Prologue: Evil Never Dies
The organization known as GIN-SHOCKER fell, only to be replaced by the Dark Hatred Society, which also fell. Then the X-SHOCKER organization rose to power but it also fell at the hands of its enemies. Thus, a void is formed in the struggle between Good and Evil. What greater evil will fill this void and will it spell doom for the world?
The struggle between Good and Evil is an eternal one which began at the very beginning of time. The concept seemed pretty clear if you like at it from a black and white perspective, but good and evil are not exactly all that obvious. There is evil disguised as good and good disguised as evil. Take for instance killing in self-defence. The taking of a life is a sin but according to the law one is allowed to do so if it means defending their life from ending. Basically, the laws that man has created justify the act of killing in self-defence, and also taking the life of dangerous criminals through execution. Humankind seems to have created justifications for many sins, like slavery for instance. War is also justified by mankind if the reason behind it is noble. Still, lives are lost and casualties pile up from these wars. War simply allows people to take the lives of others due to a cause they believed in and to them it was a just and noble cause. Still, for those who suffered in wars, the innocent civilians, where is their justice? Where is the justice for the children slaughtered in these wars? Where is the justice for the women raped by enemy soldiers? Where is the justice for the mothers and fathers who'd lost their children who fought in the war?
The Greater Good has been used to justify horrible acts of death and destruction. The expression 'The Ends Justify the Means' also embodies this concept. But do they? Do the ends really justify the means? Is it right to take the life of an innocent if it means saving thousands, maybe millions, of lives?
Where is the justice? Is there truly justice? Or is there only justified evil?
When people become blinded, they can no longer tell the difference between Good and Evil. The fight between Good and Evil has become a blurred one with neither side winning or losing. Each side may have grown stronger after eons but the balance has yet to be tipped to uncontrollable levels. The fight between Good and Evil isn't about supremacy at all. It is about the balance of the two forces. Without balance, there can only be chaos. Order would cease to exist. That is why the world needs the presence of Good and Evil.
Evil never dies. It just gets reborn in a new form and in a new place, beginning the cycle anew. It takes on many shapes and forms but it is there, and it lurks everywhere, even in the hearts of man. The truth is that the human heart possesses good and evil and the only thing that happens as that balance is tipped is only pain and suffering. Too much good or too much evil will only lead to chaos.
The first act of evil committed by man, recorded in the Bible, was the murder of Abel at the hands of Cain. Fueled by envy, jealousy and rage, Cain slew his brother who was gaining favor from God and condemned himself for taking the life of the man whose blood he shared. And with that act, evil in the heart of man was born and would be spread throughout all mankind through the generations. Beware, because the face of Evil can take on many shapes and forms, even in the form of a loved one.
KR Chrome: This is the prologue for the next series: "LEGACY OF CAIN".