I Peleth Gail o Undomiel
Chapter One - A Friend Returns & An Unseen Evil Emerges

Disclaimer: I do not own LotR, that wonderful priveledge belongs to J. R. R.
Tolkien and associates - though I do wish that I could lay claim to that
handsome Ranger... LOL.

Summary: When an unknown evil threatens the life of the fair Arwen with a
poison unknown to all, those close to her must find a way to help her cope
with the awful effects.

A/N: This story will be very sad, and very romantic - if I can manage to
work it out. I'm not sure if anyone has done this yet or not, so I'm doing
my own thing here, not taking anyone's ideas but my own, and just letting
the story come out as it will. I haven't finished reading the trilogy yet,
only partway through TTT, so I'm having to make this an AU fic. If anyone
can offer me any help with plot ideas, character development/relationships,
and any information about what happens w/ Aragorn/Arwen in the end, it would
GREATLY be appreciated.

Okay, in this story I am making the assumption that Arwen and Legolas were
childhood friends, with Legolas often travelling to Rivendell to spend time
with her whenever she visited, since he had never seen Lothlorien before
(at least I think he hadn't). Also, since they acted like it, or at least
in my opinion they did, I am having Aragorn and Legolas being good friends
who both care deeply for Arwen. Legolas in a brotherly way, and Aragorn...
Well, you get the picture.

On with the story!!!!

Arwen Evenstar stood on a large balcony, gazing down on her beloved Imladris,
her home for the time being. She had agreed to her father's wish and would
remain here for some time, for Elrond and her brothers had missed her dearly
during her stay in Lothlorien with her grandmother. She had only arrived
earlier that day, and alread everyone in the city knew she was back. The
only person missing was Estel, who was travelling with his fellow Rangers,
on some business that was unknown to her. She wondered when he would return
to his former home, to her....

Arwen sighed quietly and turned, walking down a long staircase, her silver
and white dres moving gently in the soft breeze. She went on for a few
minutes, being content to just walk among her people. Every now and then,
someone would stop her and tell her how happy they were that she had decided
to return, and how much she meant to them all. She would smile slightly and
say a few kind words before continuing on her way. Finally she entered a
great gathering of trees. She twisted her way through the many branches
easily, delighting in the wonderful feeling of being back where she had
spent so many hours of her youth. Suddenly there was a small clearing,
filled with many kinds of fragrant flowers, and in the center stood one of
the oldest trees in all of Rivendell. This had been her place, where she had
gone whenever she needed some time alone. Very few knew this about her, so
that it truly was her own to experience.

She walked to the great tree and pulled herself up onto one of its branches,
careful not to catch her dress on it. Arwen continued to climb until she
reached an area where the branches formed a platform, large enough for five
or six people she would guess, with their green leaves hiding her fromthe
sight of those below. She settled back agaist the tree's trunk, staring up
into the clear night sky above. Looking closely, she saw the same formations
of stars that her father had showed her many years ago. It had been a long
while since she had been able to sit back and enjoy their beauty, in between
her travelling and the many duties that came from being the daughter of
Elrond Half-elven and granddaughter of Galadriel.

She had no idea how long she sat there, gazing at the specks of light
swirling above her, before she heard someone approaching. The steps were
light, barely making any noise so that only a trained ear, and very few at
that, would notice them. She wondered for a moment who it could be, but her
thoughts were put at ease when she a glimmer of gold through the leaves.

"Legolas Greenleaf, just what do you think you are doing? You know better
than to try to frighten a lady."

She heard the steps halt for mere seconds then continue quickly towards the
tree. She could feel the tree move ever so slightly as he climbed its many
branches, and her face lit up into a bright smile when he sat finally sat
beside her.

"My dear Undomiel," he said conspiritorily, "a lady would not normally be
climbing trees at night, especially when he prescense is requested in the
dining hall got a grand feast in her honor."

Arwen laughed happily as she threw her arms around his neck. "Oh, I have
missed you so, my friend! When did you arrive? Not long ago I would hope, or
I shall have to be rather cross that you did not come to me sooner."

He laughed along with her, returning her embrace. "Do not be cross, dear one.
I have only just arrived, and after greeting Elrond and your brothers, came
directly here, for I assumed you wouldcome here shortly after your arrival."

"Your assumption has once again been proven correct. Are you ever wrong?"

Legolas looked to be in deep thought for a moment, then grinned saying, "Of
course not!"

Arwen burst out laughing and slapped his arm playfully as she often had when
they were children. "Come, dinner will start shortly, and I for one am
starving! Lembas is wonderful for long journeys, but you do grow to miss
normal food after a time," she said, moving to edge of the platform. Slowly
she started to climb down the great limbs, Legolas following close behind.

When the reached the soft ground, they linked arms and began the walk back
to her home.


As the servants of the House of Elrond began their preparations for the
feast, no one noticed one girl remove a small glass vial from a pouch in her
pocket. She walked to where Arwen Evenstar would be sitting and, after
glancing around to make sure she would not be seen, gently shook the clear
contents of the vial onto the plate, also letting a few drops fall into her
glass as well. The drops spread themselves out until they covered the entire
surface and were no longer able to be seen.

The girl smiled wickedly to herself before stuffing the object quickly back
into the bag. She went about her other duties as if nothing strange had ever
happened, and no one would realize that an evil act had taken place until
the effects of the poison were in their final stages.

Oh yes, her master would be proud....

A/N: Many of you are probably wondering right about now, "What the hell just
happened?"and "What is this crazy lady doing?" Rest assured, you will find
out in time. That is, you'll find out if you review and say that you want to.
If not, tell me and I'll stop. But I won't put up any more chapters until I
find out what you think about it.

Oh yeah, I love cliffhangers, so expect to see those a lot. *writer laughs

Also does anyone know:
What color Arwen & Aragorn's eyes are?
What Arwen & Aragorn's horses look like?
What kinda horse Legolas had before he got Arod?
(For some reason, I feel like asking horse questions. LOL!)

What do you think? Should I continue? Any hints as to where I should go from
here? ANYTHING????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL.

February 10, 2002

P.S. Anyone wanna guess at what the title means???