This is my first Ghost Hunt fanfic, hope that you'll enjoy it^^ I thank Tbonechick2011 for the name of this story and its summary idea^^ Thank you so much~

SPR on Hiatus


Hello, my name is Mai Taniyama. You should know that by now. ^ ^

Through the years I had worked in SPR, otherwise known as Shibuya Psychic Research. Many things had happened: from finding out that Naru is really Oliver Davis, to solving many strange cases with everyone (without even really knowing much about each other at the time).

Even after Naru came back, we were still all working together.

We hardly, or rather, we didn't get to go out a lot; like go to the movies. The only time we ever saw each other was at the office or on a case.

Thankfully this time we all got each other's phone numbers and addresses. At the very beginning we didn't dare ask for it, but now that Naru was back and another case was accepted after his return, we decided that we should all get to know each other a bit more.

How we were to do that? I don't really know. We still hardly said anything about ourselves, and even that thought had never entered our minds, even when we were together.

For a fact, I knew that we'd probably never get a chance to let that happen. Especially with all the cases we are doing.

But presently, I really wonder how we got here. . . Where, you ask? Well. . . We'll have to go to the very beginning so that you'll understand.


Its summer right now, I could feel the heat beating on me whenever I walk outside. Luckily in the office we had air conditioners installed.

I was busy preparing Naru's tea in the small kitchen, as usual. When I had finished brewing the tea, I walked towards his office and knocked on his door.

"Naru! I brought your tea." I opened the door to see him reading his book as usual.

I really wonder what had made him be the way he is. I had always thought that Naru's cold personality was from a disastrous situation. But Mori-san had said that he'd always been like that.

That was really surprising, to have a horrible personality without a reason. Well, at least he's Naru the Narcissistic. I wonder how my life would've been like if he wasn't himself.

". . . . . ."

I honestly cannot imagine that.

"Is there something you need?" Naru's voice had interrupted my thoughts. I noticed that I've already set down his tea on his table. The smell of the Earl's Grey tea lingered past my nose.

"N-nothing." I stuttered, embarrassed for just standing there.

I mentally sighed; he could've thanked me for his tea. . . When will he ever be grateful?

I turned to leave when Naru suddenly stopped me.

"Mai. . ."

"Huh?" I turned around.

No way. . . He never stops me, could it be that he is going to finally thank me???

His expression held a slightly embarrassed look, just like that time when he asked me to keep the spoon bending a secret.

I silently gulped as I waited for him to say something, slightly hopeful.

"This summer....would you like everyone to take a vacation together?"

Guess I was wrong after all, he didn't thank me. I mentally sighed again.

"Sure, that'll be wonderful. . ."

I paused.

I blinked my eyes, staring at Naru who still held the same expression.

I blinked again and processed what he had just said.

When my eyes widened, he averted his gaze away from me and my mouth parted widely.


Did Naru seriously ask that!?

The Naru I know would never offer a vacation. Nor would he join!

Suddenly I heard Naru's office door slam open loudly. I turned to see a grinning Mori.

Madoka Mori, the person who taught Naru ghost hunting and has the most control of him than anyone else here.

"I'm so glad that you took my advice, it's about time you had a vacation!"


"Um, Mori-san. . . You made Naru ask that?" I nervously asked, shocked.

"Of course," she smiled. "He's been making you guys work for him all the time! So I made him ask you and everyone to go on a vacation!" Mori-san smiled brightly, a powerful aura surrounding her. "And he really did ask!"

Now, I was really shocked. I glanced at Naru, to see him stubbornly turn his head away.

You bastard. . . Don't ignore me!

I turned to Mori-san again. "Is even Lin-san going to go?" I asked.

Koujo Lin, originally from Hong Kong. He is Naru's assistant and is an onmouji.

"Of course!" she clapped her hands together, "And so am I."

Wow. . .

"Mai." Naru called me. I slowly turned to face him; still completely in shock.

"You've got everyone's number, don't you? Go call them and tell them about this vacation. Tell them to come later at 2:00pm." His expressionless mask was already back on.

Naru had used to be the one that called them and answered the phone, as I wasn't allowed to.

I nodded.

"I'll be leaving now too, I'll come back later at 2:00." she winked happily.

Then she walked out the room and I followed behind, waving goodbye when she had exited the office.


The first person I decided to call was Bou-san.

"What!? Really? He must've finally appreciated this old man's help!"

I laughed, "Naru and an old man on vacation together??"

By the way, Bou-san is just his nickname. His real name is Houshou Takigawa, a monk from Kouya Mountain. He used to be able to see spirits, until his head got knocked during one of his exorcism.

Next would be. . .

"A vacation!? That kid had better not planned it at the beach or something. That's if he wants a beautiful and clean lady to be with him."

Ayako. . .~ I sighed. Saying 'clean' was really unnecessary. . .

She must've been too shock to answer properly. When will she ever get over the fact that Naru doesn't care?

"Well, are you going to come?" I asked.

"Of course I am! How can I let this rare opportunity pass by? Plus who'll handle all the first aid?"

Ayako Matsuzaki, a self-proclaimed miko. Who is also born from a family of doctors.

Next person to call is. . .

"That's wonderful, I'm sure that everyone will enjoy themselves." I could already see John-san's happy face on the other side of the phone.

The always kind and smiling John Brown from Australia, who speaks with a Kansai dialect. He is an exorcist, who is already a priest too. Surprisingly he is only two years older than Naru.

Now, my next call shall be. . .

"What is it that you want, Taniyama-san." the sound of Masako's voice echoed in my ears.

A definite regret to call her, but I honestly didn't want her left out.

"Naru asked for everyone to come over at 2:00pm, we're going to go on a vacation."

"Really?" she asked, sounding slightly surprised.

"Mori-san-san made him plan it." I explained to her briefly.

"I suppose this is my perfect opportunity."

I silently growled.

Masako Hara, a famous psychic medium. She has a very doll-like appearance and use to be my rival for Naru.

Well actually, I'm not sure about who I really like. . .

Gene, Naru's older brother (also known as Eugene Davis), died from a car accident on a trip here in Japan. He became my spirit guide during the first case, where I first met Naru and got knocked unconscious by the cabinet. (That was when I first met Gene.)

I had always thought that he was Naru appearing in my dreams. They both looked very alike, because they were twins.

When I had told Naru about the dreams I had about him during the cases, he immediately knew that it was his brother. Then when I had confessed to him, he had told me that I loved Gene and not him. . . I even told him that I preferred the Good guy, who is Gene and not the Bad guy, which is Naru. It had left me very unsure and confused.

Anyway, now I had to call Yasuhara-san. He's not here right now, because he's still at the university.

Yasuhara Osamu, a student who we had met on one of the cases. He is a part-time worker in SPR.

Hehe, I am a part-time investigator!

"This is a great time to spend my honeymoon with Takigawa-san! I surely must thank Naru-chan!"

Not again. . . But even though I thought that, I still couldn't help but laugh.

"You're sure interested in old men." I giggled.

"Ah yes, but the inexperienced one is Takigawa-san, isn't it?"

I immediately thought back to the Bloodstained Labyrinth, where he had told that old man that he was 243 years old.

Yasuhara-san sighed. "It's no fun being the oldest, you have to take control of everything! I have to keep him on a leash wherever we go."

"Aa, but one problem. . . The old man thinks that this vacation is for just him and the Narcissist." I joked.

"Hmm, on second thought I'll just need a whip . . . and a smexy lingerie to seduce him. It's a Narcissist I'm up against here~" Yasuhara-san cheerfully said.

I burst out laughing rather loudly, causing me to get into trouble.

"Mai! Stop fooling around and get back to work!"

I turned around to see Naru holding his door open.

"Ah, alright!" I blushed, embarrassed.

"I'll see you later Yasuhara-san, Naru just scolded me."

"I've got classes now, so it's not a problem. Have fun with Naru-chan."

I blushed, "Wha--"

Before I could finish what I was about to say. Yasuhara-san had already ended the call. I sighed and put down the phone on the receiver.

I then smiled and turned to find Naru still standing by his office door, staring out of the glass window. He seemed to be thinking of something deeply.

"Hey. . . Naru?" I called out.

He turned his head to me, "Yes?"

"Why did you decide to agree with this vacation?" I curiously asked.

"Didn't you always want one with everyone?"

. . . Huh?

"Yeah I did, but everyone disagreed with the places I chose. Apart from John-san, that is. . ."

They don't seem fond about the beach or mountains. . .

"That's because you only think of places with animals living there, so that you can interact with them." he said and stepped back into his office before I could say anything.

That jerk!!!

I sighed, but then a smile formed on my lips. I'm really glad that we could go on this vacation, though. I just wonder where we're going to go. . .

Knowing Naru, if I had ask him, he'll just say that I have to wait for everyone to arrive.

But that's still in another 2 hours!

I slumped into the couch and sorted some files out to distract myself until then.


. . . And that is how we got here, for a vacation. Which will probably be a once in a lifetime thing. This is definitely going to be a long and exciting holiday!

Hope you liked it, it's just a prologue and not much but the next chapter will be out soon.

Please review so I know that you're interested or not^^
