Witch Daughter

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters, though I wish I did. They are all property of J.K. Rowling and her business associates, except for Lillian.

A.N. This is only slightly out of cannon, except for the epilogue in later chapters.

It is built as a series of scenes which are not continuous but give a fragmented image of the story. I hope you enjoy it...

Sep 1, 2011 : As some readers pointed out, there was a problem with Hermione's story about the third year. I've made some small modifications which hopefully correct the problem, Changed paragraphs are enclosed within":::". Added paragraph enclosed within "+++"

1: December 1997

Harry was sitting at the tent's entrance looking at the snow-covered scene outside. He was still thinking of his broken wand, wishing there was a way to repair it. Hermione was sitting inside, holding a book and pretending to be reading. She didn't really fool Harry, though. He noticed that she hadn't turned a page for more than an hour and was quite sure she was thinking of Ron once again, as her eyes seemed to be filled with tears.

"I think I'll go for a walk" said Harry, getting up from his chair, startling Hermione. She jumped up from her chair, letting the book fall down and looking wide-eyed at the entrance.

"Calm down, Hermione. It's no good being so tense," said Harry. He bent down to pick up the book Hermione had dropped and noticed a few photographs had fallen out of it. He picked them up as well and could not fail to notice they were all muggle photos of a little girl with bushy brown hair and dazzling green eyes.

"Who is this girl?" he asked, giving her the photos. "She looks like she is your younger sister, but you always said you had no siblings."

Hermione took the photos and pressed them to her heart. "She is not my sister. Lillian is... my daughter... OUR daughter, actually."

Harry looked shocked. "What?" he managed to say.

Hermione turned red. "I'm not so proud of what I did, but I believe you deserve to know... Please don't judge me too harshly," she pleaded.

Harry sat down and faced Hermione, who was biting her lower lip, trying to formulate the story in her mind.

"Do you remember falling off your broom in the third year?" she asked.

Harry nodded.

"Well, you stayed in the hospital wing for a few days then. Ron and I visited you a few times..." Harry nodded again.

"One evening I came to visit you alone. Ron had something else to do and he didn't mind. You were asleep when I came, so I just sat near your bed, looking at you." She smiled tenderly at the memory.

"Then Madam Pomfrey told me she had to go for an hour to attend some private business of hers and asked me if I intended to stay there, as the potion she had given you would keep you asleep throughout the night. I said I would stay some more, so she asked me to tell anybody who may look for her to come later. She then left, leaving us alone."

Hermione swallowed hard and her face turned even redder. "I had nothing to do but watch you sleeping. I then tried to straighten your blanket and I noticed a bump below your waist. I tried to straighten it and found out it wasn't the blanket – you had an erection during your sleep."

Harry opened his eyes wide and looked bewildered, but was still unable to say anything.

Hermione shifted uncomfortably on her chair. "Well... I had just started having my period a few months earlier and I was extremely curious about the boy/girl differences. I knew I wasn't pretty and I knew nobody even thought of me as a girl. I was just the buck-toothed, bushy-haired, know-it-all, bossy bookworm. Nobody was really looking at me. Not even you or Ron." Harry seemed to want to say something, but Hermione raised her hand to stop him before he even opened his mouth.

"I've been reading all that I could find about it, even a few quite naughty books, but I had never seen any REAL boy. I thought that this was my chance. I cast a locking charm on the door, and then removed the blanket and pulled down your pajama trousers. You didn't even budge." Now Harry's cheeks were turning red, matching Hermione's color.


She swallowed again and continued. "I looked at your erection and then reluctantly touched it. You moaned in your sleep, which startled me for a moment, and then opened your eyes groggily and looked at me."

She paused, turning even redder. "I remembered all the dirty-talk I had heard in the girls' toilet; how boys liked putting their erection inside girls and how some girls liked it as well. I didn't believe I would ever get anybody interested in me THAT way, yet you were in front of me, sporting an impressive erection. I felt very horny just thinking of it. And then I started acting as if my brain had shut down. I removed my knickers and put them in my pocket, removed my skirt and climbed to bed, positioning myself over you."

"You did?..." squeaked Harry in disbelief.

Hermione turned as red as possible. "You were looking at me, quite shocked, I believe. You asked me if I knew what I was doing and I assured you it was alright, You were too dazed to argue, as you would have surely done had you been more alert. I'm really ashamed. I'm sorry I used you without ever thinking, but I was acting as if my brain stopped functioning. I... I shagged you. It was my first and only time. I didn't know what to expect and I was scared and I was elated and I was acting on instincts alone. After a while I felt your release inside me and it triggered my own release. You moaned a few times and then turned and fell promptly asleep. I cleaned us both, using my wand, pulled up your trousers and your blanket and sat down, just as before, wondering why I acted the way I did."

"Oh..." was all that Harry managed to say. He did remember it, only he was sure it was a dream, just like another very vivid dream he had that same night, doing it with a girl having long silky red hair and freckled face. He regretted that he did not remember anything when waking up, though. He hated not remembering his first and only sexual experience thus far.

"You didn't mention anything once you were released from the hospital and I thought you were either ashamed of it or you didn't remember. I wasn't even sure what hurt more. During the holidays I started feeling sick and my mom soon found I was pregnant. She couldn't believe I could be so reckless and so stupid. Neither could I. She suggested an abortion. It could be done with practically no pain and no further consequences and it was quite tempting. But then I thought of you, of what you were facing and of how much you had lost and I just couldn't do it. I felt that life was too precious to just throw it away, even if it was the life of an unborn embryo who wasn't even conceived with love. I told mom I wanted to keep it."


Hermione looked more confident now. Talking about fighting to keep her pregnancy and what came next seemed to be much less embarrassing than how she became pregnant in the first place.

"I managed to convince my parents. They bought me larger robes, which could conceal my belly quite well, and promised to take care of the baby for me until I was ready to do it myself."

Harry looked at her as if seeing her for the first time. This was a whole new aspect of his best friend, one he had never even suspected of existing. He then seemed to remember something.

"But you stayed at Hogwarts during those holidays!" he said.

"I had the time-turner that year. I stayed and then returned to the beginning of the holidays and went home. I spent the last day at the library, so you couldn't suspect anything."

"Neither I nor Ron knew about it at the time."

"Well, I managed to keep my pregnancy hidden. Only Madam Pomfrey knew about it, as she was giving me the potions to minimize morning sickness and she was monitoring my health. Luckily, I didn't even swell very much, as it was quite a small baby."

She looked again at the photo. "Lillian was born only a week into the summer vacation, so that by the time I rejoined you and Ron I had regained my normal figure, although Ron continued telling me I needed to slim down for a few more weeks."

"But you didn't tell me!" he said, quite hurt.

She looked Harry straight into the eyes. "I'm sorry I used you this way and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. It was totally unfair. I was just... too frightened, I suppose..."

She then turned her eyes down, seemingly afraid of Harry's reaction.

There was silence for a few minutes. Hermione was keeping her head down, too embarrassed to look at Harry, while he was looking at one of the pictures he had collected from the ground, his face showing some mixed feelings.

"So... Lillian is MY daughter?..." he said, as if finally understanding her words.

"Yes, she is" whispered Hermione.

"How did you choose her name?" he asked.

Hermione seemed surprised and even somewhat relieved by his question. It gave her the opportunity to talk about something slightly different.

"I tried to think how you would have liked to call her and I thought you would like her to be called Lily, like your mother. I also wanted her to have my grandmother's name – Ann. She died shortly before I received my Hogwarts letter. I didn't know my other grandmother, as she died while I was still a baby, but I wanted to use her name – Elizabeth – as well, I then thought that if you had a daughter with whoever you married, you would really like to call her Lily, so I shouldn't call our daughter Lily Potter. I then decided to combine the first two names and called her Lillian Elizabeth Granger. I only told my parents you were her father, but nobody else knows."

"She should be Potter, don't you think so?"

"Right now she is not even Granger. When we are through with this war, it would be safe to give her her true name."

"Where is she now?" he asked.

"In Australia, along with my parents. They now think she is their daughter, so that if... well... they would still have a daughter, a witch daughter."

"Did you think of ever telling me?" He sounded a bit hurt, and Hermione felt ashamed.

"I thought that after we finish our mission, if... well, I could tell you then..."

"Do you expect me to marry you, so our daughter will have her family?"

She couldn't discern any feeling in his question and it bothered her, but she knew the answer and she thought it was the one he was expecting.

"No, Harry. It wouldn't work. You know I love you dearly, but only as a friend. I'm not in love with you and you are not in love with me. If we marry each other, we shall both be miserable and we won't be able to give her the family she deserves. I think my parents are better suited for the task."

She thought she saw a slight relief on his face, but she wasn't sure.

"So... will I ever see her?"

"I really hope you will. Once this is over, I intend to go to Australia and bring them all back. I'll make sure Lillian knows her father."

Harry took another look at the photos. "She seems to be a nice girl. How old is she in the pictures?"

"Three years old. These were taken the week she had her birthday, just before they all went to Australia"

"Does Ron know?"

"No! Only my parents and the medical staff, and now you, know about her. It is for the best, I think."

"I really hope so..."

A/N: So - no rape. Harry agreed, though reluctantly.