Open Book

hey im back, yay.....whatever enjoy XD

Summary: A book of privacy and fate. Vegeta has some secrets, Goku wants to learn what he really is. Their friendship blooms but not allowed to go further than that or else Frieza will attack. Can Goku save his prince and love him or will Frieza stop him before it is too late. sorry for the sucky summary...A GOKUxVEGETA, GxV, K/GxV

P.S. - sorry for my grammar and any misspelled words...hehe

vegeta writing in his journal





Ch. 1 - lucky day

"Days, weeks, even months go by with out a single hello to ears that only flow through the days and nights. A voice, unheard of each date that passed by my ears, a date that will not be spoken, but remembered and written in endless pages of the mind. Day by day will the story begin a different chapter of one's life that will only be known by them. The pure white pages will be covered in black blood, no mercy as I carve words of the heart and the twisted mind. Freely, with out a drop of guilt will I stain these pages in this book." the gloved hand stopped as the thought ended, the hands owner sighed softly. "Another day has begun." He sighed once again, combing his flamed style hair and glanced out the window. The Season has falling into living spring.




The flamed hair male, Vegeta glanced at the teacher and raised his gloved hand, shutting his green teacher up. "Ok thank you Mr. Vegeta, now you can go sit next to him Mr. Son."...Someone is going to sit next to me, but why? What the hell man, now I will not have my privacy...Vegeta quickly closed his black book, setting it aside, far from his new classmate. Yes, Mr. Son just transferred from another class, so he is new to this one.

"Hi, my name is Kakarrot Goku Son, but you can call me Goku," the new comer smiled at his classmate, sitting in the chair next to him. The flamed hair male sat in silence, he looked at Goku but he did not open his mouth. "umm are you ok?" asked Goku, staring at Vegeta as if wondering if he were a statue....weird he is just staring at me, is he even breathing!...."hn." was the only sound before he turned his attention back to the window, watching the falling sakura petals....I already don't like this go-Kakarrot...I like his first name better than his middle..."um ok, hi there Vegeta" Goku smiled as he whispered the name. Vegeta saw a smile though the reflection, he smiled when he said his name, that was a first since no one bothered to even send a smile his way before, except for girls but that is beside the point....did I sound friendly?..Baka...

...This Vegeta is an interesting character, it is going to be a challenge to become his friend...Goku once again smiled, exited to be in this new class. "Ok class I need to step out for it bit, stay in your seats and I'll be back." The green teacher left the class, closing the door behind him with a click. With the teacher gone for a while, the class got up and adventured across the room to their friends. "Hey, son, right?" Goku turned around to see a young woman with black hair, "yes, Kakarrot Goku Son, you can call me Goku though." he smiled at the blushing stranger. "Hi I am Chichi, why don't you come and meet my friends." It was not a question for our Goku was dragged to the tables in the far back, leaving Vegeta alone.


"Don't be shy, come on I know they will like you."

Since he was so nice he followed but he did look back at Vegeta's figure who was unmoved and still staring out the window, alone.....I just didn't want to leave him...he looks so abandoned..."hey guys this is Goku" chichi announced to the group catching the male's attention away from Vegeta. "Hey, I'm Yamaha," said the person with a scare on his face, the girl next to him had blue hair, "Bulma" she smiled and there was a short kid next to Bulma "Krillin, nice to meet you." Goku nodded, acknowledging them. "So Goku, why don't you come and sit over here with us for now on?" Goku cocked his head to the side, confused. "Well you don't want to sit next to Vegeta, I bet you can't stand him already." Chichi informed Goku who is now aware of the situation, "Yeah, he is kinda creepy, if you ask me," Krillin continued. "Come on guys," the blue hair chick spoke catching the groups' attention, "the prince is not all that bad, I'm his friend after all and it is not nice to talk bad about him when I'm here, jerks." this made Yamaha laugh at the words spoken by Bulma, laughing and laughing, when he can finally breath he asked, "if you are really the prince's friend, why don't you sit with him?" he smirked as if he killed her statement of friendship with the prince. Sighing loudly at her friend, "we have this some what brother/sister relationship and that is all I'm explaining because I know he can hear us." Everyone looked back at the still figure, he was quiet in the same position, it was like looking at a photo, and you could not tell if he was even alive.

Though the reflection of the cleaned window, Vegeta saw many eyes on him, drilling into his flesh...freaks, what the fuck are they looking at?...The prince turned to face the source of his annoyance. The eyes that where once on him immediately looked away, distracting themselves with their surrounding, except for a pair of soft dark eyes dared to connect with the prince. Cold glaring eyes stared into warm eyes, silently playing a game of chicken. Vegeta suddenly felt an arousing heat placed on his face, it burned as if he was under the summer's sun. In a panic, Vegeta quickly turned away back to the window...What the FUCK was that? stupid face, pfft, whatever...Goku smiled, joyous to see some emotion coming from this 'prince', looking back to the confused group, the short kid asked "um, why where you two staring at each other for so long? Are you two friends with him or something?" In response, Goku place a hand behind his head, brightly grinned, "Um, not really, we were having a staring contest and I blinked." The group laughed at his cute behavior, completely forgetting Vegeta until, "hey, why do yall call him a 'prince'?" everyone eyed the blue hair girl since they know she could explain it easier for anyone to understand. With a sigh, Bulma explained, "well you see, Vegeta's father owns a company named Saiyan Corp and they call him the 'King' and since Vegeta is going to take over the company one day they call him the 'Prince'. TA-DA." Bulma proudly finished her speech leaving clueless teens in the end.



The teen with the scare on his face laughed, smiling like an idiot, "I called him the prince because he is kinda acts royalty, you know a royal pain in the ass." everyone nodded in agreement only leaving Bulma to sigh and Goku, ummm, staring I guess. The group continued to conversate, advising and guiding Goku to the rules of room 21, he even learned more about Vegeta such as the rumor. The rumor is that vegeta is really a prince from far away because the word 'Saiyan' doesn't exist in any language on earth, but that was just a rumor, right?


"EVERYONE take your seats!" the green skinned teacher entered the classroom after being absent for 20 minutes, "Now!" The student whined, yes Mr. Piccolo, drafting back to their seats. "Come on Goku, you can sit next to me." the blushing girl chichi patted the seat next to her, but Goku politely declined wanting to go back to Vegeta.


SIGH. God this is boring, just sitting here looking outside, ok not really since its a beautiful day. It reminds me of home, minus the blue sky, I wish I could go back just for a minute or two, for real. huh, that noise, the chair next to me has been moved, ah, Kakarrot is back, what a surprise. That woman's boy-toy has always encourage the person to stay with them instead of sitting next to me. Lets see how long he will last. Ha! this is going to entertain me some. Ok, i need to stop thinking for a moment, that bitchy teacher is opening his mouth. What is this, a partner? Project? House? NEXT to me? shit.


"I don't give a fuck about the subject of your project, but I want it done in three weeks from now. You don't have to worry and fight over partners because the person next to you will be your partner. Now go to each other's houses and start researching. Understood?!" Piccolo took the silence of his classroom as a yes, walking back to his desk, picking up an ashy brown torn book and began to read. Leaving the students to themselves.


A project with Vegeta, man what a day, I'm so exited i cant help but smile! i looked towards Vegeta only to see him writing in his mysterious black book, i wonder what he is writing about?


that damn son-of-a-BITCH, fucker of a teacher. i will cut, bite if i have to, his arm off and shove it down his throat then stabbed his eyes out with my fingers pour a whole bag of salt in his wounds! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. ok, calm down Vegeta. Breath.


I should discuss our project with his now, I feel a little hesitant by the way he looks, "what should we do for our project? Vegeta?" his white gloved hand that was furiously writing across the paper came to a stop and again he was like a statue, he really needs to stop that. it freaks me out. His cold dark eyes glance to me, sighing deeply he continued writing in his black book at a slower pace. "Veg-" he suddenly placed his gloved hand to my face, a sign for wait or shut up, most likely shut up. Without looking back at me he tore the page out of the book and handed to me, blinking a few times to register, i realize that on the paper were numbers and letters forming his address. "At the bottom is my cell, text me when you have time to come over," he turned to me with a serious face, ok with a grim look I should put it. "I don't want to fail this class because of you." I smiled at him, I cant believe he gave me his number, becoming his friend will be easier than I thought.

Entering his number into my cell was like eating your favorite ice cream after 2 years! I don't even now why I feel this was for him, I can just sense that he is different, it just gives me a thrill. I quickly text him back, I looked at him and said "my number," giving him my 'Goku grin'. Before he could respond, the bell rang, i whisper "later," then I left. heading out the door i glanced back at him, his head was down on the desk, not wanting to see me out. I wonder how long it will take for him to become my friend? We will just see, but now it is lunch time! i never had 3rd lunch before, i wonder if i have any friends there.


The Prince stayed in the hollow class room, staring blankly at the dull brown tagged desk...I just gave him my number! Damn, i can't take it back now, its too late. FUCK...Vegeta mentally scolded himself for showing friendship to a human. He placed his forehead on his desk, softly pounding it repeating the word....baka, baka...Letting it echo along with the word weakness. What to do, What to do? Anyway the prince's stomach growled, pleading for Vegeta to feed it, he sighed he totally forgot about lunch. Finally able to move he exit classroom 21 then down the hall, went up the stairs making a right and passed many single doors. dark chocolate double doors faced in front on him, the entrance to the cafeteria, full of starving teens, wanting to devour the so-called lunch. He entered. Vegeta walked across the pale white floor, sticky with unknown substance. Only looking forward ignoring all the curious and lustful eyes, walking all the way to the back until he opened a door that led outside, the fresh outdoors. He loved outside, being a Saiyan he felt trapped when indoors too long. Walking far from the school building and sat behind a thick oak tree. Taking out a capsule, clicking the top to activate it, threw it on the ground and in a poof, a stack of food appeared. Lunch time.

Goku watched Vegeta go to his spot...ok, now what? I ate there during first lunch....The human didn't know how to do this, but he could guess that Vegeta would not like him there also Goku was concern because of his abnormal appetite. Inhaled and exhale, Goku took a chance, maybe the other male wont judge him that much and well Goku didn't see any of his other friends who knew about the his stomach. He calmly walked towards the tree until a wonderful aroma hit his nose, drooling and giving him courage he continued. "Hey Vegeta!" the flamed hair male slightly jumped in surprise of the voice coming from behind him, "Kakarrot, what are you doing here?" he yelled.

"Well this is where i ate in first lunch, but now i see that you also eat here, so I decided to join you."

"What, no!"

"Please! Hey wait why do you have all this food?"

"Lets just say i have a large stomach"

"Wow! You can eat all this by yourself?"


"Well then I guess I made a good choice to join you."

Vegeta was confused with his words...made a good choice? What does he mean by that?...The answer popped in front of him, foods of all different kinds appeared from the capsule. "see i have a large stomach as well." Goku smiled feeling not alone, felt belonged now that he learned that the prince was the same. This shocked cant be, unless..."Kakarrot." the messy hair boy looked up from his meal to meet Vegeta's eyes, "yes?" The other male stared at him like trying to figure him out, making Goku feel uncomfortable, but he did notice that the person in front of him how beautiful his black eyes are as they shined in the sun...the eyes are the window of the soul, Vegeta your eyes are gorgeous, you are a kind being covered up by a cold mask, why?...Vegeta on the other hand felt that same warmth, a blush claimed his face the cause, Goku's stare, his eyes made him fidget. looking down back to his lunch to stop his heart from pumping the blood to his face, then with a cough Goku blinked out of his trance, "um Kakarrot, how long have you lived on earth?" What a weird question to ask, but Goku didn't think far ahead and answered seventeen years. Again surprised Vegeta, he put the puzzle 'Kakarrot' together, he needed to ask one last question before deciding. "Did you have a monkey like tail at one point?" This time Goku was surprised, "what? how-"

"i finally figured you out."

"What do you mean?"

"I can't believe I didn't realize it sooner, your apatite is larger than any human, you confirmed that you had a tail, we are the same age and the name 'Kakarrot' is Saiyan."

"Saiyan, like your company?"

"yes and no, I see that you don't remember, a little odd but I guess it is my duty to tell you this. Well Kakarrot today is your lucky day to know the true you. You are a Saiyan, you are not from earth or an alien I should put it.


That is it, like? I've been bored in class, so I've been writing this story...should i continue? XD