A few days later Jade walked in and shut her door behind her and locked it, she was tired and hungry. With a sigh she kicked off her shoes and went to the kitchen without turning on the lamp on the end table. When she reached the kitchen she pulled open the fridge door and she looked at the left over's and shut the door. Nothing appealed to her, she flipped on the kitchen. She stepped over to the cabinets and opened them, as she looked in she heard the floor boards creek behind her. Expecting John or Joker she started to spin around but as she did she suddenly was hit in the back of her head.

"NO!" She heard a male voice say, as she crumpled to the floor with stars exploding behind her eyes. "You'll pay for that you idiot, the boss said not to hurt her." Growled the same voice as she was roughly picked up and tossed over someone's shoulders. She started to fight against the man that had her, she flailed wildly about and somehow was able to grab on to a drawer that came flying open as the man tried pulling her out of the kitchen. Knives bounced in the drawer and she managed to get one in her hand as he jerked her again. Now it was her knees at his shoulders rather than her waist and she started using her strength to maneuver into a position that would give her an advantage. Suddenly two more pairs of hands where on her body trying to tame her, she swung the knife at one of the arms and heard the man yelp in pain as he jerked away causing her and the other two men to crash to the floor. She still didn't recognize any of these men and was not about to just give up and let them take her. One of the men fell on top of her and she was forced to spread her legs to keep from hurting herself.

"GET OFF ME!" She yelled putting the knife to the man's throat; it was only there a moment though before the man to her side and the one on her started fighting with her to get the knife away. The man that was standing suddenly kicked her in the ribs, she yelped in pain and in the same moment she could have sworn she heard a growl from the door way. She wanted to look but her vision was blurred by the red haze of pain. She felt her fingers being pried open but she still tired to fight, suddenly the weight of the man was being pulled off her and she heard the braking of glass from the living room. She didn't know how but she bolted to her feet and started to bring the knife down on whoever was there. She felt the person catch her wrist, she tried to pull it away but she couldn't.

"Jade, enough." A familiar voice said from above her. She dropped the knife and threw herself into the Joker's arms. He wrapped his arms around her and began to pet her head.

"I'm here now, it's all right." He said quietly as she began sobbing in his arms. He had sent the men in to get while he waited below but when he heard Bobby yell he knew something wasn't right and came up the fire escape as quickly as he could.

"They… They…" She tried to say through the pain and sobs but he placed a gloved finger on her lips before turning to the man she had landed on.

"Get this mess cleaned up then bring him to me." The Joker growled, before he picked Jade up and carried her down the hall to the window that accessed the fire escape. With care he set her down on the window ceil and then slipped out to help her stand.

"Were those your men?" She whispered, her eyes were closed and she was trying to calm herself down.

"Yes, but I didn't send them to hurt you." He said, he wondered why he explained himself and why he told the truth but it was too late now. She opened her eyes and glared at him; he smiled then and leaned over to kiss her before he started helping her down the fire escape to the waiting car. He got her in and did her seat belt for her before running around to the driver side and jumped in.

It felt like hours later to jade when he was at her side again helping her out of the car, she was still in pain but her head had cleared enough to allow her to walk of her own accord through a door that she could tell had a light turned on, on the other side. He opened the door for her then stepped back to allow her to walk through, the there were about fifteen men that turned and looked at her. Some licked their lips; others adjusted themselves with a crude smile on their faces.

"Hello good looking." One man was bra then suddenly all their expressions became shocked and the quickly looked away. Jade new it was because their boss was now standing behind her, he was claiming her as his and they knew as well as she did that crossing him would be their end.

He put his hand on the small of her back and steered her through the men to the opposite side where a set of stairs went up one wall. She saw a cage under the stairs and was about to ask him about it when she saw two eyes watching her from inside a cardboard box. She watched them as they watched her and as she was lead closer the eyes seemed to change angle and then came into the light.

"OH!" She cried rushing over the cage when she realized the eyes that had been watching her were those of a Rottweiler. The dog flinched back at her sudden movement and looked at its master for some cue if this was friend or foe.

"No no it's okay, I won't hurt you." Jade said soothingly dropping down to her knees, she pressed her hand up to the fence. "Come here, I won't hurt you."

"Komne." Joker said behind her and the dogs came up to the fence with its head down but its eyes watchful, two more dogs came out of their hiding spot as well.

"Oh their so beautiful," She said happily, her pain temporarily forgotten. "Two males and female, what are their names?" She asked looking up at him.

"They're just dogs," he said with a shrug. "If you want to ask the Chechen I'm sure we can get a Ouija board and ask him."

"Oh no that won't do, they have to have names. That one will be Butch, the other male will be Sundance and the girl will be Rose."

"Rose? Not very…" Joker started to say but Jade wasn't listening she was sticking her fingers through the chain link scratching the dogs head.

"They are all out law names." Jade said then pulled herself to her feet and looked around the cage for food and water bowls, when she saw that they were both empty she turned to open the door, and before he could stop her she was in getting their bowls. The dogs pressed up against her as she picked them up she petted them and walked back out not bothering to close the door.

"Where can I fill these?" She asked, as expected the dogs stopped at the door to the cage. He pointed over at the sink against the wall, she smiled and went over there and turned on the water to fill the large bowl. The dogs suddenly ran over and began milling around her happily. The Joker was rarely shocked by anything but this honestly did, to see trained dogs that barely acknowledged him as master have such a strong and instant attachment to this scrap of girl. When she came back she walked in and set down the bowl of water, the dogs started drinking it without any trouble. Jade came out and closed the door and smiled at Joker.

"Where were we going?" She asked innocently, even the men in the room were shocked that the normally mean dogs had, for the first time, appeared normal. Joker turned on his heels and walked to the stairs and went up them fully expecting her to follow which she did without a word or a backwards glace.

It wasn't that far to his privet office and Jade couldn't help but be shocked by the room. It was a standard office with a cot in a corner but what surprised her was the fact that the room was mainly clean, only a shirt laid half off the bed. She wondered if he cleaned it before he came to get her, he walked in to a cabinet that was built into the wall and started rummaging through it. He came back with several rolls of ace bandage and some tape.

"How much does it hurt?" He asked walking to the desk and setting the rolls down on the desk.

"Just a little sore when I try do take a deep breath." She said honestly.

"After all that running around with the dogs you did down stairs?" Joker started mumbling to himself but she could catch what exactly it was.

"I'm sorry." She whispered. He stopped and looked at her; he'd heard the words before. Normally he heard them repeated several times in a row from the begging of a dyeing man's lips but for her to say them. She looked at him with eyes that were full of life and trust, she knew all the things he did and still she accepted him and felt the need to tell him that SHE was sorry. After a moment he shook his head and motioned for her to take off her shirt, she did so slowly. Dark purple blossomed across her one side of her ribs; he closed his eyes a moment and fought the killing rage that washed over him.

"This might hurt." He growled, she nodded as he started wrapping her ribs. When he was done he quickly moved to a nearby file cabinet that apparently doubled as his dresser.

"Get some rest, I'll be back later." He said getting up and walking out without as much as a glance back at her. She sighed; or rather she tried to with her ribs wrapped though it was difficult. She stood up and walked over to the bed and laid down carefully, she wasn't sure how he expected her to sleep in this place but if he could do it she was willing to give it a try.

A/N: So this chapter did its own thing... Also have a new story out (yes its another joker one and might be out by the time you read this.) Any way keep your eyes out for Mistress Jay is Joker/OC but I think you'll like it :D and trust me there is some parts that were hard to write cause I was laughing at them. (and no I didnt change anyone's gender you'll understand the name when you read the story)