse than mine. I never liked this special treatment, more if it was from my enemy. What if it was because he found out my secret?

"What do you want, Usui?" I hissed at him with a hint of nervousness.

He smirked at me. The moment he made that, I knew there was some sort of evil plan he had in his perverted head, which made me more nervous. I made a face that would scare the entire student body. Unfortunately, it never worked on this person.

"Well, as the student council president, I must make sure all is in order." He said coolly. Make sure all is in order? Yeah right, you just want to mock me.

I ignored him. I flipped the pages of my notebook nonchalantly. Ignoring him might make him go away, which he didn't. He took the empty seat in front of mine and watched me. I heard my classmates snicker, probably waiting for me to crack. Those guys were toast for sure.

He was like that until I finished browsing my notebook. He never failed to get into my nerves. I could practically hear his stare.


I let out an exasperated sigh and looked up at the monstrosity in front of me.

"All right, I give up. I know you're up to something." I accused.

"How could you say that, Misaki-kun? You think the president would do something terrible to his fellow students?"

"Of course! If that president is you, and…. And that! That smirk of yours! I'm sure there's something evil behind it!" I shouted in annoyance. I just wished he would go away. Please.

God was pretty considerate this time. The bell rang and in came our first period teacher. I mentally thanked God for such a great miracle. Upon seeing the adult, Usui stood up and paused to glance at me.

"Take care, Misaki-kun."

Usui Takumi walked out, leaving a dumbfounded Ayuzawa Misaki.


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