Dear Doctor,

It's been two whole years since you crashed into the shed in my garden. Don't feel bad about breaking it; my aunt thought it was those scary teenagers who hung around outside the newsagents. We bought a new one, just the same as before. No trace of you left behind.

Anyway, I'm nine now. I'm sure I'm old enough to travel with you now. I promise that I would be good. I would go to bed when I'm told and eat all my dinner, even if it was fish custard! I know lots more about space now as well. I did a project on it at school; I could tell you all about the solar system if you wanted. I would make a great cabin-gir; I would make cups of tea and clean the floors when an alien messes them up.

When you do come and pick me up, could you do it quietly please? My aunt sleeps with her bedroom door open now, just in case I sneak out into the garden to look for you. Maybe you have a ladder in your box, could you put it up against my window? I could climb out of my window; it's the first one on the right, second floor. You don't have to worry about me falling; I'm the best at climbing the ropes in PE. I'm quite a fast runner. I came third in the running race on sports day. I'm sure if I travelled with you I could run faster, to escape from the aliens!

You don't have to worry about me being scared of anything. The only thing I was scared of was that crack in my wall and you fixed that problem. I can get rid of spiders in the bath, no problem. There's spiders everywhere in my house, it's because my aunt never cleans. She's always out at work or a party. I don't mind, it just means that you have a bigger opportunity to pick me up without her noticing.

You would have to come after four though. I'm at school until three and I play in the park with Rory until quarter to four. So I don't get back home until four usually. Rory's my best friend. He's a bit of a chicken, so I wouldn't advise you taking him with us. But could I write him postcards every now and again? You must pass a letterbox sometimes. Is it alright if I tell Rory about the aliens we meet? He's ever so jealous of me. I got to meet a real life alien (well, a big alien looking eye) and the most interesting thing that's happened to him is when he fell out of a tree and sprained his ankle! Have you got a camera? We could take picture and send them back to him as well, I'm sure he would enjoy looking at them and showing my teacher at school. She didn't believe that I met you.

I have to go to a special doctor on Wednesday evenings, so you can't pick me up then. Don't worry, I'm not sick. They just don't believe that you exist. I know grown-ups have no imaginations, so it's no wonder that no one believes me. I have to sit there for an hour while an old man with a funny moustache asks me stupid questions like, "Have you seen the man or his blue box since?" or, "And how did you feel when he didn't come back?" They don't think that you're coming back, I know you are. You're just running a little late, that's all.

I'll pack my bag for next Thursday, could you arrive around 5pm? Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Amelia Pond

A/N: This is basically my revision for Writing to Argue, Persuade or Advise. Boring stuff, I know. This letter was supposed to be Persuade, but I'm not sure how well it was on the persuading front. I'll probably do a couple more for the other two. But I have a sneaky feeling that I'm supposed to write more :P Ah well. Please review and tell me what you think :)