Dark Order: The New Empire

Chapter 1: A Change of the Winds

A/N: I am sorry that I had to rewrite this fic once more, however the past one didn't follow out well and I lost sight of it. Now I am back and with double the determination. The sole reason I am doing this is to give you the satisfaction of knowing you stuck with me to the end of this long ride. So REVIEW to keep me going! I need GOOD REVIEWS. CRITISM is WANTED! Thank you for reading this and now read below.



Clone Captain Slick, a veteran of the Clone Wars of old, observed the small settlement that was supposedly holding the droids that had the stolen Death Star plans that had been giving him so much trouble. Setting the electrobinoculars he had been looking through back into their pouch, Slick pulled out his com and contacted his superior.

Minutes later and the image of Darth Vader appeared before him. "Lord Vader" the clone captain said. "I have tracked the droids to a local farm. Permission to proceed?"

"Permission granted, captain" the Dark Lord wasted no time in answering. "Be sure to take any sentients if the droids are found though, your butchering of the Jawas could have cost us. Consider yourself lucky" Vader warned, then the com connection ended and Slick placed his com on his belt.

As he did this, one of his troopers came up behind him and saluted. "Sir" he said. "Are we going to attack soon?" the man asked. Slick knew, like most of the troopers, they were bored and tired from the long, hot day under the twin suns of Tatooine and that they were eager to grab the droids and get off the planet.

"No" Slick said. "We strike at dusk."


Luke sighed heavily as he stared at the setting suns of Tatooine. That blasted droid! He should have never removed his darn bolt. Now he was off who knew where!

"Um...Master Luke" a rather worried voice said from behind Luke. "Are we going to go and find Artoo?" the protocol droid asked.

Luke sighed once more. "No" he said at last. "The sand people will be out soon" he added as the droid somehow seemed to project a surprised and worried aura, despite being a robot. "We better head inside" Luke said.

As if to reinforce this, his father called. "Luke! Come inside! Im shutting the power down!" his father, Owen, called from inside their small tatooine home.

"Be down in a minute!" Luke called back before shaking his head once more as he headed for the small entrance, the protocol droid following him. That droid was going to get him in trouble. He just knew it.


"Quiet!" Slick hissed as the small squad he was commanding made their way across the cool night air of Tatooine, their destination, an old farm estate, was completely dark and showed no signs of movement. But then again, it was underground, so who knew what awaited them inside. "843, 348, 432 prime charges and prepare to breech" Slick ordered as they reached the front entrance, a simple use of a disruptor to break the electro fence surrounding the estate.

Three of the stormtroopers in his unit moved up and pulled out several flash bang grenades as a fourth moved towards the door while the rest of the squad prepared to charge inside. "Set weapons to stun" Slick ordered and then, once he was sure that they had done as ordered, gave the signal to breech.

The fourth trooper, who had been placing a explosive charge on the metal door, ran out of the small hole like entrance where the door was hidden. Seconds later and it detonated in a ball of smoke, dust, mortar and fire. Moments after this and three bright flashes went off and the squad moved inside, moving through every hall, door and passage they could find. Slick himself led a pair of troopers into a small bedroom, where the startled faces of an old couple were just coming to as he raised his rifle at them. The man reacted quick and jumped for a hunting rifle laying against the wall near by the bed, the bolt pulled back to show it was ready to fire. He never made it. With a loud burp, the stun ring spat out from his rifle and hit the man square in the back, causing him to slide to the ground in a heap as one of his men stunned the woman as well.

"Bind them and take them to the shuttle" Slick ordered before walking out of the room as the two troopers each pulled out a pair of sturdy metal binders and approached their unconscious soon-to-be prisoners.

Slick exited the bedroom and found a sergeant walking up to him, who stopped and saluted. "Sir, we have found one of the droids, it was hiding in the farmhouse garage" the man reported.

Slick nodded. "Good work. Where is the other one?" he asked as two troopers came down the same hallway as the sergeant, between them was a stunned young man in dirty clothes with blond hair.

"We found faint tracks, the droid most likely fled earlier today"


Obi-Wan Kenobi, now going by Ben Kenobi in his exile, woke up from a uncomfortable and troubled sleep as he felt the force warn him of an impending danger. It took him several minutes to realize it wasn't directed at him, but rather, his charge. Luke Skywalker. Shooting out of bed, Kenobi quickly grabbed his lightsaber with the force before throwing on his robe and making as fast a move for the door as he could. Those minutes would cost him.


"Is everything done?" Slick asked a technician standing before him. The man nodded and Slick grimaced once more. The droid was still in the shuttle hold, waiting to be sent up to the Devastator to be scanned for the plans, deactivated of course. But they had not found the other droid yet. That left a bad taste in his mouth and a sick feeling in his gut. "Do it" he said before walking onto the shuttle ramp and then entered the shuttle itself. Once the tech had hit a small button, he too boarded the shuttle as well.


Kenobi walked closer to the Lar's homestead and was nearly able to make out the building's upper dome when out of nowhere, the entire structure exploded. The roof detonated into a ball of fire, the ground around the entrance, which was the underground area of the home, blew up all around as the ground became a raging dust and plaster storm before caving in on itself as the area where the courtyard was supposed to be exploded as well, fire rushing out of the circle like area.

Feeling a rush of death, Kenobi dropped to his knees and hung his head in failure and remorse. He had failed. He should have been faster. All he could of think of was that. Failure. He had failed. Luke was dead.


Slick straightened his dress uniform as best as he could. He normally wore his stormtrooper armor when on a mission of any sort, something that other officers looked down upon since he rejected their precious helmet and 'Better' clothing option, which was more likely to get you killed. The only time he really wore his dress uniform was when he was reporting to someone of importance or was in an imperial parade, which he then saw the less defensive uniform a life saver in the hot sun.

Having made sure that the uniform was perfect, and then some, Slick exited his quarters and made his way for Vader's private chambers. There was a reason he was looking his best. The droid they had scanned had not contained the plans, and he could possibly face the consequences for it.

Stopping before the door, he took a deep breath and waited. Moments went by and then the double steel door slid open to allow him access to the room beyond, and possibly death as well.

Stepping into the lair of the Dark Lord of the Sith, the Imperial captain took measured steps before stopping before his superior's meditation sphere. Dropping to one knee, he waited to be addressed.

The black metal sphere moved clockwise for a bit, and then the upper half of the sphere moved up towards the roof as Slick now found himself facing the black armored and masked form of Lord Darth Vader, the Emperor's loyal sith.

"Sir" he began. "We have finished searching the droids data banks and have found no trace of the plans. They were either deleted, or more likely put in the other droid that is still missing" Slick reported, knowing that he could likely die since he had not retrieved the data that was requested for him to find and secure.

The dark form of Vader sat in the sphere for a moment, his respirator echoing throughout the room for a while before the cycle of breathing in and out stopped as Vader spoke. "Captain, you are to go to the surface and find the droid, no matter the cost" the sith said and Slick saluted, realizing he had just survived a possible, and probably painful, execution.

"Yes Sir" Slick said and made his way back out of the room as he dropped his salute.



"Yes?" Bail Organa, former senator for Alderaan, High Council Member and founder of the Rebel Alliance to Restore the Republic, said as he turned to find one of his house servants standing before him.

"I just received a report from our spy aboard the Devastator" the uniformed man said, remembering the brief data he had just received. "It states that Princess Leia is currently being shipped to the Death Star under Lord Vader's supervision and that several interrogations have been planned to start once they jump to hyperspace" the servant finished.

"They want to break her for the information she has" Bail concluded. "Contact Mon Mothma on our most secure network and inform her that I am 'Going on a Vacation' and then get my things ready, I have to go take care of a few things" Bail ordered the loyal servant before heading off towards the gardens where he knew his wife would be. He had a lot of begging and explaining to do.