Srry that it took so long. I (MD) wanted to write a chapter by myself, so this is it. So dont blame grimm. She did help me fix some things. Anyways, lets continue.

thebrokencradle- thx for sticken through this story so far. We greatly appreciate it. And we hope this update pleases you.

Wackylazy- nothing can hold Warp in. just you wait.

Random523- grimm's friend right? so u've never bothered reading this fic huh. i'm dissapointed. u better review for this update. even grimm cant save u from my wrath.

Darkest-Dark-Lady- thx 4 reviewing. I know grimm's been telling me to update but i was waiting for the 4th reviewer. hehe. grimm's going to kill me for wating this long.

Our comm/bond talk and time guide is located on grimm's page, but u wont need it for this chap.

Remember the 3 R's - Read-Review- and Remember we dont own Tranformers in any way, shape, or form.

Chapter 4

Thundercracker was sitting at one of the tables in the mess hall talking to Thrust about some kind of flight maneuver when he suddenly heard someone walk up behind him. He turned around to find Frenzy looking nervous about something. "What do you need Frenzy?"

The small cassette looked toward Thrust before asking what was on his mind. "What's bonding?" Frenzy watched as Thrust quickly made his way out of the mess hall leaving the two Cons behind.

Thundercracker was taken back a little from the question. He pulled himself together with an awkward expression plastered on his face. "Shouldn't you be asking Soundwave this question?"

"I tried looking for him, but I can't find him anywhere." Frenzy crossed his arms. "Besides, you and Skywarp are bonded. You can explain it better."

"There are other bonded mechs around here. Why don't you ask one of them." Thundercracker than got an idea. "You can even ask Shockwave. He has nothing else better to do. I'll even contact him for you."

Before Thundercracker had the chance to stand up Frenzy stopped him. "I want you to tell me because I have a copy of the holo vid you and Warp made the night when he-" Frenzy was cut off when Thundercracker slapped his hand over his mouth.

Thundercracker was relieved that he caught him just in time. He didn't want other mechs learning of that event. It was embarrassing enough as it is. Just then, the blue seeker's bond link opened up. He began to talk to Skywarp leaving Frenzy a little confused. Thundercracker listened as Skywarp complained about blocking him on their trine bond and some other stuff.

Frenzy sat down next to the blue seeker after figuring out that he was talking to Skywarp on their bond. He waited patiently, which he surprised himself in doing, and began to drink some of Thundercracker's high grade. Soundwave never let him or his brothers drink the stuff, but no one was watching.

As Thundercracker was abruptly cut from the bond, he turned toward the little cassetticon who was giving him this innocent look that screamed 'I did something', but just ignored it. "I might as well get this over with. What do you want to know?"

"Well," Frenzy thought for a moment. He had a basic idea of what bonding did and what interfacing was 'thanks to the bonded seeker's video', but nothing more. "All if it." He gave a satisfied grin knowing this was going uncomfortable for the seeker.

"The basic part of it is that it's a link between mechs and or femmes that can't be broken." Thundercracker felt satisfied with his answer but knew that wasn't going to be enough.

Frenzy looked at him expecting more. "But what are the different types of bonding?"

"Well, there are three types. Each broken down into different details that make them different. Do you have to hear them all?" The blue jet already knew the answer.

"Yup." Frenzy nodded his head in emphasis.

Thundercracker pondered on the best and simplest way to explain this. He also got over his nervousness knowing that it wasn't going to help get Frenzy leave. "The first kind of bond would be the family. You're more familiar with that one. It lets you feel your siblings or sparklings presence, and if it's strong, how they feel. It works better with twins This bond you're born with."

"What about the other two types?" Frenzy sounded honestly curious.

"I'm getting there. Give me time to think about how to word it" Thundercracker could hear Frenzy's impatience. "The second type is the trine bond. It was originally created for three seekers to develop something similar to a family bond. It allows the three seekers to talk and locate the other. We can't feel each other because back when this type of bond was formed, feeling someone else's emotions was a weakness in battle. This bond is formed when the trine form a close triangle and let their sparks merge for a brief amount of time. Any longer could cause a real permanent bond."

Frenzy was understanding everything he was being told. "So the permanent one is the last one?"

"Yes and no." Thundercracker saw the dumbfounded look that plastered Frenzy's face. It was also humorous seeing Frenzy's impatience. "The third form of bonding is…well…more intimate. It's a deep connection between two Cybertronians that have more results and side affects."

"What do you mean?"

"It would probably he easier to explain the two levels of this kind of bond."

Now the little cassette was confused. "Two levels?" Frenzy crossed his arms in frustration. "This is getting more complicated."

Thundercracker let out of a small chuckle. "It's understandable. You are hearing this for the first time." The blue seeker patted Frenzy n the head like a sparkling which was making the cassette a little frustrated. "Anyways, the first level is the only breakable bond. The reason for this is because the two mates didn't merge their sparks together long enough. It's mostly to see if the two can handle the other as their mate. This bond lets you talk, feel, and locate the other, but from a certain amount of distance. The distance varies between bots. Also, it expires after an amount of time, again, it varies."

"What about the second level?" Frenzy was eager for Thundercracker to continue.

"Didn't I tell you to give me time to explain this? Primus, you're worse than 'Warp."

"You don't have to be a grouch." Frenzy put up his hands in mock surrender.

Thundercracker let out a soft sigh, Where was Soundwave? This is his sparkling after all. 'The second level is the strongest bond there is. You are able to talk, feel, and locate the other like the first level, but it doesn't matter the distance. Even if the other is somewhere on the other side of the universe, it would feel like they were right next to you. The problem is…the bond…it…kills you if your mate dies. The only known bots that survived the ricochet of their mates death either went insane or isolated from the world. It feels like your spark shatters inside you, but in any other bond, it just feels like part of your spark is empty. This level is formed the same way as the first, but you merge your sparks together for a longer amount of time."

Frenzy let the information sink in before asking Thundercracker his final question. "How do you interface?"

Thundercracker stood up from his seat and began to walk away. "I'm not answering that. Go bother someone else."

Frenzy jumped from his seat and began to follow the fleeing seeker. "Come on. You got to tell me."

"Go to your creator and ask him. He made four of you, he should know."

"But everyone knows how much you and 'Warp interface. You're the best one to ask."

Any questions, you can send a private message. Any hate/complaints of this fic, we ask to keep to ur selves. remember if u have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. Well, that applies here too. Any advice(worded nicely plz) you can private message and we'll go over it.

On a side note; we'll explain how sparklings and interface go when it comes up. We cant seem to agree right now.

Also the reason Frenzy isn't talking to Soundwave is that he doesnt think his cassettes are old enough to know that kind of stuff. we're still figuring an age. he didnt think that they would have those questions yet(but thx to the video frenzy has). Soundwave would get mad if he found out he had a video like that.

Thank you for reading and please review or i might hold the next chapter hostage again.