A/N: We have a glorious selection of low fat yogurt.

It's true.

Believe me. It's glorious.

Youtube hates me. It won't let me upload my Alice/Hatter video. GRR.

Follow Me Down

"What's with the sudden attitude?" You fold your arms over your chest and stare straight into my soul. It gives me chills that I've never felt before...

"Alice, you could possibly need your pretty little head checked, because if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times: the Queen isn't going to work out a deal with you. I guarantee it," I reply, only wishing I could remove you from your stubborness. You roll your eyes, bringing them back around to watch Charlie stroll over to our battlegrounds.

"Oh, Just Alice, don't you fret over his concern. He only wishes for your safety. It's because he loves--" My eyes widen in shock and I force myself to clamber over the brush between the two of us. I slap my hand over Charlie's mouth and laugh nervously, knowing very suddenly that yours eyes are upon me.

"--Loves to not get us all killed! I would really hate to get us all killed in a heap, so let's just forget about this whole dilemma and move onto bigger and better things like Charlie's bathing habits," You stare, confused and impatient, so you just ignore that this ever happened and we move onto bigger and better things...

Like Charlie's bathing habits.