A darker American Dragon Jake Long fic – I do not own American Dragon Jake Long, nor do I claim any type of ownership. Just a humble fanfiction for the masses. I hope you enjoy my take on Jake Long. I wished that show were cooler and I keep trying to find fics like this, but they're hard to come by D: Which leaves me SAD FACE. I really like starting stories with PAIN D: What's wrong with me?! lol

I will continue this, it's just I needed to write this chapter as a short prequel. Since this IS a work in progress, this intro might get changed a bit later in the future.

Jake fell to the cement with a heavy oomf on his stomach, air whooshing out of his lungs, the enchanted chain wound tightly around his feet. Gasping to reclaim the air that was knocked out of him, Jake rolled to his side to prepare himself to defend against his attacker. They were still far enough away that Jake chanced working the knot on the chain. Even with his augmented strength, he would have been nothing against chains like these, let alone an enchanted weapon, and from the looks of it, this one had been expensive. There were little words engraved into the metal, no doubt a spell to hinder his dragon strength and stop his transformation. He didn't know who had resources like that...no one was supposed to know what he was. They attacked him as a human.

Blinking away sweat that stung his eyes, Jake continued to fumble with the knot, unable to transform and flee. By now his heart was racing in his chest, each beat adding to his already throbbing headache. He looked up with a barely constrained gasp when he realized he was surrounded. Hooded members closed in around him. He wiped back his sweat-ridden hair and counted 4..5..7 clan members.

Cursing under his breath, Jake watched in dread as they cautiously inched closer; they seemed to know very well that their prey was several times more dangerous when it was trapped and desperate. Biting his lower lip Jake felt for the dragon fire inside of him, smiling slightly in hope when he realized their mistake; these chains contained his transformation, but not his fire. He waited until they were no less than ten feet away before he screamed and threw a wave of blue fire in a circle around him. Only three were quick enough to escape unscathed, the fire scorching the cloaked members and sending them writhing on the ground. Jake would have grinned at their misfortune if he wasn't so afraid.

He choked out a yell when a strong hand closed around the back of his neck and forced him flat against the ground, jarring his skull against concrete. His attackers' other hand was pulling his arms behind his back, easily overcoming the dazed dragon. Blood dripped between his teeth and stained the rooftop, his vision blurred from the impact with the ground. Coughing back nausea, Jake curled his knees under him and arched his back attempting to throw his attacker off, but his movements were further hindered when he felt cold steel wrap around his wrists, pulling them together in painfully tight binds.

Fighting to hold back desperate tears, Jake squirmed under bruising hands as a cloth was held over his nose and mouth. He recognized the smell instantly as numbness spread through his limbs, his fingers twitching as he was dragged into unconsciousness. He felt the dull stab of panic as he realized he was probably going to die. Too tired to hold back the tears, Jake finally let them fall as the last of his will began to crumble under the influence of the drug, "Grandpa...if only you were still here to help me.I failed...I'm sorry..."