Chapter Twenty-Four: The Decision I Make

A/N: THE LAST CHAPTER! This one was hard to write, for reasons that will become obvious by the end. Well, should. Anyway, because this sort of ends on a 'WTF?' note, I strongly suggest you read 'Rose in Narnia' when you're done with this, if you haven't already. It will explain everything that happens after this. Thank you all for being such wonderful readers!

Harsh laughter filled the room and the door slammed closed behind Lucy and Edmund. They both spun around – to see Reagan advancing on them, a cruel glitter in his eyes. This was the Crown Prince as they'd never seen him before and Lucy knew that he was responsible for all of this. It was why Lionel had told them to leave as soon as they could…because he knew he couldn't stand against Reagan.

"You stupid fools," Reagan taunted them, "You honestly think that everyone is good and won't mean you any harm?"

Edmund gritted his teeth, but Lucy placed a hand on his arm, trying to calm him down. Attacking Reagan would not be a good idea, especially when Lionel was still holding Rose prisoner.

"I don't understand," Lucy said, frowning, "If you meant us dead, then why did you and Lionel save us from the Calormene soldiers? Why didn't you just let them take us or kill us?"

Reagan just shook his head slowly, sighing heavily.

"I thought you were supposed to be intelligent. I don't need you two dead to get what I want." Reagan turned his back and started walking slowly towards Lionel. Rose was battered and bloody, yet she still struggled in vain.

Reagan inclined his head. "Kill her."

Lucy gasped in shock and her hand dropped to her side. Edmund, overflowing with rage, flung himself at Reagan. The two royals hit the ground hard and Rose bit down on Lionel's wrist. He released her with a yelp and she flung herself away from him.

Lucy took several steps back as she watched the brawl on the floor, her eyes widening with horror as the flurry of fists continued. Soon enough, Reagan had pinned Edmund down with a look of hatred deep within his eyes.

"Why do you think I befriended you in the first place?" snapped Reagan, grabbing the Just King's dark hair and pulling it harshly so that Edmund winced and was forced to look him in the eye, "Look at me, little King. Do you really think I wanted an alliance with your ridiculous country? I just want the throne."

"Let Rose go," Edmund choked, struggling to breathe with Reagan's weight on his chest.

The Crown Prince laughed coldly. "That's another matter. Why do you care about Princess Rose so much?"

Edmund couldn't look Reagan in the eye. "She's my brother's wife and my best friend. Why wouldn't I?"

A sneaky grin crossed Reagan's face. "Oh, I think it's far more than that."

Edmund hissed angrily and smacked Reagan in the side of the nose. The Crown Prince sprawled to the ground and looked up at Lionel with his teeth bared and a furious look upon his face. He gestured to Rose.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" he demanded.

Lionel's eyes flashed, but he turned and stalked towards Rose. Lucy, however, threw herself in front of the older girl, her eyes blazing and a resolute look on her face. She clenched her hands into fists.

"If you want to kill her, you'll have to get through me."

Lionel knew that he couldn't do this. He loved Lucy and he would not kill her because Reagan ordered it. Rose was another matter – but he could not go through Lucy to execute the Princess of Narnia.

"Lucy, don't do this."

"Do what?" Her voice was shrill, "Stop you from killing my friend? I already know what happens next, Lionel. You told me yourself."

Lucy realised what she'd done the moment she uttered those last words. Her eyes widened with horror and she clamped her hands over her mouth as if that could take back what she said. Reagan turned slowly to face Lionel, a look of pure murder within his blue eyes as he staggered to his feet.

"You…you told her?"

There was no point in lying. Lionel nodded an affirmation. Reagan's expression was contorted with hatred as he reached into his belt and drew a wicked-looking dagger. He crossed towards Lionel and Lucy.

"You betrayed me," he snarled at the young soldier, "You turned against me for what? A Narnian Queen who wouldn't even have you? Idiot. Now you die first."

Lucy turned to glance at Lionel, her eyes begging him to do something. The young soldier stood tall. If his fate would be death for treason against the Crown Prince…so be it. Then Reagan smiled and turned to face Lucy. Lionel knew what was going to happen and his stomach plummeted.

Reagan jabbed viciously forward. Lucy screamed piercingly, closing her eyes and turning her head…but the dagger in his hand never touched her. When she opened her eyes, Reagan had taken a few fumbling steps backwards…and there was another dagger, embedded in his back.

There was a melancholy look in Lionel's eyes as the Crown Prince coughed up blood, falling to the ground and shuddering in pain. He hadn't wanted to kill Reagan…yet he hadn't been willing to watch Lucy die.

"I am doomed," his voice was hoarse as Reagan finally stopped convulsing and lay horribly still, "I have…I have killed the Crown Prince of Archenland. This is high treason."

Lucy placed a hand on Lionel's shoulder. "We can explain to Lune what happened. All of us." Her voice quavered with uncertainty, yet she knew they had to give it a try. Despite Lionel's reluctance, she'd known about Reagan's capabilities. He'd been too dangerous to live.


Peter was filled with a great sense of relief. General Oreius had reported that in the two weeks, Rabadash had mulled things over and come to the conclusion that attacking Narnia was not a wise one after all. He and his army had withdrawn from Narnia, although there had been no promise of peace.

Peter thought Rabadash an odd character. Now, he wasn't sure what to expect from him. Although this battle had ended, the Prince did not seem appeased. He only hoped that negotiations could secure an avenue to peace.


Susan's exclamation broke through his train of thought and he turned to face her as she hurried up to him, white-faced. For a horrible moment, he thought maybe Rabadash had returned, that his departure had merely been a feint.

"Something terrible has happened in Archenland," Susan announced, her blue eyes wide with horror, "The Crown Prince Reagan was killed only days ago. Edmund, Lucy and Rose are riding back to Narnia as we speak."

Peter gaped. "What happened?"

Susan sighed heavily. "The three of them and a young soldier loyal to Reagan claimed that he was planning to use them against you, Peter. Then Reagan planned to assassinate Lune and forge an alliance with Rabadash. The Crown Prince attacked them and Lionel was forced to kill him because capture was not an option."

Peter couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had met Reagan several times in the past, briefly. He had always seemed to be a decent sort. Now apparently he was at the heart of a web of murder, lies and deceit. He shook his head slowly, wondering what in Aslan's mane was happening.

"Lune believed this?"

Susan nodded. "Apparently he had noticed Reagan's strange behaviour of late. Despite the fact that the actions of the soldier – Lionel, I think his name was – saved Lune's life, he was forced to banish the young man from Archenland for high treason. The sentence was lightened considerably because of the circumstances."

"What?" Peter spluttered, "But, that's ludicrous! Lionel saved Lune's life!"

Susan rubbed at her temples as though she had a headache.

"I know, Peter. Laws are different in Archenland to what they are here. The good thing is, our siblings and Rose weren't harmed. From Lionel's report, Reagan was close to killing all three of them at some point."

Peter exhaled deeply in relief. He was just glad that his brother, sister and wife would be safe. He had thought them safer in Archenland than they would have been in Cair Paravel, but apparently he'd been wrong. It wasn't the first time, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.


Edmund returned to Cair Paravel with a heavy heart. Although things had gone remarkably well in convincing Lune of his younger brother's misdemeanors, what he continued to contemplate was killing him inside. He hardly talked to anyone and he barely ate. Celebrations resonated through the place, because of their return and the departure of the Calormene troops. Edmund, as usual, was not willing to join in.

He'd found a sorcerer willing to help him. It hadn't been easy, especially considering what he was doing would be treason. The sorcerer was a man by the name of Ilion, secretive and eccentric. Edmund had instructed Ilion that things were to be set in motion by dawn and that Ilion should wait in the smallest conference room for his arrival…and he wouldn't be alone…

There was a hard knock on his door. He didn't say anything and neither did the person at the door. Slowly, the door creaked open – and Rose stood there, garbed in a green dress and with lilies woven through her hair. She had evidently been celebrating.

"You're not coming?" she asked him tentatively.

Edmund turned back to look out of the window at the dryads dancing in the courtyard. It must be so easy to be so carefree, to not have burdens…

"Are you still mad at me?" Rose questioned, "Do you want me to leave?"

Edmund whirled around to face her. She stood there, so unaware of how beautiful she was…and that only made him love her even more. It broke his heart to know what he would have to do to her to secure their safety. He knew the pain of loving her, and knew that she felt the same. He wouldn't have her hurting anymore. He could take that all away…yet he knew the cost.

"I'm sorry for all the things I said." Edmund sounded guilty and he wouldn't meet Rose's eyes. "I was jealous. Do you think you could ever forgive me?"

He hoped that Rose couldn't hear the apprehension in his voice. He felt like a traitor. What he planned to do to her was unforgivable. Rose was smiling now, glad that she and Edmund weren't fighting anymore. She threw her arms around her neck and hugged him so hard.

"I know," he replied, leaning in and kissing her on the lips. She ran his hands through his hair and he trailed his lips down her slender neck. Edmund knew that this was wrong, but what he was going to do was even worse.

Edmund hoisted Rose up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her across to the bed, where kissing quickly turned into something more...something that, there was no doubt about it, would have them killed if Peter knew.

While outside, the Narnians celebrated, Edmund and Rose were succumbing to feelings they shouldn't have. They were completely in their own little world...a world that would soon shatter into millions of pieces around them.


Rose woke up the next morning. She panicked as she saw Edmund beside her and she scrambled away from him, pulling the sheets tighter around her – only to realise that she wasn't wearing any clothes. Then it hit her, what had happened last night...and she pressed her face into her hands and burst into tears.

She was such a selfish, stupid idiot. She had been so absorbed in her love for Edmund that she had failed to think what the consequences might be. Her mistakes would be her damnation...and it served her right.

Edmund woke up to hear Rose crying. He attempted to hold her and comfort her, but she only pushed him away.

"Don't touch me!"

Hurriedly, she clambered out of the bed and started pulling her clothes on. Edmund watched her with growing apprehension. She wiped the tears from her eyes, sniffing furiously.

"Relax," he tried to soothe her, "Peter's going to be hung-over from the celebrations last night. You can go to him before he even realises you were gone."

But deep inside, he knew that they had already destroyed everything. He had to accomplish what he had planned with Ilion, and the sooner, the better. Rose turned to face him, her eyes burning with love and hate and anger.

"That's not the point!" she snapped at him, "What we did was wrong. Edmund, why? Why did we do it?"

"Because we're in love," Edmund pointed out. It was the most logical thing in the world, yet she didn't want to hear it. She wasn't Edmund's wife. She was Peter's. Rose knew she couldn't go on like this.

"I have to go to Peter..."

Edmund shook his head. "No. Not yet. I...I have to show you something."

He felt sick with guilt at knowing what he was going to do to Rose. But after last night, he knew that this couldn't go on. He had made love with his brother's wife and that was something he was finding hard to accept. He was in love with Rose...but that didn't matter. He had to do this, for the good of all of them.

Rose blinked. "What?"

Edmund licked his lips nervously. "If you come with me, you'll see. It will be quick, I promise."

It will be...quick and painless.

Edmund took Rose by the hand and pulled her after him. She hurried along, knowing that he was moving fast because they couldn't be spotted by anyone else...or they would be caught out. The sun had not yet risen over Cair Paravel and so most other inhabitants in the castle would still be asleep.

Edmund led Rose into the smallest conference room in Cair Paravel. It was still dark because of the early time, but he made no move to light the candles. Rose frowned and glanced behind her as Edmund fumbled with the door.

"Edmund?" Rose's voice was full of trepidation, "What are you doing?"

He closed the door behind them and suddenly she was filled with foreboding as a man in his late twenties crossed the room towards them, bowing stiffly to Edmund. Rose could tell by instinct that he was a sorcerer.

"I love you, Rose," Edmund sounded desperate, "I really do. But this would kill Peter if he knew. Last night was the best night of my life...but it was also the most horrible mistake I've ever made."

Rose's eyes were filling up with tears. "What are you saying?"

"This can't continue." Edmund's tone was impassive. "I tried so hard to be loyal to Peter...but then last night...Rose, this ends now."

The sorcerer moved closer and Edmund took Rose's arm in a vice-like grip. Suddenly, she became aware that this wasn't just them ending their affair. Something much darker was about to happen.

"What do you want me to take?" the sorcerer asked.

Edmund's eyes were full of pain. "The love she has for me, the times we kissed, last night...everything to do with us."

Rose realized what was about to happen then. The sorcerer was going to take away her love for Edmund, her memories...and Edmund was going to let him. She started breathing faster and struggled, but Edmund's grip was strong. She kicked at him, but he only shifted his grip so that he had one arm wrapped tight around her waist.

"I'm so sorry, Rose." He sounded like he might cry. "I never wanted it to come to this."

Rose screamed in frustration and burst into tears as she struggled against Edmund, thumping her small fists on his hard chest. It didn't matter what she did...she could not escape.


Edmund watched Rose look over at Peter, nothing but pure love in her eyes. Making her lose her memory had been the hardest thing he'd ever had to do...yet he still felt that it was worth it. Now he was the only person who knew about what had really occurred between them last night. It broke his heart to know that Rose wouldn't remember...except he knew he'd done it for the greater good.

Edmund still loved Rose, but he no longer yearned for her, no longer hurt each time he saw her and Peter kiss. They were both happy and so in love with each other and he was happy for them. He might not like it, he might want Rose for himself – but he had to live with what he'd done.

A wry smile crossed his face as he turned and walked back into his room, turning over his shoulder to see Peter and Rose laughing together. It didn't hurt anymore...because they were happy with each other. Things in Cair Paravel were as they should be.

He was Edmund Pevensie and he should have known that his dealings with the White Witch, however brief, would eventually have serious repercussions. His selfishness and his greed had been his undoing.

The sun set over a young man with golden hair and the brunette girl with him, but his dark-haired younger brother was already inside, in the darkness. As he always would be.

Forever in the shadows.