Welcome aboard the TARDIS. If you have any questions regarding the Doctor, I advise that you keep them to yourself; the Doctor can be very elusive when you ask him about his past. There is one emergency exit on this spaceship, located just past the main console. If you get lost on this ship, feel free to wander around, you'll work out where you are eventually. Anyway, back to the advice:

1. When travelling through the time vortex, make sure to hold onto something tightly as there are no seatbelts anywhere on the TARDIS.

2. Try and avoid being kidnapped, this can make things very difficult for the Doctor as he now needs to rescue you and solve the problem that alerted him in the first place.

3. Don't go through the big wooden door with the red letterbox onboard the TARDIS. This is the Doctor's room, and he likes him personal space.

4. Don't look into the heart of the TARDIS. This will lead to your imminent death unless the Doctor takes the time energy form you, which forces him to regenerate.

5. Try to not insult the local aliens, it will anger them greatly and probably lead to you being chased from the planet with death threats for when you return. For example, don't call the Sontarans 'baby new potatoes'.

6. When the Doctor is very angry (you can tell because his hair quivers) try to calm him down because he is likely to make bad decisions in this state.

7. When the Doctor has made a bad decision, try not to annoy him even more as this can lead to being sacked from the position of 'Companion'.

8. Don't fall in love with the Doctor. This just makes things more awkward for him, because now he has to save the world and try to remain ignorant to your little crush.

9. Do tell the Doctor if you're having nightmares because it could be that you have an alien trying to infiltrate the TARDIS via your brain.

10. Don't interrupt him when he's thinking, this will annoy him greatly.

11. Upon entering the TARDIS for the first time, be sure to express the right amount of amazement at it being bigger on the inside.

12. Don't try and understand the Doctor, it will only make your brain hurt.

13. Wear sensible shoes, you will be running a lot.

14. Be prepared for all weather conditions, the weather can turn very suddenly on some planets. On the planet Gy'urish, the weather change is almost continuous so it is best to wear: shorts, flip-flops, raincoat, scarf and a woolly hat.

15. Feel free to make fun of the Doctor's choice of clothing; he has no sense of fashion anyway.

16. What the Doctor says is usually right, so don't contradict him unless you're certain that he's wrong.

17. Don't laugh at his sonic screwdriver; it can be really useful at times.

18. Try to learn what all the different controls on the main console do, but don't touch them until you're sure, you don't want to end up stuck in prehistoric times!

19. When you do drive the TARDIS, don't touch the stabilizers. The Doctor calls them "boringers" for a reason.

20. Try not to die. It upsets the Doctor greatly.

Thank you for travelling with the Doctor. I hope you enjoy your stay onboard the TARDIS.

A/N: And here is my Advise piece. I hope you enjoyed reading it, please review to tell me what you thought!