The orange pool of light on the bottom of the hole confirmed that someone was there. Reno picked his way down the ladder with practiced efficiency, landing with a soft thump on the basement floor. A row of torches burned on one side of the tunnel leading to the lab, the thick smell of pitch pervaded his nostrils. He was more than a little surprised at the scene. They had left the mansion just a few hours ago and had kept watches on both sides of the village and he was certain none of the villagers had the capacity to reach the basement alive, what with the monsters and traps they had set up. He pushed back a vague thought of a second Vincent manifesting itself and cautiously walked forward, gripping his Electro-Mag Rod. The only conclusion to be made in that situation was that Cloud and his friends had somehow snuck past their watch.

A slow, moaning creak jolted him to full alertness. One of the large double doors of the lab was opening. Reno backed up against a splash of shadow on the wall and fixed his eyes on the door. A stooped figure in a white coat stepped out painstakingly amidst the sound of its own mumbling. The apparition pushed the door closed and walked away, allowing its rather unpleasant countenance to enter the light of the torches.

"What in Odin's name is he doing here?" Reno thought incredulously, recognition flashing across his face. Deciding that the unwelcome acquaintance was no threat, he revealed himself, stepping out of the shadows with exaggerated slowness. "Dr. Hojo."

The esteemed doctor was still a good few feet away. He let out a strangled curse and whipped his head around in search of the disembodied voice. Reno rolled his eyes, an amused smirk tugging one side of his lips. He walked towards the doctor and quickly diminished the space between them.

Hojo caught the movement ahead of him and squinted to see against the glare. As the assailant grew closer the blue suit told him all he needed to know and he contorted his face into a very black scowl. Reno cheerily waved with his free hand.

"Nobody told us you were coming, doctor, or else we would have prepared a better welcome." Reno said noncommittally. "Who's with you? Elena? Shotgun? Rod? Tell me it's Rod."

"What are you talking about you half-brain? And I have been here since the beginning of the JENOVA project. I never left! You and your people know this as you have been pestering me the past few months!"

"Beginning of the JENOVA project? He must be getting senile. Poor guy, it was only a matter of time." Reno thought dismissively. "Whatever you say, doctor, just tell me where the others are."

"There are no others!" Hojo replied, a look of panic flashed across his face right after he spoke.

"Right, sure. You don't expect me to believe you came all this way here by yourself without protection, do you? Just tell me where the others are, old man, and they'll sort everything out."

"O-of course. The others." Hojo said cryptically. "This way."

Reno followed close behind, a frown forming on his brow. He was taller than Hojo and had seen the top of his head multiple times. Despite his lackadaisical ways, he was a very observant person, a product of years of service. Staring at Hojo's head now he could tell something was amiss. It was too black. Where did his gray hair go? It was not like the doctor to have a sudden spurt of vanity. He sidestepped discreetly and studied the left side of Hojo's face. A chill jolted up his spine as he noticed that it was less lined than usual, haggard and fatigued yes, but definitely more youthful. Before he could utter a word, Hojo stopped and gestured towards a door at the side of the wall.

Reno turned toward it with a feeling of dread. It was a brown door, less faded than he expected it to be. The doorknob was clean, apparently much used. Hojo pulled out a key and reached for the knob and Reno quickly smacked his hand away with his baton before it could be turned.

"What are you trying to pull?" Reno demanded. "Rude and I went in there just this morning."

"I-impossible!" Hojo stammered, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "If you had then…"

"Then what?"

Hojo opened his mouth and closed it again, nervously trying to think of a reply. "I have the only key!" He exclaimed in hysteric triumph. "There was no way you could have entered!"

"Is that all?" Reno crossed his arms in exasperation. "I just kicked it open. There was nothing in there except a bunch of bones and…"


"From what I've gathered, Shinra has no idea Vincent exists. I'm not letting this loon in on it that's for sure." Reno thought. Aloud, he replied: "Nothing. Fine, open it. Then show me where the others are after."

Hojo stared at him with another look of triumph, then it mellowed into a sneer. He quickly unlocked the door, turned the knob and pushed it inwards. The room was pitch black and there was an odd smell. "Have a look inside."

Reno was determined to get the charade over with and find the other Turks. He carelessly strode to the entrance and peered in. At first he could see nothing and he would have left it at that and taken the doctor away to find the others, then the torchlight from behind his head flickered, revealing a flash of a very familiar blue. His eyes darted to a corner of the room where he had seen the stack of caskets that morning. The torches from outside danced on the top casket, it wasn't closed properly for something jutted out between the lips of the wood. To his horror, he realized it was an arm. It was wearing blue sleeves.

A sharp pain blossomed on his back and stumbled in surprise. He felt the warm blood dampen his shirt. He turned to face Hojo, who was pointing a smoking gun at him.

"What do you think you're doing?" Reno cried aghast.

"I've just about had it with you Turks and your condescending ways. There is no end to your meddling is there? My research is far too important. The lives of a few thugs are of no consequence to me!"

Reno paid little attention to the speech. He wasn't too deep into the room and a couple of strides would take him to the door. A feint to the side would probably secure him a safe escape, Hojo was not the most physically alert person in the world. His muscles tensed as he prepared to spring forward. Hojo continued his mad soliloquy and Reno counted, one, two…


Reno threw his body forward in a powerful spring and felt himself go airborne. Then something caught his foot and he crashed the length of his body on the ground. The door swung shut and the room was immediately dark. Cursing, he felt his pant leg for whatever sharp object hooked him but found none. In the quiet he perceived breathing that was not his own. He pulled his legs to himself and backed away, one hand clamped against his bleeding side. A draft passed in front of his face and he swung around, then it was behind him and he turned again. He placed his Electro-Mag Rod in front of his chest defensively but a powerful swipe from an unknown creature tossed it aside. Reno jumped back and in the blackness he could make out two sinister slits of yellow, staring at him, unblinking. There was a horrible animal roar and the creature bounded forward.

Reno regained his senses and jumped to the side, merely guessing his opponent's position. He felt the wind of a large swipe pass near his face. It was a narrow miss. The eyes disappeared for a second, the creature's back was facing towards him. Then it turned and re-fixed its terrible eyes on him.

"I won't go down easy." Reno declared, fishing for materia in his pocket. He made a mental note to take some Cures for Rude when he got out. He refused to think by ifs.

The monster made a low growling sound, almost a purr, and sprang forward. Reno grabbed onto what he presumed to be a bone and blocked a very powerful claw, grappling for him inches from his face. With his free hand, he thrust a punch aimed at the eyes. To his surprise it was blocked by a firm hand, leathered, but not quite so beastly.

Reno blinked, confused, and sat up. He was no longer in the basement but in bed. The windows were open and the beginnings of morning wafted in. Vincent stood over him, his hand enclosing his fist.

"You were having a nightmare." Vincent observed. He released Reno and assumed a position by the window.

Reno lifted his shirt and looked for a wound. Finding nothing, he pulled it back down and lifted his face to see Vincent eyeing him with a raised eyebrow. "I guess I was." He grinned. "Where's Rude?"

"He left urgently after receiving a call. I was told to stay here with you." Vincent inspected the clock on the wall. He turned back to Reno, who was patting himself methodically, half-listening. "That was an hour ago."

Reno turned his attention back to him, frowning. "What was the call about?"

"I was not informed." Vincent spoke slowly, choosing his words. "But I overheard."


"It seems that your sentries ran into complications."

At this juncture, a harassed Rude burst into the room. He had an angry bruise forming on his bald head. Reno sat up and regarded his partner's disheveled appearance with a grimace. "What happened to you?"

"I received a report from a sentry about an hour ago and went to investigate." Rude explained in between pants. "When I arrived I was knocked out and I ran back as soon as I came to."

Reno laughed remorselessly. "We're in deep shit now. The boss will be furious, they slipped through us again."

Rude shook his head. "It wasn't them that knocked me out. They were the ones who revived me." He blushed at some hidden memory.

"You let them escape?"

"I had no choice, it was three against one. Our men are all dead." Rude went about the room, busying himself with packing. "Whoever attacked them wasn't the one who attacked me. They were all cut open."

"Oh, for Shiva's sake." Reno breathed in comprehension. "Where did the bastard go?"

"A procession was heading into the Nibel mountains, that's our best bet."

"That will be messy." Reno thought aloud. "We'll need some locals to get us through quickly."

Rude shook his head. "Not necessarily." He turned and Reno followed his gaze and landed his eyes on Vincent.

Vincent looked from one to the other and nodded. "As soon as you're ready."