A/N: about my sudden hiatus (posting on both the Ghost Hunt and Naruto fanfic stories)

Hey everyone, so sorry for going on hiatus without letting you know. I kinda just lost the inspiration to write fanfictions and got carried away with university. . . I work on projects every week! Eek! Also because I wanted to start original stories and stuff, so I'm sorry to say I won't be updating Wings of Espers any longer buuuut that's because I had decided long ago that I wanted to make it an original except my problem is that it's going to be a long series kinda of story, so I want to keep it on hold. But when I finally start working on it again, I will notify on here again and let you know!

Right now I'm on break and avoided getting a job :D So I can do what I want this holiday!

Meanwhile I am busy with trying to work on a comic as mentioned on my profile, it's going slow cause I'm not a fast drawer and I have started writing a sort of new story that I wrote long ago. It's called PSI-T. It's also about psychic abilties, you know my obssession with them ^^ hehe. So please go take a look and let me know what you think! The link is on my profile and I realllly would appreciate your feedback and even your help! I also plan to do some drawings for it, and I had already drawn a front cover for it ^^ I love drawing but sometimes drawing a manga is just tiring and slow. . .

So please check out my new story on FictionPress! The link is on my profile It's called PSI-T. In short it's about a thief (and more thieves) who steal using their psychic powers!

Thank you to all the readers, followers and reviewers up to this day. I really appreciate it so much^^ I'm sorry to disappoint you but it's only because I want to make the stories better!

Oh and with SPR on Hiatus, I might still update that. . . but reallllly slowly. Can't really say. . . Maybe once that Ghost Hunt live action movie comes out I might get that inspiration back! ^^ Really can't wait for the movie...
