AN- So yup, this update is a lot faster than the last few. Thank you to everyone who has voted, it turns out that I will be writing a yaoi version of this story. NOTE: In the yaoi version there will probably be a few different plot points. i.e. it will NOT be exactly the same as this story, but with the word "her" replaced with "him". Got it? Good.

Warnings: cursing, sasufemnaru, I assume you know the drill by now. Oh, and this chapter is slightly more serious than previous ones.

Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, not me, not the Easter Bunny, not the tooth fairy, and not the hobo that lives behind the Seven Eleven.

Naruto and her team ran into the forest. They all stopped when they reached a clearing. Naruto created three clones, two of which henged into the forms of Sakura and Sasuke. The clones looked at Naruto, saluted, and ran forward through the forest.

Naruto turned to her teammates and pulled out the heaven scroll. She pushed up her headband and blinked open her eyes, wincing at the light. "Alright, lets get down to business. Sasuke, I need you to disguise this in a genjutsu to look like this." She held up a paint brush.

Sakura tilted her head, "What is that?"

"It's a sealing brush for some of my jutsus." Naruto handed the heaven scroll to Sasuke who quickly activated his sharingan and concealed it. He gave it back to Naruto and she put it in what looked like a mini art case. Naruto created a clone next to her and the clone henged into the shape of the heaven scroll. Naruto nodded to herself and pocketed it.

She smiled at her teammates and told them her plan, "This test should be simple enough. We should probably take position Alpha-Beta-Alpha. Agreed?" Sasuke and Sakura nodded, the latter with fear and apprehension in her eyes. Naruto continued, "For right now we'll keep it defensive until we find a weak opponent. However, if we get attacked, then I'm not going to show any mercy." Sakura trembled at the malice in Naruto's voice.

Sasuke then asked, "Why did you created those shadow clones before?"

"In case of any strong enemies. If the clones get destroyed then they'll disappear and relay all memories to me."

Sakura, who was still trembling in fear of the whole test, gulped and adjusted her headband/hairband and got in position between her teammates. Sasuke was up front, leading the team. Sakura was behind him with Naruto holding up the rear (not in that way, you perverts). The whole team jumped up into the trees and began running.

They had been running for hours and the sun was setting. They had ambushed a team earlier, but they had a heaven scroll too.

Suddenly, Naruto halted. Her team turned to her and she jumped a few branches to catch up to them. "There's a Sound team down there that seem like very dangerous opponents. I don't particularly want them to pass to the next round. I think we should attack them and hope that they have the earth scroll."

"An ambush?" Sasuke asked. Naruto nodded and created a dozen clones who silently leaped into the foliage and hid themselves.

Luckily the Sound team was getting ready for the night. There was a female and two males. The girl was putting up various traps while both of the males were discussing something.

"What are they talking about?" Sasuke whispered to Naruto.

Naruto held up a hand to silence him and listened. "There deciding shifts for look outs during the night while they sleep. First is the guy with the bandages, then the other guy, then the girl." She looked perturbed at the order of which the shifts were. "Dammit, I'd bet you all of the money in Ero-sennin's wallet that the guy with the bandages is the strongest."

Sasuke frowned, "Well we still shouldn't let that deter us. If we can take their scroll, whether it be earth or not, they'll still be out of the competition."

Naruto and Sakura nodded in agreement. The team decided to wait until two of the three Sound nin fell asleep. Naruto then created a silencing seal and wrapped it around the handle of one of her kunai. She then looked at Sasuke and Sakura who were hiding in the bushes across the clearing from her. At their nods of aproval, Naruto threw the kunai and aimed for the awake nin's neck.

To her and her teams surprise he dodged and whirled around to face Naruto. Sensing the imminent danger Naruto performed a shunshin and appeared behind the nin. The last thing he uttered was a pathetic yelp before Naruto slitted his throat. He limply fell to the dirt below.

Sakura watched in utter fear as Naruto made quick work of the other two Sound nin, who hadn't even woken up through the whole ordeal.

Once it was safe, Sasuke entered the clearing and began to search the lifless nin's bodies for their scroll. "Found it." He announced. To there absolute joy the scroll was earth. Sakura sighed in relief, glad to know that the test was almost over.

Sasuke performed a genjutsu on it to make it look like a brush, like he had done with the heaven scroll. He gave it to Naruto to put in with the other.

By now it was completely dark out, the only light was from the moon, which had to fight it's way through the dense trees. Sakura looked at her teammates. "What should we do now?"

Sasuke shrugged, "Well we could keep going, or we can camp out for the night," He then looked at the dead bodies around them, "Probably not here though..."

Naruto saw the drained look on Sakura's face and gave Sasuke a look, "I think we should rest for now. I still have those shadow clones that can keep us safe through the night," She gave a reassuring smile to Sakura, "Come on, let's go find a place to rest."

AN- Alright, so I would post this right now, but Fanfic is apparently undergoing some upgrades and isn't letting me login. So yeah, I made this chapter longer, and the update was faster. Hope you enjoyed. ^ ^