A/N: Well honey's here is the last and Final Chapter of Trade It All. I think where it ended was perfect. To say you get Anthony's POV in the End taking Place 15 yrs after the much awaited reunite scene. I love the way it came out. To say I actually finished a story. Well that's saying a lot for me. I still have the 5 years later chapter of Love or desire on my computer, I haven't finished it. Maybe cause I am just to lazy too. I at least accomplished this story finishing a little over a year later. Well it seems to be the best gift of the new year. Well I won't keep you guys Longer go ahead and read. That's why you clicked on it anyways. No Lemon Sorry.

Read and Review! Let me know what you guys thought!


Chapter 11: Something Complete.


I knew the people in the picture. They were Renesmee's grandparents.

Carlisle and Esme Cullen.

How did I not know they owned a private island, and that the island that I landed on belonged to the family of the mother of my child? I felt kind of stupid.

Yet relieved. This was exciting. Yet creepy.

We could finally go home. We could start again. We could go home to our families. We didn't have the need to think we were stranded and would never be found again. This was bliss, it was hope. Hope that we could reunite with the people we love the most.

I couldn't help the smile that was on my face. It was a smile that made my heart warm with longing.

"Jake isn't that the grandparents of your girl?" Embry asked. I simply nodded. "I didn't know her family was this loaded. I mean to have a private island. Everything here looks expensive." He said as he looked around once more.

"Of course it is. They're loaded but its old money with new investments. Did you look around for a phone?" I ordered.

"No haven't found anything." Seth chipperly noted.

"No Computers." Ben replied.

"I think this place is supposed to be blocked off the world. There is electricity though." Thomas added.

"Check on the beach to see if you find a bout or something." I ordered them. They all nodded. I took the place as a leader would.

Half an hour later…..

"No boat on the beach, but it looks like there is someone coming on a speed boat." Ben acknowledged.


Mama Esme found the idea of a Family vacation exquisite. She knew we all needed a break. We all needed some time to rest and reflect.

Alice was super happy. She said something along the lines of this. "Yes! I get to go vacation clothes shopping!" and then ran off to the mall.

Typical Alice moment!

I didn't judge her though that was what she loved. She didn't mind spending hour upon hour looking and shopping for clothes. I personally would get bored.

I am the type of girl get it and get out. I am simple, though I do like comfort.

I am trying to raise Anthony the same. To know the value of what a dollar is and just use the necessary, Not that it isn't nice to live comfortably.

The trip was planned and we would be leaving soon. I was excited. I needed to get my mind of a few things. I couldn't let myself wallow in self depression.

I was better than that.

"Ness?"' Grandma's sweet gentle voice brought me back to reality and away from my thoughts.


"Are you ready to go? The bags are in the car and so is Anthony." She said with a smile. I gave her one in return and grabbed my purse as we went to the car.

My little angel was playing with the ds his great grandparents gave him. I was pretty sure he was still young for the gift. I might have been wrong though since it looked like he knew more than me. I smiled and kissed the top of his head as I sat next to him.

We were meeting the rest of the family at the airport. Were we would go to our island paradise vacation. I was happy though. I could get my mind of certain thoughts and try to relax. Though I was sure I was wearing a façade for the rest of my family. I didn't want them to see how truly broken I was.

It wouldn't help them.

I had to wear the mask in order to protect them. I didn't need to be in mourning in front of Anthony. It wouldn't help him to see his mom depressed, Anthony completely oblivious to his father's whereabouts. I couldn't let him know. Not him being this young. I was for sure certainly Jacob was somewhere and we would find him.

I was just hoping my gut instincts were correct. My heart only confirmed.

"Come on Nessie you're so slow!"Emmett said as he poked me in the back.

"Hardy ha, you're so funny Emmett."I said sarcastically.

"Come on I have to see a woman in a bikini and I am going to rip it off." He added with a smirk and a guffaw.

"Ew gross!" I said as I got the physical image of my Uncle and Aunt getting it on at the beach.

Emmett just cackled as we passed the bag check.

Anthony was with my parents. He was extremely happy as he was spoiled by Grandma and Grandpa.

"Anthony do you want some candy?" My mom asked him. Anthony scrunched his face knowing the kind of candy my mom had. Cough drops aren't really considered candy. To my mom they were. To Anthony they were just gross.

"Mom I don't think Halls are classified as candy." I said scrunching my face along with my son.

"Ew Bella what's wrong with you? No wonder Nessie came out the way she did. You had her so doped up on Night time medicine so she could sleep." Emmett said laughing at his own corny joke. My father and I only shook our heads at Emmett's stupidity.

"Shut up Emmett!" Aunt Rosalie scolded him after knocking him in the head to knock in some sense.

"You Emmett are an Idiot." Jasper calmly added.

Alice just nodded and then went back to her fashion magazine.

We waited half an hour longer to board the plane to Rio de Janiero. It was half an hour of Emmett's crude jokes. Thank god my son was watching a movie on dad's Ipad with noise concealing head phones. If Anthony heard any of the things Emmett said I would have to rip his voice box out of his throat so he wouldn't be able to talk anymore.

Not that I was the only one willing to do it. I had seven people more who would help me out.

The plane ride to Brazil was a long one. Of course Anthony cried since he wasn't used to the feeling of his ears popping. Since it was such a long flight, we decided on staying at a hotel the night for Anthony's sake and catching the boat to the Island in the morning.

The only thing Anthony complained about was his ears. Other than being treated like a prince he didn't complain. Not that he being treated like a prince was something out of the ordinary. Not when he had eight people weighing on him hand and foot. Too bad for him after vacation was over his reign would be over.

Being the only grandson and great grandson, and nephew was a plus for him. Not that my Aunt's and Uncle's didn't think about children. They just didn't seem to come. Alice I knew for sure was dead set on no children. Rosalie though a little softer, she considered me her child as well as Anthony her son. She also decided no children. Well she is married to Uncle Emmett and it would be catastrophic to have a mini Emmett running around.

Just plain annoying,

We had Portuguese barbeque for dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's favorite restaurant in Rio. On the water front very romantic.

Anthony happy that he was eating something new and tasted good too; I happy because I had a child, who liked exciting things,

He gained that trait from his father. Who still was nowhere to be found? My heart clenched at the mere memory.

"Nessie are you ok?" my mother asked as she rubbed my back in the restaurant.

"Yes I am fine." I answered monotonously.

"I can see that you're not. You haven't even touched your food." She said knowingly. She knew me. Then again she was my mother.

I sighed and forced a smile as I began to eat. Picking as I just didn't have the appetite.

"Honey I am sure he's out there somewhere." My mother said lowly for no one else to hear. Mother was supportive as was the rest of my family besides two people. Like Father and Aunt Rosalie. They just never got used to the idea of Jacob in my life.

Morning came and another night I cried myself to sleep. I cried in the bathroom so Anthony wouldn't hear me. I didn't want to worry him, especially not with the topic of his father. I wouldn't have the guts to tell him his father was gone. I would just cross that bridge when I got there. Not that I was losing hope or anything. It was just in the case if it were true.

We got on the speed boat going to the island. Anthony excited on seeing how the boat ran so fast on the water. I had to hold him back to keep him from going to close to the edge. Knowing him if he saw a fish jump out the water he'll just scream 'NEMO!' and try to jump in the water after the fish.

My son was special.

We were starting to get closer to the island and I felt butterflies in my stomach for some odd reason. I couldn't put my finger on as to why.

I felt like I had my heart in my throat. When we reached the island it was odd. There were men waving their arms. My stomach did flips.

The next thing I knew when I saw the familiar face of the man I thought was dead. I didn't wait for the boat to even reach the island as I jumped off the boat and swam to the shore.

My heart knew he was alive. There wasn't one time that I denied the idea. I swam as fast as I could. I was faster than the boat by then. I reached the shore before the boat and I ran into his arms. I was shedding tears of joy, anxiousness, anger, rage set in. I was angry because he was alive, I was angry because he was here. I was angry because of the months I went trying to cope. I was starting to believe he was no more. I wanted to detach myself from them because here he was. He was standing in front of me and I was here in his arms. He had his strong arms around me.

My lips found his and I wound my fingers in his long mane. I felt breathless, I forgot how to breathe. I pulled away and punched his chest with both fists.

"I thought…. You…. died." I said in a shaky tone. He just wrapped his arms around me tighter as I knew he was never going to let me go.

"Daddy!" Anthony screamed gleefully as Aunt Rosalie placed him on the sand safely after they were of the boat.

"Squirt!" Jacob screamed just as ecstatic as I looked into his eyes and saw they were watery. Jacob Black was worried. He missed us and I saw that in his eyes. He was happy to be reunited with our small family.

Before I knew it I was in tears myself. All I saw was my son was confused to why both his parents were crying. My son still was oblivious to the situation and probably wouldn't understand until his adult years.

Jacob had Anthony in his left arm as he had me wrapped in his right. He kissed Anthony's cheek and then gave me another passionate kiss.

I was for sure thankful with God as I knew he brought me here with a reason. My gut instinct to come to Isle Esme was a sign from God and I was eternally grateful.

"Aww!" was what I heard from various voices as they took in the scene. I was reunited with the love of my life, the father of my son, my one true love.

We were finally a family again.

15 years later


I was going through old boxes in the parent's attic, looking for things that would be useful to take to my new apartment. Mom said to take anything I wanted. The old geezers were still the same as I remembered.

'Right! Looking for good stuff for my apartment,' Mom was a pack rat and also gained a shopping addiction. Ok maybe not so much a shopping addiction as to not being able to say no to Aunt Alice and Mama Esme.

The attic was stuffed with brand new stuff acquired throughout the years. Figures the old geezers would be keeping this stuff. Well let me rephrase mom keeping all the stuff dad completely oblivious to mom's pack rat tendencies. Okay he knew he just couldn't say no to the old woman.

Not that she was that old. She was only twenty-five for the last ten years. Her and her fear of aging. Dad just laughed at that.

'Right back to the mission at hand'

I looked through a old box to find a old photo album. Curiosity got the best of me as I saw baby pictures of me naked in a sink. I blushed embarrassed. Why would my mom keep this?

'I am taking this album with me so she has nothing to black mail me with in front of my girlfriend Amanda'

I looked through the album as I went pictures of me, mom and some blonde haired dude. Well Josue my godfather. Pictures of Marie my little sister were loose and just stuck in the album. Though most of my pictures were in the album I took a glance at the cover and it had Jacob Anthony Cullen written in script on the front. I guess the pictures of my baby sister were just stuck in there as mom got lazy and didn't know where to put them. Well actually they were pictures of Marie at like age eight.

My little sister is six years younger than me.

I ignored the pictures of Marie and kept going. There was a picture of Mom, dad, and me in the supposed house we had in Seattle. I don't remember living there. I think I was too young or something. I was like four when we lived there, like I was going to remember that.

I kept on going through them and stopped on a picture of us at the beach. Dad looked scraggly. He had a lot of facial hair, long hair and tattered clothing. I was confused on that one. I was maybe about three or four in the picture.

"Anthony! Did you find anything useful?" mom said as she entered the attic.

"Yea mom when was this?" I asked her as she got closer. She had laugh lines now still her vibrant red hair. She was only thirty-six, but there was no way you would get away with calling her grandma.

She got closer and looked at the photograph. She smiled. Her smile held more than just happiness it also held admiration? Hope?

"This." She said as she ran her fingers on the image. "Was my life line." She answered slowly as she didn't take her smile off.

"Life line?" I asked confused.

"Yes. That photo was taken when I thought I lost your father." She said once more. My dad almost died?

"Dad almost died?" I asked in shock.

"Well you were little back then. I don't expect you to remember." She said once more. Her motherly tone oozed.

"I have time so spill it." I told my mom. I always had an excellent relationship with my mom. I was her little peanut. Not that I would let her call me that in public.

"Well you know you're dad used to be a musician. Well he was on tour and his plane crashed. I was so afraid that I lost him, that he died." Mom explained and I was shocked. So it was true dad almost died. If that was the case I don't know how mom would've survived without dad. They're like always together. Even now watching them get's you sick to the stomach because of their lovely dovey demeanors.

You would think they're teenagers. Though they act like a pair of horny teenagers. Groping each other everywhere, it's gross.

"Well I find out that they made it to Isle Esme, Mama's island. They were stranded for some time. But I never lost hope and something told me to go to Isle Esme. I saw your father and my heart soared. I was so thankful to God that I still had him." She said as she reached to touch her heart.

I heard a squeal from behind us and saw Marie. "OMG! That is so romantic!" Marie squealed once more. That's the sound of a teenage girl. Well in my case a thirteen year old girl who happens to be my little sister.

"It was!" My mom swooned thinking of her and dad. Gross! They're old.

"Any way I am keeping this." I told her as I pointed at the album.

"Go ahead." She answered and I eyed her cautiously. "I have copies." She said triumphantly. There goes my chance of trying to hide the nude baby pictures.

"Right…" I added a little annoyed. I still hoped she didn't black mail me. Well than again it sounded like something Marie would do.

"Don't worry I already know about your nude pictures Anthony." Marie said as she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Esme Marie Black!" My mom said as she scolded her.

"Sorry mom." Marie said as she pulled the innocent act.

"Well Anthony keep looking to see what you want." Mom added.

"Mom does dad know about all this stuff?" I asked and she shook her head no.

"Just take it and go." She added.

"You should seriously think of having a Garage sale and sell this stuff. You can always give me the money. I am a college student and all." I added and all.

"Nice try. But you wanted to move out on your own. My job is just to pay your education. Your job is to be responsible and get a job for your expenses."She added. I laughed I at least had to try.

"I tried didn't I." I said with a smile.

"You sure did. It didn't work, but I might have a sale or I'll just donate the stuff you don't take to people who might actually need it." Mom said as she put her hands on her hips and looked around the attic at all the stuff she had. "Good grief! How did I get so much stuff." She said in shock as she continued to look around.

"Pack rat." I mumbled.

"I heard that." Mom said smacking me in the back of the head.

"Look around it's kind of true." I added. She nodded finally agreeing.

"Don't tell your father, he'll kill me." She said looking annoyed.

Father wouldn't really kill her. It will probably lead to dad punishing her and that always leads to the dirty things that they do. My parents were gross.

"Well looks like a lot of things I want. I am putting post it's on the things I am taking." I said as I took the multi colored sticky papers out of my pocket.

Mom just nodded.

"How's Amanda?" Mom asked.

"She's good. She should be over soon to help out. Well with my luck to help out. She's probably going to go and hang out with you and laugh." I sighed in annoyance.

"That's my girl." Mom said with a triumphant smile.

"I would think she is your daughter and that I am not your son." I added.

"Well at least I am supportive. Your grandfather hated your dad. Then again I had you kind of young."

"TMI!" I shouted as I covered my ears. She was going to go into her stories of her and dad having sex on the washing machine.

I heard a snorted laughter coming from my mom.

"Well if you need anything I'll be down stairs in my office okay shrimp." Mom said.

Marie came and laughed. "Later Shrimp." She followed my mom downstairs.

Though I was no longer small, what I look like a six foot guy being called shrimp. Thank god I inherited dad's height and good looks. Mom says I am the exact replica of Dad. Marie well she's split down the middle with mom and dad. She has Dark black curly hair and she's lighter than me. She's closer to mom's complexion though she's darker than mom. She has mom's Dark chocolate eyes; she's pretty tall for her age, kind of looks like Aunt Rebecca and Rachel, besides the whole curly hair thing.

Well mom and dad are still madly in love. They have always been from what I have observed my whole life. Grandma Bells says different. She says there was a time mom hated dad. That's hard to believe. They're like glue to each other. It's rare to see them apart. The horny old coots, I could say the same about Grandma and Grandpa. They're horny coots too they're just more reserved. I'll never forget the time I caught Grandma and Grandpa going at it. I believe they're even worse than mom and dad. They scarred me for life with that.

Mom and dad, well I've walked in on them plenty of times. Well I could say I had a very awkward childhood and adolescence.

I got some Bed sheets and curtains from the attic that was still new in packaging. They would be useful in my apartment and since they weren't that heavy I took some down.

As I walked down the stair from the attic I bumped into my dad. He no longer had his hippie long hair he was short cut now and rocked a goat-tee. The old guy thought he was so cool. Well more so than mom he was.

"Need some help son?" Dad asked.

"Nope mom said you're not allowed up there." I answered him.

He nodded knowing how my mom was when he disobeyed her. Well he loved testing her; it was the cocky side of my dad. It always got him into trouble.

"Can't believe you're leaving the nest, It was like just yesterday we were watching Thomas the train together." Dad added.

"Needed to spread my wings sometime around. Plus you and mom are freaks. If I heard you guys having sex one more time I was going to go insane." I said as I shuddered.

"Hey your old man has urges. It's the only perk of being married and in love." He said nonchalantly.

"It's gross. It's you and the old lady. Gross." I shuddered once more.

Dad just laughed as he had a Kool-Aid smile.

"Ew." I added once more to know he was thinking about it. "You guys are like rabbits. I am surprised I don't have any more siblings." I retorted.

"You might in a future. Mom wants baby number three." He said as he held three fingers up.

"You guys are like senior citizens. No offense grandpa chasing baby number three might end up in you pulling your back." I added with a chuckle.

"Don't even joke like that. It was just one time." Dad said as he pointed at me.

"Whatever you say Grandpa, you were just checking your car when it happen. Mom yelled at you for not taking it easy. You're not twenty-one anymore you know."

"You little squirt." Dad said as he gave me a noogie causing me to drop the items in my arms.

"It still doesn't justify that you two are old, plus Marie is still young enjoy her for the next six years. By that time she'll be fed up with hearing you guys fuck."

"Watch your mouth boy!" Dad got into dad mode. I needed to stop hanging around with Uncle Emmett. He had a potty mouth to boot.

"Blame Emmett." I answered as I started picking up the bed stuff and curtains.

"That Emmett." Dad said as he narrowed his eyes.

I laughed as I brought the stuff to my car, a shiny silver Volvo of the year gift from my Grandfather, as a graduation present from high school.

Some things in my family never change. To think my father traded his music career to be a father and husband. He traded it all because of a near death experience.

I admire my dad and hope that one day I can be just like him. My dad is my hero. I hope I can be half the man he is today when I become a father.


NOTE: IF you guys want a Lemon, I can maybe possibly write one and just add it in a chapter eleven as a one time deal. Only if I get enough Reviews requesting it. I say at least 10 Reviews requesting a Lemon. Otherwise I won't bother with it. It's up to you guys.

Thanks for reading guys I hope you enjoyed. Now you know what you have to do. Please Review, Nice pretty Button below.

Oh more news. I took down Unexpected cause I had like no feed back on that. If you guys want me to put it back up in your review request it.

If your interested like mentioned before I got an idea for a story Called the wives. It might be like a few chapters. Like five and in different POV's If interested also leave that in a review. Like I said before it starts in Bella's POV. So Click said button bellow and review. Love you my DUCKIES' =]
