Hello all,

This message may come as a surprise, especially since it has been quite some time since the completion of this story. But I'm uploading this message here to let you all know that I've issued myself a challenge for my other LoZ story, Metamorphosis.

Due to the overly apparent lack of updates, I've decided that this coming December (starting past Dec 9) I will aim to publish at minimum four chapters before the year ends. I'll be aiming to make the chapters at least 3,000 words (excluding author's notes). This is my way of wishing you all a Happy Holidays and a way of apologizing for the lack of updates.

If anyone is interested, please feel free to check out the story. It follows a different flow from A Mended Heart, and I'm aiming to include further characterization and plot into the story. I started to write it in 2011, and it's now 2015, so it's been some years. I've grown as a writer and I will be trying my utmost hard to show that in Metamorphosis.

Well, that's it. I just wanted to let you all know. :3 If you enjoyed this story, I can guarantee that you will enjoy my other LoZ story just as much.

Thank you,
