A/n hey it may take a bit longer for me to finish this one cuz im currently writing Ungainly Perfection at the same time but please enjoy and review

Disclaimer- I do not own teentitans they belong to DC Comics

After fighting long and hard with Jinx, Raven called in some backup. Seeing as the others left her to fend for herself, thinking she could handle it. Who would come to her rescue? Well, it was none other than Beast boy. When Jinx saw this an idea formed in her head.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" Raven shouted, attempting to bind Jinx in her darkness. She extended her arms and waited for her black magic to swallow the pink sorceress. Jinx used her pink bolts to send the bind straight back at her at the same second Beast boy came in to save her. Beast boy leapt up to push the empath out of the air, only to get them both hit.

"You okay?" He asked rubbing his head. All of the other titans already rushing in to capture the villain.

She opened her eyes, she saw Beast boy laying on top of her, both of them chest to chest.

"Get off of me," she deadpanned.

"Hehe right, sorry." Then he put his palms on the ground to push himself up, only to feel heavier then he ever had. He tried once more. "Let go of me," he said getting kind of annoyed.

"I'm not holding you, get off of me!"

"I'm not on you!"

"Yes you are!"

"Hehe, oh yea…"

A minute passed. "Is there something wrong?"

"I can't get up."

She groaned, "I'm getting sick of your games!" With that she shoved him to the side only to end up rolling with him and landing on top of him.

"LET ME GO!" They both yelled at the same time.

"Guys, stop goofin'!" Cyborg yelled coming over after having apprehended the criminal. He grabbed them both and lifted them into the air. His eyes widened, "I don't believe it…"

Raven looked down and noticed a tight black substance holding them together. Cyborg began to try to pull them off of each other. "It's pointless, it's not going to work…" she informed him.

"What is it?"

"I did it, it will wear off… eventually."

"Eventually? When's that?"

"At one point in life… I really don't know. But the sooner I'm away from him, the better."

Beast boy had a sly look and a goofy grin.

` "Rae, I knew you liked me but you could have just said you wanted to be closer…" he said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Shut up or I will send you to another dimension."

"Well, you'd be coming with me. You could have just said you wanted to be alone…"

"Cy, put us down!" So he did, but Raven's feet didn't touch the ground. Beast boy had gotten a lot taller. He now towered over Raven, as Cyborg does. Raven and Beast boy's faces are perfectly leveled, which is why their feet are not. Her feet were dangling by his shins.

"Dear God, you have got to be kidding me."

"Nope, I guess I'm in charge!"

"Yeah, of where we go. But we are not, and I repeat, not going to the arcade!"

"Okay, okay fine but, Rae…"


"I have to go to the bathroom…"

Cyborg began laughing out loud and quickly went to tell the others, "Robin! You are not gonna wanna miss this!"

"Can you hold it?" she asked hopefully.

"Yeah, I think I- nope, nope."

"Okay, I'll get us back to the tower."