AU Crowne: Just a little edit for here

The wind was blowing silently as two children watched the sunset from a garden...

"You'll never forget me, right?", the little girl asked the boy beside her. She has a long red hair and bright emerald eyes. The boy looked at the girl's emerald eyes then smiled at her."Of course...I'll never forget you."

The girl smiled at the response, satisfied. She turned to him, putting something in his hand."Here, Allen..", she said, handling him a rose made of glass.

"What is this for?", Allen asked her.

"Keep it, so you'll have something to from me", she smiled back then looked back at the setting sun. After a few moments, she closed her eyes, deep in thought."Say, let's make a promise, Allen.."

He blinked at her."A promise?". She nodded."Okay..."

"Let's promise that no matter what happen we'll always stay together...", she said.

"...Oh, and we'll never let anything part us", he added as an after thought.



The white-haired teen slowly opened his eyes, his gray orbs staring at the glass rose on the table.'...always stay together, huh..', Allen thought to himself. He smiled bitterly at the thought. They had both promised that they will always stay together but in the end, they weren't able to keep it. His childhood friend had died a month after they made that childish promise. She had died because of a plane crash, all she left him was the glass rose she had given him. Allen wiped the tears that was slowly forming in his eyes then let out a soft sigh then stretched up.

"Timcanpy!", he called down. A smile formed on his face as he saw the oversized golden dog bound to him. He laughed softly then patted the hyper dog by his ears. 'Maybe I should eat now', he said as he heard his stomach growled. He was about to go downstairs to prepare his dinner when his phone rang. he picked it up from the table.

"Hello, this is Allen..."

"Yo Bean sprout, can you help us here?", a voice said from the other line.

"Lavi, it's Allen not bean sprout."

"Uhh...Beansprout we need your help. This stuff's too heavy!"

"Huh? Where are you?"

"Uhh..In front of the gate of the mansion.."

"W-what?!", Allen exclaimed,"What are you doing here at this hour? It's almost past eight!"

"It's a surprise..Just help us here.."

"Uhh..okay", Allen replied. He sighed then hanged up. Lavi had said 'us', it means that he probably had dragged Lenalee and possibly Kanda here.

"Stay here, Tim", he ordered the dog who wagged his tail in response. He smiled at the dog then left the room, closing the door.

Timcanpy watched as his master leave the room then he circled around the carpet and lied down.

He was about to close his eyes when a sound caught in his ears. He tried to ignore it but it got louder, his eyes snapped open. He tried to see where the noise came from.

The vase that held the glass rose was shaking as if there was an earthquake.

'Arf! Arf!',he barked out loud at the vase. The vase suddenly fell to the floor, broken into pieces. Surprisingly, the glass rose itself was remained undamaged.

He felt his fur stood up. He could feel there's something else inside the room, something sinister. It was coming from the glass rose. He continued to bark at it. Suddenly, one of the pictures fell on the floor near Timcanpy.

He jumped out in surprise then started scratching the door. He let out a loud bark, hoping his master would hear him and free him from this scary room.

An eerie laugh was heard in the room. Timcanpy quickly stopped scratching and cowered in fear.

"I won't...let"