I wasn't quite sure why id followed him up here. Though the sunset on the tan rock of the cliff was gorgeous, its dancing lights played against his pale arms I still didn't understand. He began without any warning,

"You know blood bag" he said the wind blew causing his blue jacket to flap genially. "after this year I've learned something … the blood was never that good… love wasn't some fake concept someone created… and maybe…"he turned around smiling a toothy grin "dying wouldn't be so bad" his canine teeth were shorter and duller to the point and his eyes were sea green instead of red. I walked towards him slowly, my slow walk got faster and faster till I was full out running to him. I forcefully hugged him and smiled into his shirt.

"Baka" I whispered happily. Golden eyes watched proudly from afar proving to me that I had finally done it.

~just great~

You see sometimes in life to retrieve happiness you must give up what you cling to. For Johan it was his authority and eternity. For me it was my friends and my hate. Giving those up is never easy and sacrifices must be made along the way to truly get to destiny. Its only when you think everything is lost that you truly have everything to lose, and that sometimes people want to help you more than you could possibly understand. I'm signing this story out as Judai yuki, from the best nightmare I ever had.

~authors notes~

Chara: *Cries* it's over… I'm so proud of this story!

Haruka: oh and if anyone has heard from heartofhate1014 please tell her we miss her and we hope she isn't dead!

Chara: same goes for Felina snow!

Johan: danm ju-chan that was some deep shit

Judai: well it's what I thought. we have gone through so much and I never wanted to lose everyone like that

Haou: *hugs Judai*good work brother

Jehu: *nods scared of the demons Haou hired to have him be nice* y-yes very g-good job j-Judai-kun

Chara: vote on my poll! Whatever story you want me to write next will be posted in a few days time!

Judai: it's time for charas review corner!

Rukia.K1: gomenasai gomenasai gomenasai! It's another short chapter! But it's the last one… gomenasai!

Chrisandersenyuki: Johan: why yes I am. *backs way* please don't hurt me with that thing…

Chara: *bows* thank you for reading our story

Yuri n' chuka: yubel: you promise you won't kill me in my sleep?

Johan: if I accepted my love for him at the start we wouldn't have had a plot! Thanks for reading!

Kirei Ryuusei: Judai: *flails arms around* I am not! And ill prove it! *punches Johan*

Johan: *blinks and looks at Judai* yeah?

Judai: I punched you!

Johan: really I thought you wanted my attention

Judai: ugh

Chara: thanks for reading!

Luving randomness: Haou: ok! *grabs chainsaw and looked at Jehu*

Jehu: *gulps* again?

Chara: thanks for reading!

Oak-Chan: Chara: demented ones.

Johan: yes I'm giving up my vampirism. And I don't know why it hurts I think Chara just wanted to put me through some form of pain

Chara: thanks for reading!

Crystal of heart: thanks! And thanks for reading!