Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto! Masashi Kishimoto does!



Summery: Aoi just wanted to go home, instead she's stuck with Kakashi, well Kakashi's stuck with Aoi till he confirms she's 'trust worthy' enough in order to not 'dispose' of her. Not only that but she's stuck with the three most obsessed Narutards ever. "I think they're out to get me... Especially, what's their names? mary sue? Hahha, just kidding. Don't kill me"-Aoi

No Clue

By: Blood Madhatter

What the hell is 'Naruto?'

This sucks, First things first, I'm stuck in, what did they call it? The 'Naruto' world or whatever that is… Second, I'm stuck with the three most obsessed 'Narutards' in the 'Naruto' world. Third, not only did I fall in a puddle, I was the only one who fell in this stupid puddle! Okay… Maybe I should start in the beginning. It all started on graduation day.

'Congratulations Aoi Manami', it says on my diploma. I'm 18 and a new graduate. THANK GOD! No more sickening uniforms with short skirts! I swear our principal is a pervert… I mean look at this uniform! It's like I'm a sailor…. And no more people giving me weird looks while talking about me as if I'm not even there. No more homework… No more C's. I'm free! Now, all I have to do is get my jacket and bag from the class room and then I'm good…

Normal P.O.V

Aoi made her way out of the classroom, all the celebration in her head came to a stop as soon as the lights went out. Literally, What the heck!?

"Attention students and staff," Oh NO It's the voices again! Wait… Never mind, "Please stay put and got to the nearest classroom while we fix the problem thank you!"

Aoi sighed and opened the nearest unlocked door. She popped in and her face fell, a group of girls were cross legged sitting in a circle muttering to each other in a different language. Did I just walk in on a cult or something!? She looked at a sign, Naruto Club? What the heck's Naruto?

The air began to get thick and cold, Aoi looked outside and could see the clouds were beginning to move oddly fast. She almost jumped when the thunder began. What's going on? I feel… weird… Soon the room began to spin. Aoi almost lost her balance, the only thing she could hear was the sound of the chanting. I- before she could even finish a thought everything went black.

-------Aoi-s POV------

I woke up cold and wet, the most horrible way to wake up. Not only that but people where looking at me strangely. Not just anyone but the weirdo's chanting to each other in a circle.

"What are you doing here!?" red-headed girl who's name I have yet to remember asked.

I gave her a look, like I want to be here… "What are you talking about?" I look around, A forest? What the hell? Did they drag me out here to kill me or something? "Where are we?" I asked in the most normal voice I could muster up.

"I can't believe SHE came with us! It was only suppose to be the three of us!" Yelled a girl with long black hair with yellow orange and red tips. Wow, I can't believe the school allowed that… I bet she said they where 'all natural' snicker. Anyway's….

"Ah-" I was soon cut off.

"It is strange… Why would ah… What's your name again? "Asked a girl with long 'blue hair' The reason I can tell it was died because her roots were blond… Anyways she looked pretty normal, that is till she revealed her left eye. She had green eyes but for some odd reason her left eye was red. I never really got why people wore different colored eye contacts…

"Aoi… Aoi Manami." At least they want to know my name so they know what to write on my grave, "What's yours?" I asked, just to be polite.

"Well," started out the 'blue haired girl," My names Hana Kiyoko, the feisty red head is Moe Takashi and last but not least, Rei Noburu."

Blue: Hana, Red: Moe, and Flame: Rei, got it, "Nice to meet you."

Hana nodded, "Anyways, what are you doing here?"

How many times do I have to ask!? "Ah, First I was in the class room and the next I wake up in a puddle out side."

The three gave each other a look.

"Should we tell her?"

"I think we should ditch her…"

"Shut up Moe, anyway, I don't think we have a choice…"

Sweat drop, do they think I'm stupid or something? I have ears you know. They finally turned around and pushed Rei towards me. She awkwardly coughed and scratched the back of the head.

"Well you see, we did this jutsu we found online to help us get to the Naruto world and it worked!"

I rose an eyebrow, They really are weird…. "What's Naruto?"

The three almost fell on the spot, "WHAT'S NARUTO!?" They yelled as a union.

"Naruto is just the most frickin' awesome anime/manga in the world!" yelled Moe. What's manga again? Oh yeah it's like a comic book… Anime's animation…

"I can't believe you never heard of it before!" gasped Rei

"Ah… I might have, is it the one where they transform into sailor scouts or something?"

Sweatdrop, "That's Sailor Moon," they groaned.

Give me a break, "Oh…"

Hana sighed, "Naruto is the one where a boy named Naruto Uzumaki is a Jinchuriki, a human with a sealed beast, of the most powerful tailed beast the Kyuubi. He is hated by his village because of it but, he wants to become the head hancho, Hokage to win their respect."

"Oh, the one with all the ninja's or whatever right?" I saw like a minute or two…

"She might actually have some hope after all," commented Moe.

I still think they're crazy…. So I'm in some ninja world with some Otaku's, great. "So, do you guys know where we are?"

They looked at each other and a sweat drop formed at their heads, "Ah… Well since we're in a forest, we're assuming Konoha…"

"Where's Konoha?"

"It's the village hidden in the leaf, aka the forest!"

"… So you don't really know where it actually is hu?"

Sweat formed even more at their heads, Your kidding me…

"Do you guys even have supplies and weapons since we're in a place filled with ninja?" Please tell me they did.


I smacked my forehead, Great just… great.

And that's why I'm in this 'Naruto' world.

"Okay… Tell me one thing, can you at least tell me you know the way back home?"

"We didn't really get that far…"

I could feel my body twitch, "So your telling me you just went head first in knowing there are ninja's that could kill you on the spot without even thinking about having any kind of weapon or supplies?"

The three sulked even more, "OKAY OKAY, we didn't really think much about it! We just thought one of the characters might find and help us okay!" Moe yelled holding her hair.

I sighed, "Alright, we should probably find a way out of here then…" I looked around and spotted something interesting, "Hey, a trail! A sign of life!" I jumped over a bush and landed on the trail.

The others quickly followed, "Good work Aoi," said Hana.

"Yeah, let's just find a way out of here."

------Normal POV-----

As Aoi walked a head of the group they began to talk quietly among themselves.

"I can't believe we're hear with Ms. Kill-Joy," whispered Moe.

"Well she is right about a few things, we didn't really prepare," said Hana.

"So it was suppose to be fun," responded Moe.

"And don't forget the adventure," commented Rei.

"Yes adventure!"

"Well I-" the three where stopped by Aoi's hand, "What the-" Aoi covered Moe's mouth.

"Someone's coming… We should hide," said Aoi heading into the bushes.

The three got nervous and stumbled either behind a tree or in a bush. They keep quiet as a couple of shady characters walked by. Just as the coast seemed clear Hana was picked up from behind.

"Look at what we have here," said the first bandit.

"Let me go!" Hana struggled.

"I know you have someone else with you so where are they?" He asked.

Everyone stiffened at his words, Aoi watched from behind a tree, making sure no one would sneak up on her. She quietly dug into her beg and pulled out her Tanto, a double edged dagger that was 16 cm. I should help out.. The bandit was soon attacked by Moe, who jumped on his back. The other bandit was taken by surprised. Aoi assumed there was only two so she quickly attacked the surprised one by wounding his leg in one swift mood. He screamed and Aoi quickly knocked him in the back of the head with the back of her Tanto knocking him out. The first bandit quickly reached for his pouch but Aoi threw her Tanto at him, it caught onto his shirt and pined him to the tree. The bandit struggled to get loose but Aoi quickly jumped up and kicked him in the jaw causing him to hit the back of his head against the tree knocking him out. The three girl's mouth's dropped open. Aoi got her Tanto from the tree causing the bandit to fall to the ground.

She quickly whipped off the blood and looked at the group, "What are you guys just standing around for? Let's go before they wake up!"

The three scrambled together and ran on the opposite trail, Aoi looked around for a second before running off towards the others. They ran as fast as they could and till they couldn't anymore. Moe began to gasp,

"Let's -Gasp- STOP HERE -BREATHE-!" She said falling on a large rock.

Hana sat down next to her catching her breath, Rei just fell to the ground with swirls in her eyes. Aoi jogged not far from behind them and almost ran past them, "Are you guys ready yet?

They only glared at her so Aoi quickly shut her mouth. I go jogging every day so this isn't that bad. Aoi thought with a puffed up face. "I'm going to look for some water…" Aoi quickly escaped, The other's looked at each other.

"I guess it's kind of okay she came with us…" Rei started off.

"She's still a kill joy," mumbled Moe.

"But she beat those guys up for us."

"I'm sure someone would have saved us." said Moe sitting back.

Hana only sighed, I'm not sure about that…

-------------Aoi's POV----------

FINALLY, alone time. All those glares they were giving me the creeps. Hey, I hear water! Finally, just what I was looking for. I excitingly jumped over a few bushes, before I realized it, I was to late. I came fast to face with a dark looking boy who looked not even much older then myself. He quickly reached for his side and before I knew it something was thrown at me. I jumped over to my left just in time.

W-what the hell!?

I looked up and the boy was jumping in from the sky, the sun blocked my view but on reflex I flipped back and just missed his kick.

This kid seriously has it out for me, then again I'm in a frickin ninja world.

As he jumped towards me I threw my coat on him causing him to lose sight. He quickly cut it open but, I did the first thing that came to mind. Kick him in the family jewels. He let out a painful moan as he fell to the ground. I took this opportunity to run, only to trip over a strange wire. Suddenly similar weapons he used on me came flying towards me.

How the hell did he set this up!?

I took out my Tanto and dodged a few while blocking some. Only one grazed my arm leaving a small scratch. I soon felt a strange aura rise, I decided to check up on the poor boy only to see him make weird hand signs.

I think this boy's 'special.'

"Fire Release: Great Fire ball Technique."

He did something weird and a huge fire ball came flying out of his mouth and straight towards me.

Oh, shit.

I was like a deer in headlights for a moment but I quickly jumped up and back. I fell to the ground hard as the backlash of the fire hitting the ground and some rocks flew towards me. A pain shot threw my head and everything went black. The last thing on my mind was, stupid ninjas…

---------------Normal POV------------

Aoi was laying on the ground with a huge bump on her head, it was even bleeding a little.

"Looks like I missed, that was oddly difficult."

"What the heck Sasuke!? Are you burning tree's again!?" yelled Naruto jumping out of the forest.

A vain appeared out of Sasuke's forehead, "No, I was attacked by this weird dressed lady." he said pointing at Aoi.

Naruto poked her, "Where is she from? She doesn't look like she's a shinobi or anything."

"Let's look through her stuff, maybe we'll find out," Sasuke said holding her bag and torn up jacket.

The two quickly emptied her things.

"What the hell's this?" Naruto said pushing buttons on her cell phone. As it beeped he found a little entertainment in it. He almost freaked out when a voice came out of the thing. "If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again-" before it could finish he smashed it against the ground. "EVIL! A demonic lady's voice was on there, it was so inhuman!"

Sasuke narrowed his eyes, "Dobe."


"Hum," Sasuke sniffed her ipod shuffle, he pushed a few buttons and suddenly music began to play out of the headphones. He listened to it for a while, he turned it off and looked away, "I think I'll keep this," he said putting it in his pocket.

"HEY! I want to check it out!" He said trying to take it away.


"NARUTO WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING TO SASUKE!?" screamed Sakura smacking him over the head.

Naruto landed on the ground rubbing his head, "Ah man, Sakurraaaa," he whined.

Kakashi appeared behind him, "Now you three, get along." He rose an eyebrow as he saw a girl laying not far from them, "what happened here?"

"The lady snuck up on me while I was getting something to drink," Sasuke explained as he picked up a pad.

Sakura blushed and quickly took it away, "Y-you shouldn't look threw a woman's things."

A sweat drop formed at Kakashi' head while Naruto and Sasuke looked confused.

"Naruto, what are you doing?" Sakura asked while he was turned away.


"… Are you eating something Naruto!? Is that a sandwich?"

Naruto turned around revealing a stuffed mouth, he swallowed, "Ah…."

"NARUTO! You idiot! What if it was a trap or poisoned!?"

"EH!? YOU THINK!?" Naruto asked looking pale.

Sasuke shook his head, "Dobe."

Naruto began running around panicked. Sakura began to yell at him while Sasuke continued to rummage threw her things, "Hey look what I found."

He pulled out her school ID, "Her names 'Aoi Manami', she went to A High School. I don't think I've heard of an academy named A high school."

Kakashi stared at her unconscious body for a while, "What should we do with her?"

"What's taking her so long!?" yelled Moe whipping sweat away from her fore head.

"Maybe we should check on her," Hana said looking at the direction Aoi left, "I mean what if she got attacked by an animal or something?"

A smirk formed on Rei and Moe's face, Hana just glared at the two and they quickly stopped.

"Okay, we'll help you find her," sighed Rei.


"Ow, I think a stick just attack me!"

"Shut up Rei and quit being slow!"

"Will you two just be quiet!"

"Whoooooa," Rei began to trip, she grabbed onto Moe who ended up falling with her. They fell out into the open.

"Ow," they said at the same time.

Hana walked out, "Hey! I see her!" she ran towards her body and quickly kneeled down, "Aoi! Are you alright?"

Aoi opened her eyes and took Hana's hand, "Got ya!"

Hana blinked and suddenly a puff of smoke covered them both.


Hana was on the ground with a Kunai to her neck with Naruto holding her hands to her back. They all thought the whole thing, Naruto!? Before the two could do anything Sakura and Sasuke held a Kunai to their backs.

Sweatdrop, a trap!

"Who are you guys? Where do you come from?" Sasuke questioned.

"Ah…." They started off but where to amazed to think.

Kakashi walked out from the woods, "Just answer our questions and we'll get this over with faster." Aoi was still unconscious and on his back. They noted the bandage on her forehead.

Hana's face lit up, "W-well, we're new to this world, I mean ah."

"What she's saying is, we're from a different world… In our world you're a manga!" Rei tried to explain.

"Sounds kind of suspicious to me Sensei," said Sasuke, "maybe we should knock them out and leave them out here…"

The three became nervous, "We're serious! I mean look in my book bag, it has the book in it!"

They look at each other and stared at Moe, "You do it," they all said at the same time.

Sasuke guided her to her bag and she quickly took out the bag. Sasuke took it and handed it to Kakashi looked at it and rose an eyebrow, "Naruto?"


"No, it's called 'Naruto.'"

"COOL, It's about me!?"

"It must not be that good then…"

"Shut up Teme!"



Kakashi sighed, he opened the book and quickly saw the explanation of the Kyuubi and Naruto. Can't show them this… He continued on and saw it start out with Naruto failing the graduation test, beating Mizuki and graduating, and even when he first met his team. He quickly shut the book.

"Looks like they're coming with us to Konoha," was all he said. The three sighed with relief.

"Hey, Sensei can I look at the book!?" Naruto asked excited, Sakura's head snapped over to them, Inner Sakura: I want to see too! Sasuke even peaked at Kakashi.

"No," he simply said, "and you three shouldn't say anything about it till we get to the Hokage."

Kakashi put the book inside his jacket pocket.

"You three walk ahead of us so we can keep an eye on you," Kakashi ordered, "Sasuke and Naruto will be on your sides while me and Sakura are from behind."

They nodded.

"Ah," Hana started still a little flushed, "My names Hana Kiyoko." she said bowing.

"I'm Moe Takashi!" Grinned Moe.

"And I'm Rei Noburu."

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki! Future Hokage!" Naruto said doing a move.

"BAKA!" Sakura hit him over the head, She turned to the three, "You can just call me Sakura."

Sasuke rolled his eyes, "Hn."

"You seem to already know who I am…" said Kakashi.

"Oh yeah, that's Aoi Manami…" Moe said a little less delighted, "What happened to her anyways?"

"Sasuke knocked her out," Naruto blurted out.

"She just surprised me…" growled Sasuke.

"Wow, you must have knocked her out good," said Rei.

"Anyways, get walking that way.," ordered Kakashi.

Everyone quickly got in their places and headed out.

--------- Aoi's POV----------

Groan, my head is killing me… Fucking kid, as soon as I get a hold of him I'm going to kick him in the family jewels again or at least make sure he never has kids, EVER… Wait… am I moving!? OH GAWD AM I DEAD?!

I soon felt hairs tickle against my face making my face twitch.

I feel strangely warm… Wait…

I snapped my eyes open and my face was blocked by silver haired. My body instantly froze. Someone. Is. Touching. Me. My body was still asleep so I couldn't do anything. This is someone new, not the boy from earlier, what if- What if they did something to me? I could feel the urge of tears forming at my eyes.

Idiot, you can't cry right now.

"Looks like she's finally awake." said mysterious silver haired man.

I did what anyone would do in this situation…



Please read and review! My first time doing POV X.x