Summary: *NO LEMON!* Lavi, a world famous musician, lead singer and front man of the band Carry On, Soldier was at the peak of his fame. He was unstoppable, until he met his match, Lenalee Lee, an aspiring singer/ songwriter. As he gets to know her more, the mask that he's worked so hard to put on and maintain starts slipping off.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of the DGM characters or the lyrics of songs used in this story. I DO own my original storyline though. :D


AN: Let me apologize from the start. Sorry for the foul language. I try not to use such bad language in my stories… but anyways. This is my first rated M story and hopefully it'll be only because of the strong language and SOME suggestive themes… D: Oh and sorry for making Lavi seem so OC here… it'll get better, I promise. :D As for Lavi's attitude as a performer, I kinda was influenced how Billy Joe (Greenday) works the crowd at his concerts. xD



The crowd cheered as he took a sip of water from his water bottle and threw it out into the audience of supposedly 18+ year old fans. The red headed just-turned-twenty year old gave a dirty smirk as he suggestively did thrusting motions to his unsuspecting band mate Allen Walker, the guitarist of the band. The girls squealed.

"Alright San Francisco!! It's been a fucking fun night, but we're gonna head out now. So this here's gonna be our last song. So give a fucking round applause for us you mother fuckers!!" He said as he jumped up and down across the stage getting the fans excited. The guitar intro started as Lavi went up to the mic stand and grabbed the microphone.

Situations are irrelevant now
She loves the way that I tease
I love the way that she breathes

"Let me get a hot girl up here!! Who thinks their hot?!" Lavi shouted. "You! There! Black curly hair! Get the fuck up here!!" he said as he pointed to a girl in the front. The guards helped get the girl onto the stage.

I touched her (ooh)
she touched my (ahhh)
it was the craziest thing.

He sang as he grinded with her on stage.

I love the girls who hate to love because they're just like me
A certain girl she took my hand and ran it up her thigh
She licked her lips and pulled my hair, I fall in love for a night

She can't behave and I'm just a slave
don't worry I'll be gone when the morning comes.

Darling what is going on?
Honestly that never happened
Lying is your favorite passion.
Leave me, go where you belong
Higher heels and lipstick napkins
Dying is your latest fashion.

The frustration it's a regular thing
I hate the ones who love to hate because they're just like me.
A certain girl she took her hand and put in my lap
"It's way too full", she said. once you have me you'll always come back.

She can't behave and I'm just a slave
Don't worry, I'll be gone when the morning comes.

"Get some more girls up here!! Come on get up here fags!" he shouted as the band paused again so they can get the people on stage. He pointed at three more girls. "You blue glasses, brunette and blondie! Get the fuck up here!"

Darling, what is going on?
Honestly that never happened
Lying is your favorite passion
Leave me, go where you belong
Higher heels and lipstick napkins
Dying is your latest fashion.

He sang again as he was dancing with the girls that came on stage.

I know you love to insist and all it takes is a kiss
and you just love to hate me.
You know you love all the lies so don't act surprised that I just
love to hate you.

I kissed your lips you pulled my hair it was the craziest thing
I love the girls who love to hate. (Breathing)

(Whoa) Darling, what is going on?
Honestly that never happened
Lying is your favorite passion
Leave me, go where you belong
Higher heels and lipstick napkins
Dying is your latest fashion

Darling (Leave Me), what is going on?
Honestly that never happened
Lying is your favorite passion
Leave me (Darling), go where you belong
Higher heels and lipstick napkins
Dying is your favorite passion

After the song ended, the crowed went wild cheering, clapping, and shouting. Lavi took a deep breath and put his arms around the four girls as he spoke into the mic. "Thanks for coming out here tonight!! You guys were fucking awesome San Fran! This has been Carry On, Soldier. See you all next time!"Lavi said. As the lights dimmed down, he turned towards the four girls as he started towards the exit of the stage.

"Hey, hey ladies." he said as he put on his signature smirk. "Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh." the blonde one exclaimed.

"Thanks for helping me out here tonight. You guys were fucking great." he said cooly, it was the same lines he always said to the girls that came on stage at his shows. He had it memorized.

"Nooo! Thanks for letting us come on stage. You're amazing!" said the brunette.

"Haha, don't mention it ladies. And hey, if it's alright with you guys I'd like to invite you four backstage with us."

"Oh my gosh yessss!" the four girls shouted almost in unison.

Backstage, the four band members along with the guests sat comfortably on the couches, chatting up conversations and passing around the booze.

"Hey Lavi, aren't you too young to drink? Aren't you all too young?" the girl with the glasses asked.

"Haha, yeah he is." Allen said. "But that doesn't stop our Lavi. I can promise you that he goes at least twenty can per show." he said.

"Ay, my limit is nineteen and a half Allen, get it right!" Lavi exclaimed jokingly. "And fuck the laws! No one in their right mind follows it anyhow." Lavi said in between hiccups and laughter. He was obviously drunk.

After drinking cans and cans of beer, playing some spin the bottle and having major make-out sessions with the fans, Lavi picked up his jacket to leave as he made a sad attempt at standing up.

"Where are you going idiot?" Kanda, the bassist of the band asked.

"What the fuck? Where the fuck do you think I'm going you mother fucker? I'm going fucking home so stop fucking getting in my way and fuck off bitch!" Lavi said. He was drunk. Anyone who knew him can tell since he always unnecessarily swore more in slurred words. Kanda knew this as well, which is why he left him alone when normally, this would have caused a conflict between the two of them.

"No one's getting in your way. Fucking retard." Kanda mouthed silently.

"But Lavi, you're drunk!" Allen said as he walked over to Lavi to help him get up."

"What the fuck bitch? I dunn need yo help to get up. Bitch sounds more and more like a fucking fag everyday." Lavi said. When Lavi was drunk, he didn't make much sense either.

"I can drive you home Lavi." Krory, the drummer offered.

"I'm not going to get fucking raped fag! I have two cars and two heads don't?! I'm- I'm- hic- not drunk so get off my back. Fucking fags…" Lavi said as he waddled out to the parking lot across the street.

"I didn't quite catch that…" said Krory looking at Allen.

"I think he meant, 'I have my own two hands and my own two feet, I don't need you help.' or something in the lines of that." Allen happily translated.

Lavi was heading towards his car when he accidentally ran into a young girl who happened to be carrying a few heavy text books. Lavi fell down backwards into the cement.

"Watch where you're going!! Bitch!! Jeez, kids these days with no manners! NO GOD DAMN MANNERS!" he shouted angrily.

"I'm so sorry!" she said as she stood up and gave a deep bow. The girl started running towards the opposite direction.

"Hey! Girl! You! Fucking Bitch! You left your fucking Bag! BAAAAAG! B-A-G! BAG!!!" he yelled out, but the girl was too far to hear. "Fuck!! God damn, no what am I supposed to fucking do?" Lavi said as he reached into the bag in hope of finding some kind ID. Usually, it would take someone just a few seconds, but Lavi was drunk which made it harder for his mind or body to function right. Lavi continuer to look around. "What the fucking hell is this thing?!" he yelled out as he grasped the mystery item which happened to be a tampon. "To fucking hell with this!" he said as he chucked it onto the road.

It took him nearly ten minutes to just find the girl's ID. When he finally found the girl's wallet, he opened it up in hopes of finding some sort of ID or driver's license.

"What the fuck? What kind of name is Lenalee Lee?!"

Hope you all liked the first chapter!! Please read and review!! :D