To the fans of The Rainbow (formally known as Lynn),

On July 21st, Lynn was in a two car accident involving an extremely inebriated driver and herself. While the drunk driver and his four passengers were unharmed, Lynn was rushed to the hospital, for her injuries, where she remained in a drug induced coma for four days. She recently began to ask me to post something on her fanfiction account informing her readers that she was alive, healthy (sort of) and upon her release would be updating as soon as possible.

Please keep her health and happiness in your thoughts and prayers.


Her fiancée (AKA Jesse)

PS: she is allowed to check her email once a day, so please PM(?) her if you have any well wishes you desire to convey. I assume that means Private Message. She thinks of everyone at this site often and asks me to check on her fics every day. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be checking, so if everyone could help and assure her, I'm sure she would be most appreciative.