Title: Heart Of A Lion

Author: PlatinumRoseLady

Disclaimer: I didn't make up the Winchesters. I did make up Lucky. Aren't I special.

Challenge: "Travel"

Word Count: 100 words. Go me.

Players: Go to Enkidu07's page, and you'll find all the usual suspects. Resistance is futile – you will be drabbleized. We're like the Borg, only cuter.

Spoiler Alert: A nocturnal visit to the Luckyverse with hints of Season Four.


They are getting fewer and fewer, but Dean sometimes still has them.

The dreams of fire, blood, pain, and guilt.

Before he used to suffer, and Sam would try his level best to comfort him.

Now, when the dreams start, the soft bump of a small form striking the mattress will make them retreat. Tiny paws travel up Dean's chest, a warm, fuzzy little body curls over his heart. The purring begins – Dean's guardian will let no nightmare pass without a fight.

Dean smiles in his sleep, his dreams untroubled as Lucky takes the watch.

Nothing's gonna hurt his Human.