AN: This is another long one, rather a "reverse Reunion" story (Thanks miriah22 for the idea). Not quite the same, but a family story at that....Although on the show, Derek is only going to be thirty-seven, Shemar Moore turned forty this year. He was doing the talk show thing, talking about needing to settle down and how his mom wanted grandbabies. So, I boosted Derek's age a bit, and gave him the same issue.

PS. Happy Mother's Day to everyone; I'm off to breakfast with my six year old.

Chapter 1

"And how is my precious baby boy doing two months before his birthday? June is right around the corner."

Derek was sitting at his desk with the lights off. He felt that bleak; he needed darkness. "Momma, I'm doing fine."

"My baby is going to be forty!" she said with no lack of drama. "I remember what it was like, giving birth to you. Your daddy was so proud, but so nervous. It was hot for early summer…"

She was going to start about the labor and delivery, and how his dad nearly drove off the road. He was firstborn, so he was the most difficult, but most exciting, delivery she had. He'd heard the story a million times, and truly he loved it, but right now, he couldn't concentrate on that.

He needed to scare up a fiancée. Fast.

"And right on the corner where the Steak n' Shake is now, your father nearly took out a fire hydrant!"

He was so used to this conversation, he knew had about fifteen minutes before she was going to hit him up on the whole grandbaby issue. He'd been telling her he was dating someone rather seriously for the past few months. That wasn't a lie. Tamara was pretty good to him, and he was good to her. They'd seemed to click more than the usual woman he dated. He actually thought he stood a chance of bringing someone home.

However, like usual, that sort of serious relationship dwindled quickly. He worked sixteen hour days at the BAU; it didn't equal easy relationships. He tried, but most of the women he met were not exactly looking for more than what he usually wanted. Especially after they found that he was never home, hardly ever in town even, and married to the FBI.

He sighed. His mother had insisted on throwing him a milestone birthday party, intermixed with a family get together. Desiree and Sarah had their say in it, too, and they'd completely agreed. He was heading to Chicago, and just about everyone he knew was going to be at the party, wishing him well.

But the main person, his Momma, was going to be there wishing she had the grandbabies she'd been pushing forever for. It wasn't that he didn't want kids. He did, someday. He just didn't have the time or inclination at the moment to find the right person for that.

He didn't know what to do. His mom was astute. She'd know damn well if he just brought some girl down to visit. She could sniff out that he wasn't serious about her. She could do that with dates in college and high school; a fake fiancée chosen poorly would crash like a house of cards.

"And after three hours of pushing, you came into this world, so bald and adorable," she gushed. "Kind of like you are now, sweetheart."

"Thanks, Momma."

"You know," she said in the tone he knew meant business. "You need to experience that, too, sweet boy, before I get too old. I'm not getting any younger-"

And there it was, the set up. He bit back a sigh.

"You're sixty-three," he interrupted, scoffing a little. "And healthy as a horse."

"Still, I'd love to see grandbabies."

"You have Jacob and Molly."

"Yes, I do," she said with a sigh. "I love them dearly, you know that. But they don't have the Morgan name. You know how proud your father would be, his son carrying on his name."

Oh, she was digging deep tonight. It was not good. Derek started to rub the back of his neck, the beginnings of a tension headache coming on.

"Anyway, I'm not saying kids right away, but you should be thinking about seriously dating someone, Derek. You're almost forty; it's time to settle down, son. What happened to the last girl?" He could tell she was thinking. "Teresa, right?"

"No, Momma, Tamara. We broke up. But I am seeing someone else," he said, lying for the first time as an adult to his mother. He had two months to find someone, and quickly, before she made his life hell. Well, she didn't really, it was more self-imposed, but still... he hated disappointing her.

"Ooh! What's her name? Who is she?"

Derek looked up just as his best friend walked in the door. He knew he shouldn't say it, he shouldn't involve her with his little lie, but he did it anyway.

"Her name's Penelope. She's a friend."

"Your Baby Girl? That person you've talked about for ages?" His mom nearly squealed, and Derek knew he'd made a terrible mistake. "Oh, son, that is fantastic! Finally, you pick someone you know will work with you. It's not easy being married to someone in law enforcement. I know from experience. But her being in law enforcement, too, makes things so much easier."

"Momma, we're just dating right now," he said as quietly as he could.

Not quiet enough. Penelope laid the papers she was carrying down on his desk. She looked at him, and her jaw dropped. "Dating?" she mouthed.

He shrugged his shoulders and covered the mouth piece of the phone. "It's Momma. Hang in there; I'll make this right."

"You better," Penelope said, scowling at him.

He couldn't even hear what his mother was saying anymore. She was talking a mile a minute in very excited tones. He wasn't going to be able to make this right. Not tonight, with the way she sounded.

"Momma, I gotta go. Penelope's here," he said, looking at Penelope with a sheepish expression.

"Tell her hello, and I am so excited to meet her," Momma Morgan said. "Tell her now, okay?"

Derek looked up at Penelope with a pleading look. "My mother says 'Hello' and she is excited to meet you."

"Oh, better yet, Derek," his mom said excitedly, "let me talk to her."

"No, no, Momma, that's not a good-"

"Hand me the phone, Morgan," Penelope interrupted, her hands on her hips, glaring at her best friend.

Derek tentatively held out the phone to his non-smiling baby girl.

"Ah, yes, hello….. Yes, Derek has told me all about you, too…. Oh, I would love to come visit sometime soo- June?" She completely stared Derek down. "Oh, yes. I'll be there…. Nice talking to you."

She hung up the phone, took a moment to compose herself, then ground out with steely calm, "Mister, you are in serious trouble."