Disclaimer: I own nothing related to dgray-man, just own this plot.

(A/N): This fic was born after watching a specific romance movie and it's dedicated to someone special and to you guys too.

As excruciating as it was, meaning torturing myself with restless hours after school and work, I give you this first chapter to my newest dgray-man fic!! I hope you like it! =]

My fic is based on a film and sticks to it plainly most of the time, though not in its entireness. There are huge changes. If you've seen this movie and are familiar with it, you'll understand and will notice that the ending has been rewritten, but if you haven't seen it, just enjoy! =3

Warnings: AU, fluff, romance, kisses, romantic words, to resume… my style! =)

Summary: Kanda's friends are holding a birthday party for the-soon-to-be 19 year old, and the former can't get more displeased at that idea. However, amongst the group of friends invited, there's one boy who gets closer and says some confusing, interesting words to him. What's this about, 'come back to me'? Has he seen the younger boy somewhere before? Awestruck with curiosity, Kanda sets himself to investigate everything about that boy, only to find out some intriguing results… Will love prosper in a non-existence timeline for the both of them? Will Kanda eventually stay at Allen's side?

Somewhere in time

1st Chapter

Prologue: The love that faded away.

The cloudless sky let room for the beautiful moon to shine through a fine looking open window, falling graciously upon a young white-haired boy resting leisurely with eyes closed on an old red armchair. The kid seemed unfazed by the cold wind blowing the silky curtains whilst his memories kept drifting into his past again like they had been doing for the last couple of months. Apparently, his memories were the only place where he could be happy. And indeed, he had been happy…a year ago.

Shifting slightly, the boy hugged himself while bringing his knees close to his chest, "The man of my dreams has almost faded now." whispering almost mournfully. His memories just hurt all the same every time he tried to immerse in them, always bringing bottomless sorrow and making him shed bitter tears in the end. Then again, even if his heart shattered more while remembering, he wanted to recall, because he was always there.


Looking up into the sky above and watching the stars twinkle, his mind wandered back to a special time where he had given his whole being to the man he'd always love.

I can still remember the night I was yours. The world had stopped turning and there we were, only you and me, no one else. Just the love we felt.

Sunset had already caught upon us, and you were smiling at me, holding me and kissing me lightly, consoling my shattering heart because I was afraid of loosing what we had, afraid of someone ripping us apart, afraid of loosing you…

Without realising someone else's company, the boy got a little bit startled at the voice enquiring, the tone echoing somehow farther in the distance. "And what man is that, young master?" It was expected to have some kind of reaction out of the boy, though, the latter didn't turn around to acknowledge the other's presence or made any move as to let the other know he had heard, he simply continued with his reverie.

Then, after a while of contemplating the sun in the beach, we began to walk back to the hotel you were staying at. You opened the door and led me in, joining your lips with mine whilst whispering sweet nothings in between words. Somehow, I found myself being laid back on a soft bed and then your body closer to mine, pressing softly. "Kanda…" Our bodies united in a caring, fervent dance, "I just want you to know that I love you Allen." and your tender touches just made me want more, more of you… more of us. "Don't, don't leave me Kanda… please." My soul silently screamed for your own, my body begged for yours and only god knows how much in love I was with you. "I could never do that Allen," We let our love consume with everything we owned that night. "Ever…"

I never thought lovemaking could feel this way… I never thought you would make me feel this way… I love you Kanda…

Even though the young white-haired took his time to answer, the reply was given with softness, "The one I have created in my mind." almost as if the owner of such voice didn't have the strength to go on anymore.

As soon as sleep began to cloud my eyes, fear began to consume my being. I felt as if my entire world would fall apart when the next morning arrived. I didn't want to fall asleep just yet. I wanted to be awake to enjoy the afterglow of our lovemaking with you. Though, against all my wishes, I fell asleep. I was barely aware of your hands gently stroking my hair and the soft kisses your lips left here and there.

"I love you Allen…"

A small smile graced thin lips as the young boy added soon afterwards. "The sort of man each woman dreams of in the deepest and most secret reaches of her heart."

Morning greeted me with something I could never bare to forget. You at my side, eyes closed with a steady breathing rhythm and arms firmly wrapped about my small form. What more could've I asked for? I was in your arms, and everything was just so right. However, what I feared last night was confirmed almost right after we ate breakfast.

How I dread that day…

"Allen." The navy-blue eyed called the smaller kid across him, an intense, loving gaze adorning handsome features whilst picking some food from the carpet they were currently sitting on. The white-haired furiously flushed upon noticing navy orbs staring right through him. He loved those eyes upon him, but above all, he loved the sensation those hues brought ever since last night.

"Y-yes?" The boy stuttered out cutely, looking at the other teenager straight in the eye. "I've been meaning to ask you." The taller of the two, looking deeply into silver pools, decided to bring up something that would change both of their lives. He merely hoped he wasn't rushing things.

Inclining forwards a little, seeing as they were already sitting close enough to each other, Kanda held Allen's hand, kissing the top of it quite softly as he made to spoke the next. "Would you like to marry me?"

The boy blinked twice, then teary silvery grey eyes met deep navy blue as those words sank in. Was he hearing correctly? Were his ears not deceiving him? Was Kanda really willing to spend the rest of his life with him? This wasn't a joke, was it? His heart could only take that much. "You, you really…mean it?"

"If you don't want to we won't."

"No!" The teen made a cute gesture. "No, I-I didn't… I don't…" Still sitting cross-legged, he straightened up a bit and began to wave his hands from side to side, conveying his words the best he could. "I mean, I do want!"

"You do want?" Kanda asked.

"Yes." And Allen confirmed it by taking shyly his love's hand.

"Want what?" Although the dark-blue haired was meaning his words with seriousness, he couldn't help but to tease the small boy a tad bit.

"I, I want to… I'd like to…"

A faint smile graced the lips of the taller of the two and effortlessly pulled his dearly beloved closer to his chest. The latter fell awkwardly against his lover's embrace but soon cuddled further in. "Marry me Allen." The aforesaid blushed deeply but answered contentedly nonetheless. "I'd be more than glad to Kanda. I love you."

"I love you too."

Whatever followed faded in a haze. Because after that, after sharing our love for the second time, without knowing how, you vanished from my life, right before my eyes, with my heart and everything I possessed. What happened? That, I cannot explain. The only thing that was left behind was a beautiful golden watch. Who gave it to you? It seemed familiar somehow; though, I couldn't quite remember where I've seen it before.

You see, months and months have gone by and, still, I can't seem to forget about you. I want to find you; I want to reach out to you. Where did you go Kanda? I'm pretty sure you're still out there, somewhere. Though, I seem to grow tired with each passing day, and I sometimes wonder, will I be able to see you again? Will I be able to hug you, to feel your lips on mine, to be with you?

Delicate lips began to part slowly, whispering tender words as they gently moved. "I can almost see him now before me." Picturing Kanda being there, listening attentively. "What would I say to him, if he were really here?"

Beautiful grey orbs opened slightly as he recited the next few words; the owner not having realised he had closed those orbs once again. "Forgive me.I've never known this feeling… I've lived without it all my life." He made a small pause only to look directly up at the cloudless night; then he carried on. "Is it any wonder, then, I failed to recognise you?"

The cheerful and sincere smile that he usually wore whenever Kanda was around appeared out of nowhere after so long of not being used, gracing his childish features with a light never seen before. "You've… brought it to me for the first time." Unexpectedly, his brows furrowed dejectedly as a pang of strong hurt stroke his heart. "Is there any way that-- that I can tell you how my life has changed?"

Eyes now cast downwards, the boy looked down at his lap, trailing the golden watch firmly wrapped in both hands. "Any way at all to let you know, what sweetness you have given me?"

The boy unknowingly crouched down, feeling hot tears leaving his eyes and travelling down his cheeks. Allen began to sob quietly, clutching the golden trinket as if his life depended on it, wanting nothing more than to be at Kanda's side, the one and only love of his life.

"There is so much to say, I-- I cannot find the words, except for these: I love you, Kanda." Allen was grieving by the end of his sentence, wishing with all his might something could happen, something extraordinaire that could bring Kanda back to him or vice versa, anything at all just have him there once again.

'It's not fair… life isn't fair.'

How come, if he hadn't known what those feelings meant before, he had fallen head over heels in love with Kanda? Why did he have to fall for him? Why was fate so cruel to him? Why give him the chance to love and be happy like people often do and then, take it all away? Was love supposed to hurt this much? Was love supposed to be this way? That's why he never wanted to fall in love to begin with, but when the navy blue-haired came into his life… everything took a different turn around him. He had felt something born for the taller teen the moment they locked eyes, something he hadn't felt for anyone else before. That strange feeling was there. What had been what attracted him most? His eyes? His face? His character? That was the first time he had felt that crazy thing called 'love' pound his heart. It had been wonderful, such a great thing to experience, but then why? Why destiny loved to play with his feelings, with everyone's feelings?


The boy held the pocket watch even tighter against his chest as senseless questions issued in his mind, "I love you…" repeating those three words endlessly into the night sky while gently rocking back and forth; hoping the wind would wash his sorrow away.

Suddenly, without the younger boy realising, the golden watch he held protectively began to shine dimly in his hands, intensifying in colour as the cute boy kept weeping softly. If he had been more attentive to his surroundings at that moment, he would have realised that the room around him was disintegrating and morphing into something else. The armchair he had been sitting on was replaced by the soft cold grass of a beautiful scenery, and the dim lit room he had been in just moments ago was instead replaced by a tall old tree; the breeze being colder than the one he had been enjoying. In spite of all this, he didn't notice where he was at the beginning, not even when his butler had called after him, yelling his name frantically as he witnessed his young master disappear. No, he only became aware of that place when he heard far in the distance some cheering voices, rooting for a name he was oh so familiar with.

"Congratulations Kanda, you're nineteen now!" At this, the teen stopped his quite sobbing. 'Kanda?' Surely, he must be hearing things by now. All those months of yearning after the one who vanished from his life must've made him gone insane.

"Yeah, congrats Yuu!"

'Could it be…?'

"Don't call me Yuu!" Beautiful grey hues widened in shock, 'It… It is…' and Allen snapped his head up to locate the source of the voice, dragging his tired body along with that movement. "I don't have you in such great consideration to grant you that honour baka usagi!"

'I… I can't, I can't believe it.' Not daring to lose another second, the white-haired boy straightened up and lifted himself off from the floor, leaning against the tree for support. "Kanda…" He then began to walk towards the place where his love's voice had come from. "You're here." He might be feeling tired and drained up entirely from his energy, but even so, nothing and no one will prevent this meeting. "You're really here." Allen continued walking.

"I've found you, Kanda."


(A/N): Reviews??

So, sweet people, what do you think? Is it a fine chapter, or does it suck? Please, review?? Your comments mean a lot to me, they make me go into a happy mood and all cheery-like and they help me improve too!! XD

Let me know what you think of it, please? About the title, me or anything… Just, don't be so harsh on me =3

Btw, the sentences Allen says in quotes at the beginning are not my idea; I simply went along with what the girl in the film was saying and then I carried on with my plot. Frankly, I've wanted to write this story for two years now but, because of something or the other, I just couldn't bring myself to do so. I hope though you like this first chap, and like it's been written in my profile, I'll update in a week.

In the meantime, take care, think lovely, don't eat too much sugar like I did and have a nice week!!

Be seeing you soon!

Wingfy out ~*