Howdy all! Well, obviously this one is shorter than anything I've ever written and, at first, I was stumped as to why…Until I realized that I didn't attempt any character introducing! "Why's that?" you ask, "Because," I reply, "Shakaku is NOT one of my original characters". She actually belongs to LuciferDragon and I was granted special access to use her in this little number! If you want to read the story where she is from head on over to it, here's the first chapter: .net/s/4807377/1/Beginnings

A new craze had started sweeping the demon world. Human things were becoming popular and the Ryukai had started adopting the more appealing things. One of which was Halloween. It wasn't the celebration of the dead for the demon world; it was more of a celebration of their existence. The humans ran around dressing as demons, why shouldn't we demon-kind dress as well?

The number of trick-or-treaters had started dwindling. The door of our house had been silent since the last two teenaged male demons (one dressed as a taco, the other wrapped in white sandwich paper that read "Subway: Eat Flesh") had knocked roughly hour ago. Hiei, clad in his ridiculous red plastic horns, robe and plush tail, had already shut the lights to indicate we were out of candy. The candy strewn about the house implied differently, however. I wasn't complaining, though, our time was now our own. Instead of dedicating ourselves to the sugar-depraved children of the Ryukai we could pay attention to each other completely. It was time for more mature trick-or-treats…

"Sha" I heard my name and I looked to my mate. Hiei and I exchanged glances and, as if reading each other's exact thoughts, made for the bedroom.

Somewhere on the short journey Hiei had lost his costume. My own was homage to my cousin, I quickly removed the ears and threw them out of sight. My sock-like button-on-to-keep-in-place tail, however, proved more of a difficulty.

"Why don't we just leave it on, di'mio?" Hiei smirked as he wrapped his arms around me.

My hands gripped the seams and tore them apart, effectively removing the irksome tail. I mirrored his smirk but then a set of fangs sank into certain place on my neck and ceased all possibilities of a clever retort. I quickly submitted, letting him take me once without a fight. His hands massaged my chest and he was able to steal a mass of moans from me. My tail urged him on like a riding crop and my screams of ecstasy encouraged him to climax with me.

A minute or two later my mind cleared and provided me with an idea. I looked around the room and found exactly what I wanted on the floor. I quickly retrieved the colorful package and returned to bed before I could be scolded.

"What are you doing?" he asked as I straddled him and tore open the candy.

"You'll see" I gave my mate a lustful smile. I tilted my head back and was rewarded with the sweet flavored crystals. As soon as they touched my tongue they emitted a crisp popping noise. I moved downward and took his member into my mouth. I wasn't sure if he would enjoy the sensation at first but I was certain he did since he grabbed my head to guide me almost immediately after. I varied my speeds in an attempt to earn a load groan out of him. As expected, I was unsuccessful in a higher volume then the occasional grunts and sharp intakes of breath. As he released I took it upon myself to heighten his sensations by striking quickly and biting his mark as he had done to me.

He grabbed hold of my hips and growled out, "Now you've done it, di'mio"

Hiei's eyes held the carnal glint to them that I had become accustomed to. I knew that the rest of the night he would tease me to an inch of my sanity. I also knew I would enjoy every second of it.