New chapter finally after a ridiculously long time. See my profile for a bit of what's been going on blocking me from adding chapters and doing updates til very recently.

Sliding back to run alongside the red fire truck Bumblebee guns his engine, "Come on Boss bot! We gotta get there before the Cons do!"

It takes a lot of self control for the Prime not to snap at the young mech. The strong temptation is there to tell him very unkindly to shut his over run vocal processor, after almost 23 cycles of non-stop griping about his lack of 'proper' speed and missing any supposed action, but he manages to hold it in. Barely… at least he's stopped sulking about his new 'paint job' Optimus sighs quietly.

"Bumblebee as I've already said many times, if there was any Decepticon activity one of the team would already have commed us. Besides there are speed limitations on human roadways and we have agreed to follow those rules for their safety and ours." Optimus reasons in vexation knowing full well it is falling on deaf audios.

"But we'll miss out on all the fun!" The yellow speedster whines, the high pitched sound grating on the Prime's already raw nerves. "It's not fair. Ratchet and Bulkhead could be having all the fun. Why did I have to wait for you anyway? You're so slow! I'd already be there if-" That does it, though before the red and blue mech has a chance to let loose on the younger mech Sari jumps in.

Leaning out an open window in the Prime's cab she waves a fist at the yellow car. "Geeze Bee would you quit with the whining! Optimus' already grumpy and I've been trying to cheer him up by telling him all the awesome places we can take the sparkling and all I'm hearing is you bellyaching like a big spoilt baby!"

That causes the yellow mech to swerve for a second, barely maintaining pace with the larger truck. He'd been prepared for the yelling to come from Optimus, not Sari.

"What?! I am not a spoilt baby! You're the baby…. Uh, what's a baby again?", "You are, you big yellow, whiney baby!" And the childish argument devolves from there into bouts of 'are too, are not' and harmless name calling and teasing leaving the Prime rolling his, currently hidden, primary optics. He is still frustrated with the young mech, but mildly thankful for the change in direction and target of his griping.

The Prime does his best to shut out the bickering in favor of contacting the rest of the team. :: Optimus Prime to Ratchet. Any signs the Decepticons have picked up on the signal? ::

:: Ratchet to Prime. No Con activity though we're all going to need to sort out a grid search pattern. Place is the damn maze from the pit itself. My scans of the area show we might have more than one shard on our hands, but I can't be sure. :: Ratchet grouses in his usual gruff tone.

:: Ok we're only 12 cycles away, we'll sort everything out once Bumblebee and I get there. Optimus out. ::

Meeting up with the rest of the team at Detroit's largest scrap yard Optimus is thankful to finally be there to say the least.

Sari and Bumblebee's loud, childish arguing has been easy enough to tune out after a short while in favor of going over the site maps 'borrowed' from the local city planning archives to assess the layout of the scrap yard and plan out a search grid. What has been not so easy to ignore was the constant uncomfortable cramps of too many parts crammed into almost too small a space of his alt-mode. Of all things, that was what had begun to wear the heaviest on his already raw nerves. Finally being back in bipedal mode, able to stretch out cramped linkages, joints and cabling is a welcome relief drawing a soft, releaved sigh from the Prime.

Finding the others a search pattern is quickly established. Spreading out in a line across the width of the scrap yard all 5 mechs begin walking through the stacks of scrap metal of various kinds, scans running in as wide a range as each can manage in hopes the shard or potential multiple shards can be found as quickly as possible. All know the longer the shard is giving off a noticeable signal the higher the chance the Decepticons will appear.

Wedging his large bulk through a gap in stacks of car shells taller than himself, Bulkhead scans around the new open area he finds himself in. Large towers of metal crushed into neat squares surround great pieces of automated scrap processing equipment leading into a large open warehouse. Eyeing up the enormous compacting machine near the entrance a little apprehensive chill runs through the big mech's circuits.

A faint glint catches his attention inside the warehouse atop what he presumes is a furnace. Edging closer his scans ping back positive for an Allspark shard a second signal alighting on his HUD as well less than 20 meters away outside the warehouse.

Almost giddy with excitement and glee at actually being first to find the fragments without incident Bulkhead nearly trips over himself in his rush to collect the first shard. :: Guys, guys! I found the Allspark shards! Two of them! ::

:: That's good, Bulkhead. Share your coordinates and hold position until we get there. :: Optimus comm.s back.

Following the order the big green mech shares his coordinates, but in his excitement he ignores the simple stand and wait order. Running up to the first fragment he has to lean over the open mouth of the furnace, long arm reaching and flat fingers straining to get a good grasp on the shard. He just barely gets the tips of his fingers to grasp the top of the shard when a sudden explosion at his feet send the green mech toppling head over peds.

:: DECEPTICONS! :: Blasts through the comms curtesy of Bumblebee as Bulkhead rolls himself over, dust filling the air as he clasps the shard close to his chest.

"I'll be taking that now, Autobot." Bulkhead's optics widen as the dirt settles to reveal Lugnut stalking towards him, weapons at the read. "Ah scrap." The green mech mumbles, scrambling to get his peds under him and weapon primed.

Everything completely fell apart and devolve into utter chaos from there.

Blitzwing fired in rage upon Bumblebee and Prowl as they kept the triple-changer on his ped tips tag teaming the crazy mech driving him to rapidly shift faces as he went from bellowing in fury to giggling insanely. Elsewhere, Bulkhead was wrestling with Lugnut doing all he could to prevent the hulking Decepticon from taking him down and stealing the shard he had stored away.

Sari shrieks as she darts behind another stack of half flattened cars, Allspark shard clutched tightly in her little hands to her heaving chest having stolen it back from a distracted Blitzwing. A heavy clash of metal on metal rang loudly through the air, followed by sharp cry and a ground shaking thud. The girl was sorely tempted to look around from her hiding spot, check to see if her friend was ok, but fear and determination to be brave and keep the shard safe kept her rooted to the spot.

Heavy, quaking stomps drove Sari to clutch the shard tighter and crouching lower to the ground, taking some comfort from the warmth and gentle buzz coming from it as the distinct sound of heavy ped falls methodically moved towards her hiding space. Each step shaking the earth under her feet heavier, small stones and rocks bouncing more and more.

"Don't think you can hide from me, filthy little organic." Megatron growled, red optics scanning his surrounds ignoring the other battles going on nearby. He would not be shown up and denied what was his by some puny little organic sparkling.

"You couldn't find your own nose if it bit you!" The tiny, high pitched voice echoed through the huge scrapyard, bouncing off multiple walls of crushed metal. To another organic creature it would have been near impossible to pin point the girl's location, but he wasn't organic.

A ping on his HUD pulls a nasty grin across the Decepticon Lord's harsh features. Cannon powering up with its distinct hum, he takes a large leap forward and spins around the corner of a pile of scrapped cars targeting system locking in on the tiny organic 3 rows away, crouched on the ground.

"Found you, little insect." The tiny organic barely near leaps out of its flimsy skin at the sight of him and his cannon trained upon it, other hand reaching out. "Now, give me what is mine."

Swallowing down a scream, Sari began backing away with the shard clutched tightly in her shaking hands. "N-no. It's not y-yours."

"Wrong answer, fleshling." Sari tried, but failed to not cower and close her eyes as the weapon came to bare on her, end of the barrel glowing an angry white-red.

"Sari, RUN! Hide!"

The girl jumped and dived into a nearby open trunk just as the weapon discharged with its distinct, thundering boom. The shot goes high and wide, clipping Blitzwing's wing sending the con flailing out of control. Spinning on the one responsible for throwing off the shot, Megatron deflects the next strike from the energon axe, twisting the weapon away and kicking his opponent in the abdomen sending them skidding backwards into another stack of cars sending the lot toppling over with loud screeching and thunderous crash of twisted metal.

The Prime barely has time to begin recovering before a large black hand slams down on his chest pushing him back into the mess of scrapped cars, his back flaring in sharp pain. He had not chance to utter a cry of pain before the same hand clamps around his neck, with a vice like grip.

Cyan blue optics bored into ruby red as Megatron moved over his captive, pushing him harder into the pile of twisted metal just to feel them struggle and hear the metal groan. "Call your little pet, Autobot. Tell it to give me the shard and I may let you walk away from this relatively intact."

Struggling in the tightening grip around his neck, Optimus' blunt digits claw at the large hand while he kicks at the broad waist and chest with all his strength. A small, frightened voice somewhere in the back of his processor quietly whispers, 'Give up. Stop fighting, you know you can't win. Call to her! Give him what he wants. He'll tear you apart like temp plating if you don't give him the shard. He will kill your sparkling. Rip it from your body as he snuffs your spark out-' He viciously stomps out the voice, focusing on keeping Sari safe and denying the vicious mech what he wants.

Gritting his denta, Optimus hissed back, "No. I'll nev-"

A sudden, sharp blow to the abdomen stuns the young mech, optics blowing wide in shock from the sudden strike and explosion of burning pain that erupts through his chest and back. He must have blanked for a second, because next he distinctly hears Sari crying out, "-'urt him! Don't hurt Optimus! I'll give you the shard!"

A sharp grin spreads across the War Lords derma as he turned towards the little girl. "Good little pet. Now, come out and give me the shard. I won't hurt you and I'll let your Autobot friend go." Megatron purred, placing a hand over Prime's face while raising his cannon preparing to fire. "I promise."

Flailing, scrabbling at the hand over his mouth Optimus took the only option he had. Twisting a little he viciously bites down into the softer plating between thumb and fore finger with all the power he could muster. Megatron howls in pain and rage as he rips his bleeding hand from the Prime's sharp edged denta.

"NO, Sari! Stay there! He's ly-" He barely gets the words out before he is brutally slammed back into the mass of twisted metal, his whole body screaming in pain, audials buzzing with static and optics assaulted with fuzzy black and white spots. Slowly coming back to himself, pain dulling slightly and vision clearing Optimus finds the barrel of Megatron's massive cannon taking up most of his vision, a large hand pressing harshly down on his chest. Bright red optics flash dangerously as the grey mech stares down on him.

"You, little Autobot, are proving to be more of a nuisance and a greater pain in my side than I initially gave you credit for. I had patience for your spirited fight and stubbornness once, but no longer."

The hand on his chest presses down harder, crushing pain growing as the metal groans increasingly louder and sharper under the relentless pressure, grabbing and pushing at the heavy limb proves useless. The weapon at the Prime's head fills his audials with its distinct powering whine as the barrel grows unbearably hot and bright. He shut his optics, vents stall, limbs shiver and his spark pulses franticly like a caged animal in its casing as he prepares for the end. 'I'm sorry my little one. I'm so sorry you will have to end here before you knew me, before you knew life. I-I… I love you and… I'm sorry I've failed you.' And then… nothing.

The crushing pressure on his chest eases and the heat and sound of the cannon recede. Ever so carefully opening his optics Optimus finds the Decepticon Leader staring down at his chest with a look of confusion, large hand now resting far more gently on the aching metal of his chest. He's almost too afraid to move, let alone vent the stifling hot air from within his sore frame lest the mad mech simply crush his chest in and tear his spark out.

A small eternity seems to pass before the huge grey mech speaks, his voice low and gravelly. "What is this?"

Optimus can only blink dumbly up at the grey and black mech. "W-what?"

"What is this?" Megatron barks, startling the young mech. "Why can I sense my energies in you? In here? What are you hiding, Autobot? What have you stolen of me?"

Absolute terror sweeps through the Prime's cortex and CPU driving his frame to seize up and spark to hammer madly within its casing, 'No, no no nono! He can't know! He can't! I-I've got to move. I need to run now!'

"ANSWER M-!" The loud, furious bellow is cut short by the loud ring of heavy metal smashing into metal and Megatron suddenly stumbling sideways with a grunt of pain. The slip causes the grey mech's hand to lift and Optimus wastes no time. Rolling aside he dives for his axe, quickly throwing himself to his feet weapon in hand ready to fend off another attack… that never comes.

Growling low in his throat the Decepticon Lord is turned away staring down Team Prime as Bulkhead rapidly reels in his recently flung wrecking ball fist. Each member stands in aggressive poses with weapons at the ready, Sari at Bumblebee's peds triumphantly holding both Allspark shards with a large grin across her face. A quick glance past a stack of cars shows Blitzwing dangling from a crane, badly tangled up in the heavy cords, hissing and spiting various threats and curses as a stumbling, scratched up Lugnut tries to get him down without being shot by the insane mech.

Snorting loudly in disgust, Megatron's helm snaps to the Prime, serrated denta bared. Lifting a hand to reach towards the red and blue mech earns the War Lord a sharp warning from Prowl, "Touch him and I will slicing open your vital lines." The slender grey and black mech suddenly fazing into view on the hulking mech's back, one of his throwing stars digging into the softer metal at the juncture of jaw and neck.

Huffing in amusement, Megatron drops his hand his flaming red optics never leave the young mech's cyan blue silently conveying; I'm not done with you yet Autobot. "Decepticons, we are done here. Return to base."

Roughly shrugging the ninja-bot off Megatron takes to the air, followed soon after by Lugnut and - a still spewing profanities - Blitzwing. Optimus watches warily as their forms moved off through the clear sky until even his strong vision could no longer detect them. He is so focused he initially doesn't notice how hard he's been gripping the pole of his axe until tender hands start to gently pry his stiff fingers from the handle and a soft voice talking to him.

"It's ok now Optimus, he's gone. You can let go. Relax and try and vent for me." Prowl's soothing tone and gentle touch helps to start easing the tension from his frame, vents bursting open with a gush of steam and over heated air. Sucking in huge draughts of cool air Optimus finally looks down into the softly glowing visor of the cyber-ninja earning a small crocked smile.

Another pair of hands gently hold him as his shuddering legs finally gave out, carefully lowering him to sit on the dusty ground. It's now he becomes pointedly aware of just how hard he is shaking, how uncomfortably hot his frame is and just how much every inch of him is throbbing with the deep ache of excessive strain. Especially deep within his chest. Panicking Optimus turns his focus inward, ignoring the voices, sounds and touches as he seeks out that now familiar faint little draw. That little continuous tug on his spark from his sparkling.

At first he can't feel anything outside the noise of his own frantic spark, still pulsing much too fast. He pushes deeper, focuses harder until finally, finally he gets a tiny blip of a response. With each nano-klik the sensation of that syphoning pull on his spark grows in pulsing flickers, feeling almost as though the tiny sparkling is testing for safety, before finally settling back to the level of pressure he has become so used to.

"…ack to base. I don't want him transforming right now, the trailer is our best option." Optics flickering, remembering he isn't alone, Optimus glanced to the mech speaking, Ratchet. "Oh, good to see you're back with us Prime. You gave us a good scare for a moment there." Waving his portable scanner one last time over his patient before sitting back to go over the results.

Pressing a hand firmly against his chest, he shook his head. "Uh, I'm… I'm sorry, I just -"

"Boss bot! You ok? Is the sparkling ok? We thought bucket-head was gonna crush you! But we chased him and his cronies off, did you see it? It was awesome! Oh, you need anything? Anything at all I'll go get it right now, just say the word!" Startling, Optimus finds himself with a face full of yellow and black youngling rambling on asking after his comfort while recounting the battle he shared with the others against Blitzwing and Lugnut.

Already too tired and sore to and frankly in no mood to deal with the younger mech's usual bright, speedy and exuberant personality the Prime closes his optics rubs the bridge between his optics ready to tell the yellow mech to tone it down and leave him be. His vocalizer barely has time to activate before another steps in.

"Bumblebee! Calm down and go wait for Bulkhead and let us know when he gets back. Ratchet and I can watch Optimus for now." Prowl's calm, yet assertive tones quickly silence Bumblebee, taking off with one last passing request if the Prime needed anything before he bolted to avoid the random piece of scrap Ratchet tosses at him along with a bark to get going.

Optimus gives his partner a watery, yet grateful, smile earning a soft little quirk of thin derma and warm flicker of visor in return. His mere presence helped ease most of the stress from his frame and settle his galloping spark, though he couldn't do much for his racing CPU and the implications still running rampant from Megatron's words.

"I know Megatron attacked you to get the shards, but there's something more. Something else happened. I can tell." Prowl observes, gently stroking the red and blue mech's thick arm as he vented heavily and tried to school his CPU. "You don't have to speak of it right now if you don-"

"Yes, yes I do." Optimus blurted, taking a shaky in and out vent. Glancing from the worried visor of his partner to the pressing stare from the elder medic. "I think… I'm not sure, but I think Megatron may know. About the sparkling, or-or at least he suspects something."

Metal screeched and groaned within the medic's hand as he muttered, "Well, slag it all."