She was finally going home. Her time in Brazil was quite an adventure, but she longed to sleep in her own bed again. She was nervous to see Booth again after the way she ended things with their relationship and then up and left for six months. He never expected her to break up with him. He thought the relationship was going very well. They loved each other, that's all that mattered. She imagined what Sweets would say about her decision to leave. He would probably say she feared being abandoned again and this time left on her own accord. He would have been right too, as much as she hated to admit it. She felt that her relationship with Booth was going end and not well. She realized on her trip to Brazil that she missed Booth so much, she loved him so dearly and that she had made a mistake. She should have never broken up with him. He deserved to know how she really felt. They deserved a second chance. That is why, before she left Brazil, she called Booth for the first time in six months. It was an awkward conversation to say the least.

Booth felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He yanked it out and saw the incoming call was from Bones. His heart skipped a beat. He questioned whether or not he should answer it or not. He missed her, his heart ached for her. He hesitated over the "Accept" button, weighing the pros and cons of answering. He was torn in two. He was mad at her, for leaving, for breaking up with him, for not calling him for six months. But he loved and adored her, he lived hoping she would come back to him. He answered the phone.

"Booth, here."

"Hi, Booth, it's me." Bones sad, sounding melancholic.

"Bones, how are you?" Booth strained to ask, his feelings of bitterness getting the best of him.

"Oh I am fine." she lied. "I am just getting ready to leave Brazil in a couple of days."

"Oh so you are coming home. I thought the way you ended it with us, that you weren't really planning on coming back. I don't think I can continue to work with you though, so I have started to accept that I will never see you again." Booth snapped.

"Booth, I know you are really angry with me. I made a terrible mistake. I should have never left. I should have never broken something that was going well. I got scared. I thought you were going to leave me, I needed to end it before you abandoned me too."

His demeanor softening, he said "Bones, I would never do that to you. I loved you. Hell, I still love you."

Tears forming in her eyes, she poured her heart out to him. "Booth, I still love you too."

"I'm so glad to hear that."

Bones sniffled and quickly changed the subject to the reason she called. "Booth, can you pick me up from the airport on Tuesday? I need to see you, and only you."

"Of course I will. It will be the perfect time to talk about us and what we are going to do next." Booth smiled for the first time in months.