Dragons of Chivalry 2

Chapter Six: Food Delivery

Thorn sat against the wall of her cave, hugging her knees against her stomach and chest, thinking about what she had told Jacob earlier in the day. She knew that it was the right thing to do, but she couldn't help but feel like her decision might be hurting her. What if, because Jacob took too long, the Dragon Lords found her and took her back to the cells? Or worse. Executed her on the spot for trying to "avoid punishment"?

Lost in her thoughts, Thorn's eyes widened and she stopped thinking as she heard the sound of flapping wings.

"The Dragon Lords!" The first thought on Thorn's mind came out of her mouth.

Her eyes wide, Thorn turned her head to the side, where she saw her stick-made, unfinished device. Quickly scrambling over to it, Thorn grabbed it and then rolled over so that she was sitting up.

As the sound of the flapping got louder and closer, Rose lifted up her unfinished weapon and shouted: "Stay awa-!"

However, before she could finish, a lone dragon landed at the opening of the cave, several pieces of food in his claws. Thorn recognized the dragon immediately. "Jacob!" Thorn exclaimed with relief as the red dragon walked further into the cave, closer toward her, so that Thorn could see the food in his claws: three pastries and two pieces of fruit.

"You're here!" Before Thorn even knew what she was doing, she was smiling as she set down her stick-weapon.

Jacob said nothing, even as he finally reached Thorn. Thorn's smile slowly faded as Jacob slowly lowered himself to his knees, setting down the food in the space between them.

"Are you here to help me plan my escape?" Thorn asked.

"No." Jacob answered truthfully. "I'm just here to deliver some food..."

"Oh..." There was a hint of disappointment in Thorn's tone.

"I...I, uh..." Jacob continued as he watched Thorn slowly reach for one of the pastries. "...I just...I met my new dragon master today..." He told her, Thorn biting into the pastry.

"How does this apply to me?" Thorn asked with her mouth full of the food in her mouth. "Does this mean that you're going to be even busier than you thought you were going to be?"

Jacob couldn't put his claw on it, but he almost felt as if Thorn was trying to make him feel bad-trying to guilt him in to saying something that would please her. "I don't know, Rose." He told her. "What do you want me to say?"

"There's nothing to say, Jacob." Thorn said, her mouth now empty. "I'm just wondering if I'm ever going to get off this island."

Hearing this, Jacob closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he took in what Thorn was saying. Exhaling, Jacob opened his eyes again, staring at Thorn, who was staring at him with a look of anticipation.

"You will." Jacob told her. "I've promised to help you." Then, taking another deep breath, he opened his mouth again. "I didn't plan on it, but...I guess I could spend a little bit of time helping you..."


A/N: I updated again! Chapter sucks, huh? Man, when I took three months off, I basically lost a lot of my ideas of how I'm going to build up to the climax I have planned. Kind of. I have some ideas, but for now I'm just trying to give Rose some time. Hope you like it, though.