A/N: So, this program hates me. It never lets me edit the way I want to...there's supposed to be black bars to seperate different sections, but whatever. I hate you too, compy. I switched POV's for this chapter. I'm thinking about just kinda doing that with random chapters. It's Madeline's POV. FYI.

Once again, here we go...

Why is a raven like a writing-desk?

Why is a raven like a writing-desk?

Why is a raven like a--

"Puzzled, my dear?" You lean forward, your red eyes dazzling in the mid-day sun. I concider your words for a moment, remembering each and every syllable like a mantra. I shake my head awkwardly.

"Oh, no...not quite, really. Well, actually..." I stumbled over nearly every word, the venemous taste of defeat sitting dead in my mouth. Your curiosity reached a peak as you leaned in even further. Our faces were inches apart and the faint smell of strawberry jam lingured...

"Yes, yes, tell me what's troubling you, my dear Madeline!" You insisted, of course. You are quite persistant when it comes down to it. I blinked, the pure blood red of your eyes still capturing me in a trance.

"Do you remember when you told me that riddle...? The one involving the raven and the writing-desk?" On the day you captur--brought me here, you repeatedly asked me that very question over and over. Why is a raven like a writing-desk? Why is a raven like a writing-desk?

For a moment, the thought seemed to slip your mind, but the realization sparked and spread across your face. "Oh, of course, of course! Yes, I do remember quite well now! What seems to be the problem with it, my sweet Madeline?" My stomach churned at the words 'sweet' and 'Madeline' were put together in that sentence.

"B...why is a raven like a writing-desk?" I was genuinely confused by this riddle. It made no sense at all how a bird could be anything like a table! Maybe that was the point of the riddle, but I wasn't one to see the point in things very often. You grinned like a Cheshire-cat, grasping both of my hands that had been resting in the hem of my dress and pressing your cheek to mine. I could feel your hot breath against the shell of my ear, the sensation driving me to the edge. Slowly and deliberatly, you began...

"Maddy, Maddy, Maddy...don't you know by now?" I could feel the sly grin against my skin, "...I haven't the slightest idea,"

Like I said. More chapters to come.