Note: As a musical theme for this Chapter, I chose "Flying Dreams" from the "Secret of NIHM" soundtrack. You can listen as you read if you want...


Ferio sat on his royal throne and stared out at the celebration ball before him, completely uninterested. People in expensive clothes were dancing and talking, mostly about nothing but air headed gossip. A lot of it was about him, he new, and it amused him slightly to think that the people who wouldn't have dared to look at him a week ago, were now bowing before him and kissing his feet, trying desperately to earn his attention. Ferio, however, was not in the mood to be humored. Right now there was only one thing he wanted to be doing, and that was looking for Fuu.

She had vanished, just that afternoon leaving only a note that said not to worry about her, and goodbye. Ferio had at once wanted to cancel the ball and rush out to look for her, as did Umi and Hikaru. However, it had been Fuu's own wish to leave, and as Lafarga and Clef had pointed out, cancelling the ball now would shake peoples confidence in the state and possibly start a rebellion. Ferio doubted that very much, however, even if he had been able to look for Fuu, he wouldn't know where to start. Hikaru and Umi had tried, but his angel with fair hair and emerald eyes had vanished into thin air, leaving no trace or clue as to where she might have gone. Ferio sighed and shifted his weight to rest his head on his other hand.


Ascott wandered the party, feeling utterly lost in this forest of tall grown ups. Finally, however he managed to find a place in a corner of the room where the crowds were less and it was a bit quieter. He wasn't alone however. Off to the side a group of kids about his own age were playing a strange game.

"Okay Atelante, it's your turn to spin it." One child said, handing a bottle to a pretty girl with long, pastel purple hair. The girl obediently took the bottle and spun it around on the ground as the others in the circle watched with baited breath. At last the bottle finally stopped, pointing straight at Ascot.

Confused, Ascot watched a bunch of surprised and uncertain looks appear on the faces of the kids involved in the game. Quickly they began whispering among themselves while Ascot tried to pretend he couldn't hear them.

"That's the weird sorcerer kid. They say he keeps a pile of monsters as pets." one said.

"Don't worry about him Atelante, just spin it again." said another.

The girl, Atelante, however, did none of these things. Instead she quietly got up and walked over to where Ascot was looking stare at the floor, hoping he wouldn't be noticed. Once she reached him, she hesitated for only a moment, as if a little shy, and then gave Ascot a quick kiss on the cheek. Ascott turned and stared at her in surprise, a red glow creeping across his face.

"I'm Atelante," the girl said to him, "Do you want to come play with us?"

Ascot slowly nodded, and the girl took his hand and led him back to her circle of friends.


"Lady Caladina, may I have this dance?"

"No, Lady, may I?"

"Please, Lady Caladina, Allow me the honour..."

"Now now see 'ere...." Caladina protested, slowly backing away from her would be suitors. They were all young men, with baby fresh skin and shiny, eager eyes that told Caladina they only wanted one thing. Desperately she searched around looking for a way to escape. Then she spotted...

"Lafarga, Cher!" She swept up to the captain of the guard and took hold of his right hand in both of hers. He was much more appealing than these runny nosed babies that were chasing her around. So handsome and strong, and definitely all man.

"'ow would you like we should try a danse no?" She asked him, and without taking no for an answer, led him onto the dance floor as the next dance began. To her delight, he proved to be an excellent dancer and she enjoyed herself immensely. He must have felt the same, because as the first dance ended and a new one began, he instantly changed step and rhythm, without showing a hint of wanting to let her go.


Ferio crept along the side of the ballroom to the far door leading out to the balcony and the garden, trying not to be seen. It had only been an instant, but he was sure it hadn't been his imagination. He had seen her, a girl with fair hair and green clothes peeking shyly inside the ball room from outside the glass doors. At once he had stood up, and she had vanished instantly, but there could still be time. He could still catch her.

"Fuu!" He called out into the peaceful, if not a bit cold night air, slightly tainted with the sounds of music and chatter. "Fuu!!"

She was no where to be seen. In frustration he ran out to the end of the large balcony and stood surveying the garden below him. Then he spotted her, sitting on the higher terrace of the garden, overlooking the moonlit countryside below. She gazed back at him with a wide eyed, almost fearful look, knowing she had been caught.

Ferio wasted no time in getting down there. Afraid she might try to run away again, he leapt over the balcony rail and ran through the bushes, reaching her in only a few short seconds.

"Fuu!" he cried, running towards her. "Fuu what are you doing here?"

He stopped as she gave him a slightly pained look, and then looked away again, as if there was something she didn't want him to see. She was wearing her usual servants clothes again, the same faded handkerchief once again tied in her hair.

"Fuu..." He approached her slowly.

"Ferio, your highness." she said, turning towards him at last with a smile so plastered he could have sworn it was only a mask. He stopped again.

"'re highness?" he repeated again, in disbelief. "Awe come on Fuu. Enough with the games. What are you doing here? Where have you been?"

"Oh I've been around." she said quietly, turning again to face the countryside.

"That's not what I meant. Fuu, why did you run away?" he asked with obvious concern.

"I didn't run away," she said with a sudden spark that startled Ferio, but then died and vanished. "I simply went back to where I belong...that's all." She said simply.

"Wh-What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, still unable to grasp what Fuu was trying to tell him. There was an awkward silence. He approached her again, stopping only a foot or so away from her. Cautiously, he reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Fuu?"

She turned around to face him, slowly, this time, not hiding the sadness in her eyes. "I mean...that since I'm no longer a magic knight, it's about time I got back to my life, Ferio..." she could hold herself no more and tuned away from him again. She didn't want him to see her cry, she was too proud for that.

Ferio simply looked at her amazed for a moment, and then, suddenly, his face broke into a smile. So that was it. Taking that final step forwards, he gently grabbed her on the shoulder, spun her around, and pulled her up close to him. Then, in one smooth motion, before she had time to protest, he kissed her, gently, upon her rosy pink lips. He felt her try to struggle, go tense with shock, and slowly, finally, give in to him. They ended their kiss, but Ferio kept her close him, and they held each other for a long time

"Fuu," he whispered at last, "You are a hundred times more noble than all of the ladies in that ballroom combined, and I won't let you convince yourself of anything else, ever." There was a moment of silence, and then suddenly Fuu felt her clothes begin to move around her. In shock, she pushed herself away from him and looked herself over in amazement.

Her old rags were gone, replaced instead by a beautiful gown of flowing green satin and white lace, green jewels sparkling all around in the moonlight. Fuu gasped.

"F...Ferio!" she looked at him, too shocked to be angry. Ferio's face wore a bright shade of red and a stunned yet utterly pleased expression.

"Y-You shouldn't! That thing's dangerous!" She protested.

Ferio took the key, which hung on a chain around his neck, and held it between his two fingers. The same expression and blush still on his face. "No kidding!" was all he said as he glanced from Fuu, to the key, and back to Fuu again. This caused Fuu to blush as well and look away in embarrassment.

After a moment Ferio regarded the key seriously. "You know..." he said at last, "As long as this key and the box are around, this could all happen again..."

Fuu looked up in shock, but didn't say anything. He was right, of course, as long as the key existed, it could always fall into the hands of the wrong person, and then the Magic Knights would be summoned again. Ferio continued to observe it with a stern face.

Then, suddenly, it began to disappear, disintegrating into nothing as the escudo gems had done before. Fuu gasped, Ferio simply smiled.

"It's okay." he said to her, "I just wished it into oblivion. It won't harm anyone ever again." He looked wistful for a moment, and then turned back to Fuu.

"I want to build a kingdom where anything can be achieved if you are willing to work hard for it." he said to her with a smile, "A place where people are free to be who they want to be, without status or discrimination..."

Fuu smiled, "That sounds like a very nice dream." She said, Ferio nodded.

"But I can't do it alone," he sighed, turning to her. "I'll need all the help I can get, from everyone, in every way." he grabbed her hand, "especially you, Fuu." and kneeled down before her, and kissed the back of her hand. "Fuu, can I ask you something?"

Fuu instantly blushed, her heart racing in her chest. He wasn't going to ask her to...He didn't mean to...!!

"Will you give me the honour of this dance?"

Fuu stopped, surprised, instantly looking down at him. He had a slight, playful snicker on his face that was so characteristic of him she couldn't help but smile a bit.

"I...guess it would be alright..." she said at last. Ferio stood up and began to lead her around the terrace in time to the faded music of the ball.

"Don't worry," he whispered in her ear, "I'll ask you that too, eventually."

Fuu smiled and leaned in close to him, resting her head on his shoulder while Ferio smirk lost it's edge and became a look of gentle contented happiness.


"Dsey sure are cute." said Caladina as She, Lafarge, Umi, Hikaru and Lantis watched them from the balcony by the ballroom. "Well, come on, Cher, best leave dsose two alone!" and with that, she allowed Lafarga to lead her back into the ballroom.

Hikaru sighed contently to Umi. "I'm glad everyone's back together!" she said.

Umi stood up straight, as if she had just remembered something.

"No!" she said to herself, "Everyone's not back together, someone's missing!" and with that, she stormed off in the direction of the library, blue frills and everything waving swiftly behind her.


In the library, Clef was once again pouring over the books and papers overflowing his desk. He let out a tired sigh as he flipped a page and began writing once again.

"...celf..." a distant noise from the hall broke the silence and swiftly moved closer. Clef looked up just as Umi threw the door open with a crash and charged into the room. "CLEF!" She yelled again as the confused sorcerer looked up from his book in surprise. "What are you doing here?!"

"I'm working," he answered, slightly confused, "Anything wrong?"

"Yes!" Umi said again, slamming the book on his desk closed, "You're supposed to be at the ball like everybody else! What's so important that it can't wait one night?"

Clef looked down, almost embarrassed at the paper he was writing. The title was "Pet Laws in Cefiro." Umi rolled her eyes at him. "Clef?!"

Clef looked down at the floor, as his hand automatically flew to his chest and grasped Presia's ring in a nervous fashion. Umi's gaze softened.

"Silly things, these balls. What business does a sorcerer have there?" He threw a cautious glance at Umi, surprised to see her smiling.

"Never been huh? It's okay to be shy." She smiled.

"I'm NOT shy!" Clef yelled indignantly as he suddenly stood up. He stopped however as a gentle arm rested itself on his elbow.

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" Said Umi, smiling. Clef blushed, just a bit as he looked at her. She was incredibly beautiful. The suddenly he found himself being yanked by force, out of the room, and down the hall.

"Hey, wait...what are you?" He protested.

"I want to get the next dance." Umi charged forward, an energetic smile on her face.

"But, wait, I don't!"

"Oh, be a man and stop complaining"



On the balcony outside, Hikaru was staring out towards the mountains in the east, the night breeze playing wistfully with her braid.

"You want to go back home that badly." Lantis said, coming up behind her. Hikaru turned around, a bit startled, but not alarmed.

"I do...and I don't." Hikaru answered, turning once again back to the night landscape. "I love everyone there. I've loved them since I was young, so I want to go back, but, I think, just to visit." She turned back to Lantis. "Umi, Fuu, everyone, we've accomplished so much together, and there's still so much to do...I couldn't think of parting with them now." she smiled a little, "I like to think, that...I'm still needed everyone..."

They gazed at each other a minute longer, before Hikaru turned once again towards the balcony. The wind blew by cooly, and Hikaru hugged herself for warmth. Then, suddenly, Lantis placed his cloak around her shoulders. Hikaru looked up, surprised, and then smiled at him. He didn't look back as he stared out towards the horizon where dawn would eventually break, however, his arms stayed on her shoulders where he had draped his cloak, and she leaned in closer to him, just a bit.


The stars shone down from above, just as beautiful and mysterious as ever. Each one holding a different, beautiful future for everyone. Days turned to months, months into years, years into centuries. The story of Cefiro and the magic knights was forgotten, and people came to know this mortal world by the name "Earth" alone. However...

(Picture of Zagato bowing before Emerald in Cefiro for the first time....)

...Somewhere, in another dimension, the story was not forgotten.

(In present time, we see Hikaru standing by a telescope in Tokyo Tower, digging in her pocket for money...)

It merely slept, and waited to repeat itself...

*~*~*~* THE END *~*~*~*