Summary: After the key went missing, and a major confortation with Prowl, Bee disappears... Reappearing in a sorry state... When he is in stasis, he gets a visit from a relative from the Well of All Sparks... Now he has a choice, go to the Well, or stay with his team? What will he choice?

The autobots were in the main room of the base, all but one... Bumblebee. Optimus and Ratchet sat on the couch, Bulkhead stood behind them, with Sari on his shoulder... Prowl stood with his back to the door. Giving Bumblebee the perfect oppitunity to prank the unsuspecting mech. Optimus looked up, to find Bumblebee sneaking up on the unsuspecting Prowl... This is gonna be great. Bumblebee thought to himself. Optimus began to snicker, noticed by Ratchet and Bulkhead, who them began to quietly chuckle at the ninja-bot, who was just targeted as one of Bumblebee's prankees.

"What?" Prwol asked, only to have everyone, quiet their laughter, and turn away. "What?" he asked again. Recieving no answer.

Bumblebee activated his stingers, and set them to the lowest power, not wanting to hurt Prowl, just give him a jolt. He snuck up began Prowl, and carefully placed his stingers on wither side of Prowl side, and zapped him. Bee laughed as hard as he could, at how the ninja-bot jolted. Not paying attention to the swinging leg.

Prowl snapped around, and kicked Bee with such force, he hit the wall on the other side of the room. Bee hit the wall, hard, and slid down it. "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM BUMBLEBEE? WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SUCK A USELESS GLITCH? WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE? AND LEAVE ME ALONE?" Prowl yelled. He then turned and left the room, as if nothing happened.

Bee sat there, clutching his abdomon, tears falling down his cheeks. What did I do? It was just for fun. He thought to himself, allowing the tears to fall harder.

"What is the slaggers problem?" Ratchet snapped, going over to Bee.

"You alright Bee?" Optimus asked, watching Bee try to haul himself to his feet.

"I'm... Uh, Fine, boss-bot" Bee gasped out, still clutching his sour abdomon.

"Let me look at that, youngling" Ratchet stated, stepping towards Bee.

"NO. No, I just need to go for a quick drive" Bumblebee said, limping out of the room, and towards the enterance.

Prowl meditated in his room. What a glitch-head... How could you hurt Bee like that? You stupid slagger. He mentally snapped at himself. Bee was just being... Bee. He wouldn't be Bumblebee if he didn't prank him at least once a day. He continued to meditate, and made a mental note to make it up to Bee... Later.

He was still angery at the youngling, for some reason. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that he used his stingers on me. He mentally stated. But knew that Bumblebee was just being himself... Sure he could be a pain in the aft, sometimes... Most of the time. But that was who Bee was, that was Bee's nature. He knew he had to talk to Bumblebee, a little later on...

What Prowl didn't realise... Did he have time to make it up to the youngling.

Bee drove through the streets, out into the forest. He transformed and took in his surroundings. "Why do I have to be suck a glitch? Why do have have to be so annoying?" Bee said, to himself. He stood and thought about what he could do... It took quite a while for him to figure out what to do... Finanly he new what he must do. He transformed and drove back to base...

Once he got back, he walked in, completely ignoring Ratchet and Bulkhead's concern. He kept walking, convincing himself wether or not he was making the right choice. But he eventually found himself outside Optimus' quarters. Well... I'm here, now. He thought himself.

He knocked on the door, and waited. "Come in" Prime's voice came from inside. Bee opened the door, and walked in. "Bumblebee, what's wrong?" Optimus asked, turning to notice the youngling.

"Hey boss-bot. Do you happen to have that recorder?" Bee asked.

"Of course. Do you need a disc as well?" Optimus asked, walking over to his shelves to get the recorder and a disc from the pile.

"Yes thanks, boss-bot" Bee stated, quickly taking the offered objects, and turning to walk out the door.

"What do you need them for?" Optimus asked, a little worried about Bee's hurry.

"Nothing. Just a little something I need to do" Bee explained.

"Alright. Just get them back when your done" Optimus stated, going back to what he was doing.

Bee walked out into the hallway and headed for his room... On the way, he walked past Prowl's room, decided to take a quick peek, he noticed the ninja was still meditating... I sorry Prowl, I'll make it up to you... I promise. He silently vowed to the ninja-bot. But deciding not to desturb him, he closed the door and kept walking.